Nunzia Carbonara – Business Intelligence and Analytics – Women Researcher Award 

Prof Dr. Nunzia Carbonara - Business Intelligence and Analytics - Women Researcher Award 

Politecnico di Bari - Italy

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Prof Dr. Nunzia Carbonara embarked on her academic journey with a strong foundation in Electronic Engineering, earning her Laurea degree from the esteemed Polytechnic of Bari in 1995. Her academic pursuits soon led her to delve deeper into the intricacies of Engineering of Advanced Production Systems, culminating in a Ph.D. from Politecnico di Bari in 2000. During her doctoral studies, Carbonara exhibited a keen interest in exploring innovative models of inter-firm networks within industrial districts, showcasing her early aptitude for interdisciplinary research at the intersection of engineering and management.

Professional Endeavors

Following the completion of her Ph.D., Carbonara ventured into the realm of post-doctoral research, further honing her expertise at the Department of Mechanical and Management Engineering of Politecnico di Bari. Additionally, her academic pursuits took her abroad as a Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Central England, where she gained invaluable insights into international perspectives on business and management.

Contributions and Research Focus

Throughout her academic career, Carbonara has made significant contributions to the fields of Business and Management Engineering. Her research endeavors have primarily focused on elucidating the dynamics of inter-firm relationships within industrial ecosystems, with a particular emphasis on the role of leader firms in driving innovation and competitiveness. Carbonara's interdisciplinary approach, integrating principles of engineering with management theories, has yielded novel insights into the strategic management of businesses operating within complex networked environments.

Accolades and Recognition

Carbonara's scholarly contributions have been recognized through various accolades and affiliations. Notably, she was elected as the Coordinator of the Management Engineering Program at Politecnico di Bari, underscoring her leadership acumen and commitment to academic excellence. Additionally, her active involvement in professional associations, such as the Italian Association of Management Engineering (AiIG), further attests to her esteemed reputation within the academic community.

Impact and Influence

Carbonara's research and teaching activities have had a profound impact on both academia and industry. By elucidating the intricacies of inter-firm networks and organizational dynamics, her work has provided invaluable insights for businesses seeking to navigate increasingly complex and interconnected markets. Moreover, her mentorship of students and engagement with industry stakeholders have fostered a culture of innovation and knowledge exchange, perpetuating her influence beyond the confines of academia.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As Carbonara continues to ascend in her academic career, her legacy as a pioneering scholar in Business and Management Engineering is firmly established. Her future contributions are poised to further shape the trajectory of research in her field, with a continued emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration and practical relevance. Through her mentorship, research endeavors, and institutional leadership, Carbonara remains dedicated to advancing knowledge and driving positive change in both academia and industry.


A total of 3635 citations for his publications, demonstrating the impact and recognition of her research within the academic community.




Hesham El-Beshbishy – Toxicology – Best Researcher Award 

Prof. Hesham El-Beshbishy - Toxicology - Best Researcher Award 

Fakeeh College for Medical Sciences - Saudi Arabia

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Prof. Hesham A. El-Beshbishy's academic journey commenced with excellence from the very beginning. Graduating with honors in Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Sciences from Al-Azhar University at Cairo in 1989 laid the foundation for his illustrious career. Subsequently, he pursued Master's degrees in Biochemistry, both from Al-Azhar University, and later from the University of Manchester, UK. His academic prowess culminated in a Ph.D. in Biochemistry from the University of Manchester in 2001. His doctoral research delved into the intricate interactions within the Anaphase Promoting Complex (APC), significantly contributing to the understanding of cell cycle regulation.

Professional Endeavors

Prof. El-Beshbishy's professional journey spans various prestigious institutions across Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Notably, he held key positions at Taibah University, serving as a Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and contributing significantly to the academic and educational affairs. His roles extended to coordinating academic activities and spearheading research initiatives. His tenure at Fakeeh College for Medical Sciences in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, as Director of Basic Sciences and General Requirements Department, underscores his leadership and expertise in medical education.

Contributions and Research Focus On Toxicology

Prof. El-Beshbishy's research endeavors encompass a diverse array of topics spanning molecular biology, biochemistry, and medical sciences. Notable projects include investigating the role of dietary antioxidants in mitigating liver injury induced by anti-breast cancer drugs, studying antibiotic-resistant bacteria in hospital wastewater, and exploring the prevalence and molecular detection of dengue virus. His multidisciplinary approach underscores his commitment to addressing critical healthcare challenges through innovative research.

