Prof . Seema Sahdev - Environmental Geography - Best Researcher Award 

Kalindi College - India

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Prof Seema Sahdev embarked on her academic journey with a strong foundation in Geography, obtaining her B.A. (Hons) and M.A. in Geography from S.D. College, Meerut University in 1985 and 1987 respectively. She continued her academic pursuits with a deepening focus on the subject, completing her M.Phil in Geography from the prestigious Delhi School of Economics in 1989. Her academic trajectory culminated in a Ph.D. in Geography from JMI in 2018, showcasing her enduring commitment to scholarly excellence.

Professional Endeavors

Prof Sahdev's professional journey is marked by her dedicated service as an Associate Professor at Kalindi College, DU, spanning over 22 years. Her role primarily revolves around delivering lectures to undergraduate students, where she imparts her knowledge and expertise in various domains of Geography. Throughout her tenure, she has exhibited remarkable administrative prowess, serving in numerous capacities such as Teacher-In-Charge, Member of various committees, and Convener of several crucial initiatives, illustrating her multifaceted contribution to the academic ecosystem.

Contributions and Research Focus

Prof Sahdev's research interests and specializations encompass a broad spectrum within Geography, including Political Geography, Electoral Geography, Environmental Geography, and Disaster Management. Her extensive research endeavors have led to the successful completion of several noteworthy projects funded by the Research Project Allocation Committee of Kalindi College, University of Delhi. These projects range from GIS-based emergency response systems to spatial studies on health care management and flood vulnerability assessments, showcasing her interdisciplinary approach and commitment to addressing real-world challenges.

Furthermore, her scholarly contributions extend to a plethora of peer-reviewed publications and edited books, where she has disseminated her research findings to the academic community. Notable among these are her publications on urbanization effects, ecosystem services, electoral behavior, forest fire severity mapping, and land use planning, underscoring the breadth and depth of her academic pursuits.

Accolades and Recognition

Prof Sahdev's academic prowess and contributions have been duly recognized through various accolades and distinctions. Her notable achievements include securing national scholarships, receiving certificates of merit for academic excellence, and being conferred prestigious awards such as the Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Best Teacher Award. Additionally, she has been honored for her contributions to the assessment of election results in an Indo-Ecuador intellectual dialogue, further solidifying her reputation as a distinguished scholar and educator.

Impact and Influence

Prof Sahdev's impact transcends her immediate academic environment, extending to broader realms of curriculum development, professional societies, and public service. Her involvement in curriculum development for undergraduate Geography courses at the University of Delhi underscores her commitment to shaping the future of academic discourse in her field. Furthermore, her active participation in professional societies such as the National Association of Geographers India (NAGI) and Association of Geographical Studies (AGS) reflects her engagement in fostering collaborative networks and advancing geographical scholarship.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As Prof Sahdev continues her academic journey, her legacy is defined by her relentless pursuit of excellence, multidimensional contributions, and unwavering commitment to scholarly inquiry. Her future contributions are poised to further enrich the academic landscape through innovative research endeavors, impactful teaching methodologies, and continued engagement in professional and public service activities. Dr. Sahdev's enduring legacy serves as an inspiration to aspiring scholars and educators, shaping the contours of geographical discourse and societal impact for generations to come.

Notable Publication


Seema Sahdev – Environmental Geography – Best Researcher Award 

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