Buddha Deka Boruah – Energy storage – Best Researcher Award 

Dr. Buddha Deka Boruah - Energy storage - Best Researcher Award 

University College London (UCL) -  United Kingdom

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Buddha Deka Boruah's academic journey began with a Bachelor's degree in Physics from Cotton College, Assam, India. His thirst for knowledge led him to pursue a Master of Science in Physics from the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IITG), where he delved into research on the structural and optoelectronic properties of hydrogenated amorphous silicon thin films on flexible substrates under the guidance of Prof. Pratima Agarwal. This foundational research laid the groundwork for his future endeavors in materials science and energy storage.

His academic pursuits reached new heights when he joined the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore for his M.S.-Ph.D. dual degree program. Under the mentorship of Prof. Abha Misra, he explored the coupled optical and electrochemical properties of ZnCo2O4 for radiation-sensitive supercapacitors, which marked his entry into the realm of multifunctional nanomaterials and energy storage systems.

Professional Endeavors

Dr. Boruah's professional journey reflects a relentless pursuit of excellence in the field of energy storage and nanomaterials. After completing his doctoral studies, he embarked on a postdoctoral research journey as a Newton International Fellow at the Institute for Manufacturing (IfM), Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, UK, under the supervision of Prof. Michael De Volder. Here, he further honed his expertise in developing aqueous energy storage systems, particularly focusing on zinc-based systems, and expanded his research into advanced multifunctional nanomaterials for photo-rechargeable energy storage systems.

His contributions as a Research Associate at the IfM, University of Cambridge, and subsequently as an Assistant Professor (Lecturer in Energy Storage) at the Institute for Materials Discovery (IMD), University College London (UCL), UK, have been instrumental in pushing the boundaries of knowledge in the field. At UCL, he established his research group with a primary focus on developing environmentally safe and cost-effective aqueous electrochemical energy storage systems, specifically zinc-ion-based systems.

Contributions and Research Focus

Dr. Boruah's research contributions have been multifaceted, spanning from fundamental understanding to practical applications in energy storage. His work encompasses the synthesis and characterization of novel electrode materials, development of advanced energy storage devices, and exploration of innovative approaches such as photo-rechargeable energy storage systems. His pioneering efforts in understanding the light-matter interaction of energy storage materials and leveraging optical energy to accelerate charge storage kinetics have opened new avenues for enhancing the performance of rechargeable batteries and supercapacitors.

His research focus on zinc-ion-based energy storage systems addresses critical challenges such as dendrite formation, charge storage characteristics, and electrode stability, paving the way for the development of next-generation energy storage technologies. Additionally, his investigations into planar energy storage systems and scalable nano-manufacturing techniques hold promise for realizing high-performance, on-chip energy storage solutions.

Accolades and Recognition

Dr. Boruah's contributions to the field have been widely recognized, as evidenced by the prestigious awards and accolades he has received throughout his career. Notable among these are the Royal Society-Newton International Fellowships Award, ACS Publications Peer Reviewer Certificate of Recognition & Appreciation, and India 2018 Top Cited Author Award from IOP Publishing. These honors underscore his significant impact on the scientific community and highlight the quality and significance of his research contributions.

Impact and Influence

Dr. Boruah's research endeavors have had a profound impact on the field of energy storage and nanomaterials, both in academia and industry. His innovative approaches to address key challenges in energy storage have led to advancements in materials design, device fabrication, and performance optimization, with far-reaching implications for renewable energy integration, portable electronics, and electric vehicles. His collaborative efforts with leading research institutions and industrial partners have facilitated knowledge exchange and technology transfer, further amplifying the impact of his work on society.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As Dr. Boruah continues to push the boundaries of knowledge in energy storage and nanomaterials, his legacy as a pioneering researcher and educator is firmly established. His commitment to excellence, interdisciplinary collaboration, and translational research will continue to inspire future generations of scientists and engineers. Looking ahead, Dr. Boruah's vision includes further advancements in sustainable energy storage technologies, continued innovation in materials synthesis and processing, and broader engagement with stakeholders to accelerate the transition towards a clean energy future. Through his unwavering dedication to scientific inquiry and technological innovation, Dr. Boruah will undoubtedly leave a lasting imprint on the field and contribute to shaping a more sustainable and resilient world.


  • Citations    2173
  • h-index       26
  • i10-index    32

Notable Publication


Paolo Immovilli – Neurologia – Best Researcher Award 

Dr. Paolo Immovilli - Neurologia - Best Researcher Award 

University of Parma - Italy

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Paolo Immovilli's academic journey commenced with a solid foundation laid during his formative years in Pontedera, Italy. Born on March 1, 1974, he demonstrated early promise, which led him to pursue a scientific track in education. Graduating with distinction from high school with a score of 50/60, he embarked on his journey in the medical field by enrolling at the University of Parma's Faculty of Medicine and Surgery. His academic trajectory was marked by diligence and dedication, setting the stage for his future contributions to the field of neurology.