Accolades and Recognition

Prof. El-Beshbishy's contributions have garnered widespread recognition and accolades. His inclusion among the top 2% of the most-cited scientists globally across various disciplines is a testament to the impact of his research. He has received prestigious awards for excellence in scientific research from institutions such as Taibah University and Fakeeh College for Medical Sciences, affirming his outstanding contributions to academia.

Impact and Influence

Prof. El-Beshbishy's research has left a profound impact on the scientific community, evident from his impressive h-index and substantial number of citations. His studies on topics ranging from antioxidant therapy to molecular diagnosis of diseases have not only expanded scientific knowledge but also paved the way for potential clinical applications. His mentorship of students and involvement in academic committees further underscores his commitment to fostering the next generation of researchers.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Prof. El-Beshbishy's legacy is characterized by a relentless pursuit of scientific excellence and a dedication to advancing medical science. His comprehensive body of work, coupled with his leadership roles in academia, positions him as a trailblazer in the field of biochemistry and molecular biology. Looking ahead, his continued endeavors are poised to further enrich our understanding of disease mechanisms and drive innovations in medical research, leaving an indelible mark on the scientific community for generations to come.


  • Citations   3093
  • h-index       30
  • i10-index    45

Notable Publication


Rosa M Garcinuño – Química Analítica  – Transcontinental Excellence in Research Data Analysis Award 

Dr. Rosa M Garcinuño - Química Analítica  - Transcontinental Excellence in Research Data Analysis Award 

Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia - Spain

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Rosa Mª Garcinuño Martínez embarked on her academic journey with an insatiable curiosity for analytical chemistry. Her initial steps involved pursuing a Ph.D. in Chemistry at Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), Spain, which she successfully completed in 2004. During her doctoral studies, Rosa delved into the intricacies of evaluating different immobilizations of antibodies on various supports for application in flow immuno-sensors, particularly focusing on drug determination in biological samples.

Professional Endeavors

Following her Dr. Rosa ventured into diverse roles in academia, enhancing her expertise and contributing significantly to analytical chemistry. From 1999 to 2001, she served as a dedicated Ph.D. student at the Department of Analytical Chemistry, UCM, Spain, where she honed her research skills. Subsequently, she took up roles as a Tutor and later as Academic Staff at the Department of Analytical Sciences, UNED, Spain, showcasing her commitment to both research and education.

Contributions and Research Focus on Química Analítica

Throughout her career, Dr. Rosa's research has been marked by a profound commitment to advancing analytical chemistry, particularly in the realms of sample treatment, chromatographic analysis, and mass spectroscopy. Her pioneering work includes the development of novel strategies for treating complex samples to determine organic pollutants in various matrices, spanning food, environmental, and biological samples. Her innovative approaches, such as matrix solid-phase dispersion (MSPD) and molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs), have significantly contributed to the field.

Accolades and Recognition

Dr. Rosa's contributions haven't gone unnoticed, with numerous accolades and recognitions underscoring her impact in the scientific community. Her research efforts have been rewarded with prestigious grants, including projects funded by national and international institutions like the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, and Spanish Institute of Oceanography. Moreover, her publications in esteemed journals and participation in specialized conferences have cemented her reputation as a leading figure in analytical chemistry.

Impact and Influence

Dr. Rosa's influence extends beyond her research endeavors; she is deeply invested in nurturing the next generation of scientists. Her teaching activities, spanning undergraduate and postgraduate levels, reflect her dedication to imparting knowledge and fostering research skills among young minds. Furthermore, her involvement in various teaching innovation projects underscores her commitment to enhancing pedagogical practices and promoting scientific literacy.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As Dr. Rosa Mª Garcinuño Martínez continues her academic journey, her legacy is one of groundbreaking research, exemplary teaching, and unwavering dedication to advancing analytical chemistry. With her ongoing projects focused on microplastic pollution and novel analytical methodologies, she is poised to leave a lasting impact on both the scientific community and environmental sustainability efforts. Her multifaceted contributions embody a steadfast commitment to excellence and innovation in academia.

Notable Publication