Asif Sajjad | Spatial Data Interpretation | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Asif Sajjad | Spatial Data Interpretation | Best Researcher Award

Mrs. Zeina Youssef at Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan

👨‍🎓 Profiles

📚 Academic Background

Dr. Asif Sajjad holds a Ph.D. in GIS and Remote Sensing from Wuhan University, China (2021), where his dissertation focused on riverine flood risk assessment in Punjab, Pakistan. He also earned an MS in Geography from Government College University, Lahore (2015), with a thesis on flood risk management in Muzaffargarh. His undergraduate studies were completed at the same institution, where he researched the impacts of the 2010 flood in Kot Addu.

💼 Professional Experience

Currently, Dr. Sajjad is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Environmental Sciences at Quaid-I-Azam University, Islamabad (since Sep 2022). His prior roles include Visiting Lecturer at Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan (2016-2017), CTI Lecturer at Government Post Graduate College, Sahiwal (2015-2016), and Visiting Lecturer at Bahauddin Zakariya University’s Sahiwal Sub-Campus (2013-2015).

🔬 Research Interests

Dr. Sajjad’s research interests encompass climate change and water resource management, focusing on the impacts of climate change and developing sustainable management strategies. He specializes in flood monitoring and management, employing GIS, remote sensing, and hydrodynamic modeling. His work also includes environmental hazards assessment and land use planning.

🛠️ Technical Skills

He has expertise in GIS and remote sensing for monitoring flood disasters and assessing environmental hazards. Dr. Sajjad is skilled in 1-D and 2-D hydrodynamic flood modeling using HEC-RAS and excels in spatial and temporal analysis related to flood hazards, land use changes, and climate impacts.

🏆 Awards and Scholarships

Dr. Sajjad has received several accolades, including the Best Student Award from Wuhan University (2020-2021) and the CSC Doctoral Scholarship (2017). He also earned the Best Oral Presentation Award at the 2018 International 2nd Graduate Workshop on Geo-Informatics.

🌐 Professional Training

He has participated in international training workshops on resource and environmental scientific data sharing in Beijing (2023) and natural disaster monitoring and mitigation in Islamabad (2023).

📖 Publications
Flood hazard assessment in Chenab River basin using hydraulic simulation modeling and remote sensing
    • Authors: Sajjad, A., Lu, J., Chen, X., Mazhar, N., Shuja, S.
    • Journal: Natural Hazards
    • Year: 2024
Genetic variation between hybrid (Labeo rohita ♂, Cirrhinus mrigala ♀ and Labeo rohita) by RAPD marker
    • Authors: Butt, M., Perveen, S., Rasool, F., Chaudhary, I., Magsi, A.S.
    • Journal: Brazilian Journal of Biology
    • Year: 2024
Rapid assessment of riverine flood inundation in Chenab floodplain using remote sensing techniques
    • Authors: Sajjad, A., Lu, J., Chen, X., Chisenga, C., Mazhar, N.
    • Journal: Geoenvironmental Disasters
    • Year: 2023
Identification of time-varying wetlands neglected in Pakistan through remote sensing techniques
    • Authors: Aslam, R.W., Shu, H., Yaseen, A., Sajjad, A., Abidin, S.Z.U.
    • Journal: Environmental Science and Pollution Research
    • Year: 2023
Riverine flood mapping and impact assessment using remote sensing technique: a case study of Chenab flood-2014 in Multan district, Punjab, Pakistan
    • Authors: Sajjad, A., Lu, J., Chen, X., Mazhar, N., Nadeem, B.
    • Journal: Natural Hazards
    • Year: 2022
Flash flood susceptibility assessment and zonation using an integrating analytic hierarchy process and frequency ratio model for the Chitral district, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
    • Authors: Waqas, H., Lu, L., Tariq, A., Xing, J., Sajjad, A.
    • Journal: Water (Switzerland)
    • Year: 2021
Cause and damage analysis of 2010 flood disaster in district Muzaffar Garh, Pakistan
    • Authors: Mahmood, S., Sajjad, A., Rahman, A.-U.
    • Journal: Natural Hazards
    • Year: 2021
Operational monitoring and damage assessment of riverine flood-2014 in the lower Chenab plain, Punjab, Pakistan, using remote sensing and GIS techniques
    • Authors: Sajjad, A., Lu, J., Chen, X., Saleem, N., Hassan, H.
    • Journal: Remote Sensing
    • Year: 2020

Yuhan Nie | Spatial Data Analysis | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Yuhan Nie | Spatial Data Analysis | Best Researcher Award

Doctorate at School of Transportation Engineering, Chang'an University, China


Orcid Profile

🚀 Summary

Yuhan Nie is a driven Ph.D. student at the School of Transportation Engineering, Chang'an University, who has shown significant promise in the field of transportation engineering. With a keen interest in traffic safety and the utilization of big data, Yuhan has contributed substantially to understanding and improving transportation systems. His work is characterized by innovation and practical applications, aiming to enhance road safety and infrastructure.

🎓 Education

Yuhan graduated with a degree in Transportation Engineering from Changsha University of Science and Technology in June 2022. In the same year, he was admitted to the School of Transportation Engineering at Chang'an University to pursue a master's degree. Starting in 2024, he will embark on a doctoral program at the same institution, furthering his expertise and research capabilities in transportation engineering.

💼 Professional Experience

During his graduate studies, Yuhan focused on developing transportation engineering software and conducting traffic safety research. He has published two SCI papers, contributed to conference presentations, and received three competition awards. Yuhan has also authored two software works and holds a patent, showcasing his commitment to innovative problem-solving within the industry.

🔍 Research Interests

Yuhan's research interests include the application of big data to analyze traffic patterns and improve road safety. He has examined lane-changing behaviors to provide insights into traffic flow dynamics and infrastructure design. By utilizing data-driven methodologies, Yuhan aims to create solutions that optimize transportation systems and enhance safety for all road users.

🌟 Contributions

Yuhan is dedicated to advancing the field of transportation engineering through his research and innovations. His work on lane-changing behavior has resulted in the publication of two SCI papers, which offer valuable insights for improving road design and safety analysis. These contributions highlight his ability to bridge the gap between academic research and real-world applications.

📖 Publication

 Analysis of the Duration of Mandatory Lane Changes for Heavy-Duty Trucks at Interchanges
  • Authors: Min Zhang, Nie Yuhan, Chi Zhang, Bo Wang, Shengyu Xi
  • Journal: Sustainability
  • Year: 2024