Professional Endeavors

Dr. Immovilli's professional journey mirrors a commitment to patient care and advancement in neurology. After earning his medical degree with honors, he delved into clinical practice, initially serving as a substitute physician in general medicine and tourist medical services. His tenure at various healthcare facilities provided him with diverse experiences, from primary care to specialized neurology services. Noteworthy is his stint at the Neurology Clinic in Parma, where he honed his skills in diagnosing and treating neurological disorders, with a particular focus on multiple sclerosis (MS).

Transitioning seamlessly from residency to a permanent role as a medical manager at the Neurology Unit of Guglielmo da Saliceto Hospital in Piacenza, Dr. Immovilli assumed increasing responsibilities. His leadership in the MS Center underscored his innovative approaches to treatment, including the introduction of novel therapies and off-label treatments for MS and neuromyelitis optica.

Contributions and Research Focus On Neurologia

Dr. Immovilli's research endeavors have significantly enriched the understanding of neurological conditions, particularly MS, stroke, headache disorders, and their intersection with COVID-19. His prolific publication record, comprising over 91 articles in national and international journals, attests to his scholarly contributions. Notably, his research has been instrumental in elucidating the genetic underpinnings of MS, exploring novel treatment modalities, and investigating the impact of COVID-19 on neurological outcomes.

As a principal or co-investigator in numerous clinical studies, Dr. Immovilli has demonstrated his expertise in study design, protocol development, and data analysis. His involvement in multicenter trials and collaborative projects underscores his commitment to advancing neurology through interdisciplinary collaboration.

Accolades and Recognition

Dr. Immovilli's scholarly achievements have garnered widespread recognition within the medical community. His impressive bibliometric indices, including an H-index of 20 and over 1500 citations, underscore the impact of his research contributions. Moreover, his leadership roles in regional advisory committees and his involvement in advisory boards for pharmaceutical companies highlight his stature as a trusted authority in neurology.

Impact and Influence

Dr. Immovilli's impact extends beyond academia, as evidenced by his pivotal role in shaping clinical practice guidelines and healthcare policies. His efforts to integrate research findings into clinical practice have translated into improved patient outcomes and enhanced quality of care for individuals with MS and other neurological disorders.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Dr. Immovilli's legacy lies in his unwavering dedication to advancing neurology through a multifaceted approach encompassing clinical care, research, and education. His pioneering work in MS and other neurological conditions has laid the groundwork for future breakthroughs in treatment and management strategies. As he continues to lead initiatives aimed at enhancing patient care and driving innovation in neurology, Dr. Immovilli remains a beacon of inspiration for aspiring neurologists and researchers alike.


  • Citations   2866
  • h-index       24
  • i10-index    37

Notable Publication

Punit Boolchand – Basic Science Research – Best Researcher Award 


Prof. Punit Boolchand - Basic Science Research - Best Researcher Award 

University of Cincinnati - United States

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Prof. Punit Boolchand's academic journey began with a Master's degree in Physics from Punjab University, Chandigarh, India, in 1965. He then pursued his Ph.D. in Physics at Case-Western Reserve University, completing it in 1969. During his doctoral studies, Boolchand displayed a keen interest in the molecular structure of non-crystalline materials, which laid the foundation for his future research endeavors.

Professional Endeavors

Prof. Boolchand embarked on his professional career as a Teaching Assistant at Case-Western Reserve University from 1965 to 1969. He then transitioned to an Instructor position at the University of Cincinnati in 1969, subsequently climbing the academic ladder to become a full Professor of Physics and later branching out into Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Throughout his career, Boolchand held various visiting professorships, including stints at prestigious institutions such as Stanford University and Leuven University in Belgium. These experiences broadened his perspective and enriched his research pursuits.

Contributions and Research Focus On Basic Science Research

Prof. Boolchand's research interests spanned a wide array of topics, including the molecular structure of non-crystalline materials, optoelectronic materials, and high-temperature oxide superconductors. He conducted extensive investigations into the self-organization effects in disordered networks, shedding light on fundamental aspects of materials science.

Utilizing an arsenal of experimental methods ranging from Mössbauer spectroscopy to thermal analysis techniques, Boolchand made significant contributions to understanding the intricate properties of amorphous materials. His work delved into the coherent effects in nuclear radiation, providing valuable insights into the behavior of complex systems at the atomic level.

