Jian Li – NeuroArchitecture – International Data Mastery Achievement Award 

Mr. Jian Li - NeuroArchitecture - International Data Mastery Achievement Award 

University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli - China 

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Mr. Jian Li's academic journey commenced with a Bachelor's degree in Logistics Management from Beijing Wuzi University, where he delved into courses encompassing Transportation Management, Supply Chain, and Operations Research. Building upon this foundation, Li pursued a Master's degree in Fundamental Psychology with a specialization in Cognition at Southwest University, Chongqing, under the guidance of Dr. Quanhong Wang. During this phase, his research primarily focused on EEG studies regarding symmetry perception and cognitive processes associated with Chinese character recognition. These formative years laid the groundwork for Li's interdisciplinary approach, blending psychology with architecture and design, which would later characterize his doctoral and postdoctoral endeavors.

Professional Endeavors

Following his Master's degree, Mr. Jian Li transitioned into the field of architecture, embarking on a Ph.D. journey at the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Italy, under the co-advisors Massimiliano Masullo and Dr. Luigi Maffei. Here, he explored the intersection of architecture, industrial design, and cultural heritage, with a particular emphasis on multisensory investigations for elderly-centered urban design. Concurrently, Li engaged in diverse research projects spanning from the integration of augmented sound installations for noise masking in urban spaces to the exploration of lighting design's impact on urban park perception.

Contributions and Research Focus

Mr. Li's research contributions span a wide spectrum, from theoretical investigations to practical applications. Notably, his work has been published in reputable journals such as Applied Acoustics and Sustainability, covering topics ranging from traffic noise mitigation to urban park lighting quality perception. He has also presented his findings at various international conferences, shedding light on innovative approaches to urban sound planning and landscape perception.

Li's research focus underscores a holistic understanding of the built environment, incorporating elements of neuroscience, acoustics, and design psychology. His interdisciplinary approach is exemplified by projects exploring the impact of spatialized water sound sequences on traffic noise perception and the design of multisensory settings in urban parks using virtual reality technology. By bridging the gap between scientific inquiry and architectural practice, Li seeks to enhance the quality of urban environments while addressing the needs of diverse populations, including the elderly.

Accolades and Recognition

Throughout his academic and professional journey, Mr. Jian Li has garnered several accolades and recognition for his exemplary work. He was awarded the Excellent Employee of the Year at ShangHai PsyTech Electronic Technology Co., Ltd, showcasing his commitment to excellence in the field of neuroscience engineering. Additionally, Li received prestigious scholarships during his undergraduate and graduate studies, reflecting his academic prowess and dedication to scholarly pursuits.

Impact and Influence

Mr. Li's research endeavors have made a significant impact on the fields of architecture, psychology, and urban planning. By investigating the intricate relationship between sensory perception and the built environment, his work has contributed to the development of evidence-based design principles aimed at enhancing urban livability and promoting social inclusion. Furthermore, Li's interdisciplinary approach has inspired collaboration across diverse disciplines, fostering innovation and knowledge exchange within academic and professional circles.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As Mr. Jian Li continues to advance in his academic and professional journey, his legacy lies in pioneering research at the intersection of architecture, psychology, and urban design. Through his multidisciplinary approach and commitment to empirical inquiry, Li seeks to shape the future of urban environments, creating spaces that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also conducive to human well-being and flourishing. His future contributions are poised to further enrich our understanding of the built environment and inspire transformative design interventions that prioritize inclusivity, sustainability, and sensory experience.


  • Citations    40
  • h-index       4
  • i10-index    1

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