Sara Ramezani – Land Use Planning – Excellence in Research 

Ms Sara Ramezani - Land Use Planning - Excellence in Research 

Utrecht University - Netherlands 

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Sara Ramezani began her academic journey with a Bachelor of Science in Urban Planning at the Art University of Isfahan from 2013 to 2017. Her undergraduate thesis focused on the evaluation of urban health indicators in Tehran, with a case study on Tajrish, Bazaar, and Esmaeilabad neighborhoods. During this period, she not only achieved the highest GPA among Urban Planning students but also received the Student Organization Leadership Award.

She continued her academic pursuits at Allameh Tabatabatei University, earning a Master of Science in Urban Planning from 2017 to 2019. Her master's thesis delved into monitoring land use and land cover changes in Damavand from 2002 to 2018, earning her accolades such as the Iran's National Elites Foundation Scholarship and the Top Researcher Award at the university.

Professional Endeavors

Sara Ramezani has made significant contributions to academia and urban planning through her roles as a Senior Lecturer at Art University of Isfahan (since 2021) and Danesh Pajoohan Higher Education Institute (since 2022). She received recognition as the Top Lecturer at Art University of Isfahan and was honored as one of the Best Young Lecturer Talents at Danesh Pajoohan.

Additionally, she contributed to the professional realm as a Senior Specialist in Urban Planning at Pardaraaz Architecture and Urban Planning Company in Tehran since 2019. Her involvement extended to serving as the Secretary of the specialized group for construction and urban development of Damavand youth council from 2017 to 2018.

Contributions and Research Focus

Sara Ramezani's research has focused on evaluating land use planning systems and understanding green land transformation factors. Her diverse research interests include assessing citizen-local government interactions, monitoring land use changes, and exploring the role of informal institutions in participatory planning. Noteworthy publications include a comparative study on participatory land-use planning and the theory of the right to the city, as well as investigations into urban health indicators and factors affecting the safety of vulnerable groups in urban intersections.

Ongoing research, such as the analysis of the role of the institutional environment in land use planning and the foresight of the older adults' population in Isfahan, showcases her commitment to addressing contemporary urban challenges.

Accolades and Recognition

Throughout her academic and professional journey, Sara Ramezani has received numerous accolades and recognition. These include the Iran's National Elites Foundation Scholarship, membership in Iran's National Elites Foundation, Top Researcher Awards at both Art University of Isfahan and Allameh Tabatabei University, and the achievement of the highest GPA among Urban Planning students.

Her teaching excellence has been acknowledged with the Top Lecturer Award at Art University of Isfahan and the recognition as one of the Best Young Lecturer Talents at Danesh Pajoohan Higher Education Institute.

Impact and Influence

Sara Ramezani's impact is evident through her research publications, contributions to urban planning companies, and her role in youth councils. Her work has contributed to the understanding of participatory planning, urban health indicators, and the safety of vulnerable groups in urban environments. As a Senior Specialist, her influence extends to the practical applications of urban and regional planning.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Sara Ramezani's legacy lies in her dedication to advancing knowledge in urban planning, her excellence in teaching, and her significant contributions to the professional realm. Her future contributions are anticipated to further enrich the field, particularly in evaluating land use changes, addressing institutional challenges, and fostering sustainable urban development.

As she pursues her Ph.D. in International Development Studies at Utrecht University, her research proposal focusing on evaluating the land use changes process in agricultural land indicates her commitment to continuing impactful research in the years to come.

Notable Publication