Accolades and Recognition

Prof. Boolchand's contributions to the field garnered widespread recognition, earning him numerous awards and honors. He received the prestigious George Rieveschl Jr. Award for Distinguished Scientific Research from the University of Cincinnati in 1995. Additionally, his election as a Fellow of the American Physical Society underscored the esteem in which his peers held him.

Impact and Influence

Prof. Boolchand's research not only advanced the frontiers of knowledge in materials science but also inspired a generation of scientists and engineers. His pioneering work in understanding the molecular structure of non-crystalline materials laid the groundwork for future breakthroughs in diverse fields ranging from electronics to energy storage.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As a distinguished academic and researcher, Boolchand's legacy continues to reverberate through the halls of academia. His insights into the self-organization of disordered networks and the properties of amorphous materials provide a roadmap for future exploration and innovation. Moving forward, his influence will endure as researchers build upon his foundational work to tackle the challenges of tomorrow.

In summary, Punit Boolchand's academic journey, prolific research output, and numerous accolades paint a portrait of a visionary scientist whose contributions have left an indelible mark on the field of materials science. His legacy serves as an inspiration for future generations of researchers seeking to unravel the mysteries of the atomic world.


  • Citations    15659
  • h-index       67
  • i10-index    199

Notable Publication

Anna Maria Vettraino – plant pathology – Best Researcher Award

Prof. Anna Maria Vettraino - plant pathology - Best Researcher Award

University of Tuscia, ViterboI - taly

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Prof. Anna Maria Vettraino embarked on her academic journey with a strong foundation in Plant Pathology, obtaining her degree in the field from the University of Tuscia, Viterbo. Her passion for understanding plant diseases and their impact on ecosystems was evident early on. During her academic pursuits, she delved into various aspects of plant pathology, laying the groundwork for her future research endeavors. Her academic achievements and keen interest in the subject paved the way for her distinguished career in academia and research.

Professional Endeavors

After completing her academic studies, Prof. Vettraino ventured into the realm of academia, assuming the role of Associate Professor at the University of Tuscia, Viterbo. Her professional journey has been marked by a relentless pursuit of excellence in plant pathology research. She has been actively involved in conducting research aimed at unraveling the complexities of plant diseases caused by both biotic and abiotic stress factors. Prof. Vettraino's expertise spans epidemiology, early diagnosis methods, and control systems for phytopathogens, utilizing innovative approaches such as Next Generation Sequencing techniques and biocontrol agents.

Contributions and Research Focus

Prof. Vettraino's research focus encompasses a wide array of topics within plant pathology. She has made significant contributions to understanding the etiology, epidemiology, and control of plant diseases in various environments, including natural ecosystems, agro-ecosystems, and urban areas. Her pioneering work in the application of innovative early diagnosis techniques and biocontrol strategies has advanced the field of plant pathology. Additionally, her research in biotechnologies in agriculture, particularly in viticulture and horticulture, highlights her commitment to developing sustainable practices in agriculture.

Accolades and Recognition

Prof. Vettraino's contributions to the field of plant pathology have earned her recognition both nationally and internationally. She has been involved in numerous research projects and collaborations, demonstrating her expertise and leadership in the field. Her appointment as an "external expert" in working groups at EFSA/Animal and Plant Health Unit underscores her stature as a trusted authority in plant pathology and biosecurity. Furthermore, her editorial activities and role as a reviewer for prestigious journals reflect the esteem in which she is held by her peers in the academic community.

Impact and Influence

Prof. Vettraino's research has had a profound impact on the field of plant pathology and beyond. Her work has not only advanced scientific knowledge but also contributed to the development of practical solutions for disease management in agriculture and forestry. By fostering collaborations and sharing her expertise globally, she has helped shape international efforts in combating plant diseases and promoting sustainable agricultural practices.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As a respected figure in the field of plant pathology, Prof. Vettraino's legacy is characterized by her dedication to scientific inquiry and her commitment to addressing real-world challenges in agriculture and forestry. Her ongoing research endeavors continue to push the boundaries of knowledge in plant pathology, with a focus on innovative approaches for disease management and environmental sustainability. Prof. Vettraino's influence will undoubtedly endure through the impact of her research, the students she has mentored, and the collaborations she has fostered, ensuring a lasting legacy in the field of plant pathology.

In summary, Prof. Anna Maria Vettraino's illustrious career exemplifies her unwavering dedication to advancing the field of plant pathology through groundbreaking research, impactful collaborations, and a commitment to excellence in academia. Her contributions have left an indelible mark on the scientific community and will continue to inspire future generations of researchers in the pursuit of sustainable solutions for plant health and environmental stewardship.


  • Citations   4768
  • h-index       36
  • i10-index    81

Notable Publication