Gabriel Segarra – Human Factors – Best Researcher Award 

Mr. Gabriel Segarra - Human Factors - Best Researcher Award 

Medical University of South Carolina - United States

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Mr. Gabriel C. Segarra's academic journey reflects a deep-seated passion for scientific exploration and interdisciplinary collaboration. Beginning with his Bachelor of Science in Biology from the College of Charleston, Segarra demonstrated an early commitment to understanding complex biological systems. His involvement in various research projects, such as his work on complement proteins and immune responses during his SURP Summer Researcher position at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC), highlights his dedication to advancing knowledge in the field.

As a Teaching Assistant in Molecular Biology Laboratory, Segarra not only enhanced his own understanding of molecular processes but also contributed to the educational development of his peers. His leadership as Principal Investigator for a NASA Space Mission Design project showcases his ability to lead multidisciplinary teams toward ambitious scientific goals, culminating in winning a design contest sponsored by NASA.

Professional Endeavors

Mr. Segarra's professional trajectory underscores his commitment to applying scientific principles to real-world challenges in healthcare. His tenure as a Research Program Assistant and subsequently as a Program Coordinator at MUSC's Embedded Human Factors and Clinical Safety Science Unit evidences his transition into a pivotal role in healthcare research. Under the mentorship of Dr. Ken Catchpole, Segarra spearheaded initiatives aimed at improving patient safety and quality of care in surgical settings.

His contributions to developing system analysis tools for sterile processing and integrating team training activities for robotic-assisted surgery underscore his hands-on approach to addressing critical issues in healthcare delivery. Segarra's ability to coordinate diverse research teams and his track record of presentations at prestigious conferences reflect his growing expertise and influence in the field.

Contributions and Research Focus

Mr. Segarra's research focuses on applying systems engineering principles to healthcare, particularly in the areas of surgical care, sterile processing, and transplant coordination. His work delves into understanding the intricate interdependencies within healthcare systems, with a keen emphasis on enhancing patient safety and quality outcomes.

His publications and presentations demonstrate a nuanced understanding of the challenges inherent in healthcare delivery and his innovative approach to addressing these challenges through rigorous research and interdisciplinary collaboration. By investigating patient safety incident reporting, reprocessing protocols, and simulation models, Segarra's research provides valuable insights that can inform policy and practice in healthcare settings.

Accolades and Recognition

Mr. Segarra's contributions have garnered recognition both within academia and the broader scientific community. His presentations at international symposiums and contributions to peer-reviewed journals reflect the esteem in which his work is held. Winning the design contest for the NASA space mission design further highlights his ability to excel in competitive environments and push the boundaries of scientific inquiry.

Impact and Influence

Mr. Segarra's work has the potential to catalyze significant advancements in healthcare delivery by bridging the gap between theoretical research and practical application. By elucidating complex interdependencies and developing innovative solutions, Segarra is poised to make a lasting impact on patient care and safety.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As Segarra continues to advance in his career, his legacy will be defined by his unwavering dedication to improving healthcare systems and outcomes. By mentoring future generations of researchers and continuing to push the boundaries of knowledge, Segarra's contributions will resonate far beyond his current endeavors, shaping the future landscape of healthcare delivery and patient safety.


A total of 342 citations for his publications, demonstrating the impact and recognition of her research within the academic community.

Cody Ding – psychology  – Best Researcher Award

Dr. Cody Ding - psychology  - Best Researcher Award

Southwest University, China; University of Missouri-St. Louis, USA - China

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Cody S. Ding's academic journey commenced with a Master of Science degree in Human Development & Family Studies from Pennsylvania State University, followed by a Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Psychology from the University of Minnesota. These foundational educational experiences laid the groundwork for his prolific career in educational measurement and assessment.

Professional Endeavors

Dr. Ding's career trajectory encompasses a diverse array of roles in academia and research. Noteworthy positions include serving as the Director of Psychometric Division at Regents College, New York, and as the Director of University Testing at Arizona State University. These roles underscore his expertise in assessment design, administration, and evaluation.

Contributions and Research Focus

Throughout his career, Dr. Ding has made significant contributions to the fields of educational psychology and measurement. His research interests span a wide spectrum, including data analytics and methodology, educational psychology, and assessments. Notably, his work delves into machine learning applications in education, cognitive and affective assessment of learning, and psychosocial development.

Accolades and Recognition

Dr. Ding's contributions to the academic community have garnered widespread recognition. His citation impact, with an H-index of 31 and i10 index of 68, attests to the significance of his research. Additionally, he has secured numerous grant awards, including prestigious funding from the James S. McDonnell Foundation and the Missouri Foundation of Health, highlighting the esteem with which his work is regarded.

Impact and Influence

Dr. Ding's research has had a profound impact on the fields of educational psychology and assessment. His publications in esteemed journals such as Personality and Individual Differences and Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience reflect the breadth and depth of his scholarly contributions. Moreover, his expertise in multidimensional scaling and machine learning has advanced methodologies in educational research.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As a respected professor and researcher, Dr. Ding's legacy is characterized by his dedication to advancing knowledge and practice in educational measurement and assessment. His ongoing efforts to explore innovative methodologies and address pressing educational challenges ensure that his contributions will continue to shape the field for years to come. With forthcoming publications and continued scholarly endeavors, Dr. Ding remains at the forefront of educational research, poised to leave a lasting legacy in his field.

Notable Publication


Gerald Voelbel – Cognition – Best Researcher Award 

Assoc Prof Dr. Gerald Voelbel - Cognition - Best Researcher Award 

New York University - United States 

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Assoc Prof Dr . Gerald Thomas Voelbel began his academic journey with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, where he graduated Summa Cum Laude in 1997, receiving the prestigious Jacqueline Lewis Award. Building on this foundation, he pursued a Master of Science in Psychology with a focus on Biopsychology and Behavioral Neuroscience, followed by a Doctorate of Philosophy in the same field, both from Rutgers University. His doctoral dissertation earned him the esteemed Leon Greenberg Memorial Dissertation Award in 2004.

Professional Endeavors

Throughout his career, Assoc Prof Dr . Voelbel has held various academic appointments, starting as a Research Assistant at Rutgers University's Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory and Center of Alcohol Studies. He later transitioned to teaching roles as a Teaching Assistant and Adjunct Faculty member. Dr. Voelbel's expertise and dedication led to appointments as an Instructor and ultimately Assistant Professor at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. He furthered his career at New York University, where he currently serves as an Associate Professor in the Department of Occupational Therapy at the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development.

Contributions and Research Focus

Assoc Prof Dr . Voelbel's research is centered on the intersection of psychology and neuroscience, with a particular focus on neuroplasticity and cognitive rehabilitation in individuals with traumatic brain injuries (TBI). His pioneering work has explored the effects of technology-based cognitive interventions on brain function and structure, shedding light on novel approaches to enhance cognitive functioning and quality of life for TBI patients. His research spans from investigating the impact of processing speed on memory in brain injury survivors to exploring coping mechanisms during the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, Dr. Voelbel has made significant contributions to understanding the neural correlates of executive dysfunction and problem-solving deficits in substance use disorder populations.

Accolades and Recognition

Assoc Prof Dr . Voelbel's contributions to the field have been recognized through numerous awards and honors, including the Leon Greenberg Memorial Dissertation Award, the National Academy of Neuropsychology Student Award, and the Steinhardt Full-Time Professional Development Fund Award, among others. He was also named Alumni of the Year by Rutgers University's Department of PM&R and Kessler Research Foundation in 2021.

Impact and Influence: Dr. Voelbel's research has had a profound impact on the field of neuropsychology and rehabilitation medicine, shaping clinical practice and guiding intervention strategies for individuals with brain injuries. His innovative approaches to cognitive rehabilitation have paved the way for personalized and technology-enhanced interventions, offering hope and improved outcomes for patients worldwide.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As a leader in the field, Assoc Prof Dr . Voelbel continues to inspire future generations of researchers and clinicians through his mentorship and collaborative efforts. His legacy lies in his relentless pursuit of knowledge and his commitment to improving the lives of individuals affected by brain injuries. With a focus on neuroplasticity and cognitive remediation, Dr. Voelbel's ongoing research promises to further advance our understanding of brain function and inform innovative interventions for neurological disorders.


  • Citations    772
  • h-index       13
  • i10-index     15

Notable Publication

Mukesh Kamti – Cognitive Ergonomics and Human Factors Engineering – Best Researcher Award

Mr Mukesh Kamti - Cognitive Ergonomics and Human Factors Engineering - Best Researcher Award

Indian Institute of Management - India 

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Mukesh Kumar Kamti embarked on his academic journey with a Bachelor of Science degree in Physiology from Siliguri College, North Bengal University, in 2014. This was followed by a Master of Science in Human Physiology with a specialization in Ergonomics and Sports Physiology from Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, West Bengal, in 2016.

Professional Endeavors

Driven by a passion for Ergonomics and Human Factors, Mukesh Kumar Kamti pursued a Ph.D. in Ergonomics and Human Factors Engineering at the prestigious Indian Institute of Management Mumbai (IIMM). During his academic pursuit, he engaged in multidisciplinary research and served as a Research Assistant (RA) at the Centre of Ergonomics and Human Factors Engineering (CEHFE), IIM Mumbai, from November 2017 to November 2020. Following this, he continued his research journey as a Project Assistant (PA) at the Ergonomics Laboratory, IIM Mumbai, from May 2021 to February 2023.

Contributions and Research Focus

Mukesh's significant contributions include his Ph.D. thesis titled “Cognitive study on Three-wheeler driver to evaluate Mental states and improve driving performance.” His research expertise extends to diverse projects, such as the study on the workstation and work tools of the Terracotta Handicraft Industry, ergonomic studies at tea estates, and workplace improvements in cashew processing units. His involvement spans the entire research process, from study planning to data analysis and manuscript preparation.

Accolades and Recognition

Mukesh Kumar Kamti has been recognized for his scholarly work with publications in reputed journals, including IEEE and Transportation Research Record. Notably, his research focuses on topics such as human factors associated with self-reported aberrant behavior among autorickshaw drivers and the evolution of driver fatigue detection techniques.

Impact and Influence

His impact extends beyond academia to the industrial sector, where he has been contributing significantly as the Assistant Manager Ergonomics at Tata Steel Ltd. Since March 2023, Mukesh has been applying his expertise to enhance ergonomics practices in a corporate setting.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Mukesh Kumar Kamti's legacy lies in his commitment to advancing the field of Ergonomics and Human Factors. With a rich academic background, extensive research experience, and a role in the industry, he continues to shape the future of the discipline. His proficiency in 3D motion analysis, biomechanics, and human-computer interaction positions him as a valuable asset in both academic and industrial contexts. As he forges ahead, his dedication to excellence and innovation promises continued contributions to the field of Ergonomics and Human Factors.

Notable Publication