Khaled Elsayed – Innovation in Data Analysis – Best Researcher Award 

Mr. Khaled Elsayed - Innovation in Data Analysis - Best Researcher Award 

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia - Malaysia

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Mr. Khaled Elsayed's journey in civil engineering began with a strong academic foundation. Graduating with a Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) in Civil Engineering from Sohar University, his academic pursuits laid the groundwork for his future professional endeavors. During his undergraduate years, Elsayed demonstrated a keen interest in structural analysis, laying the groundwork for his later specialization in this field. His academic achievements during this period reflect his dedication to mastering the fundamentals of civil engineering, providing him with a solid framework for his future research and professional contributions.

Professional Endeavors

Following his undergraduate studies, Elsayed embarked on a path of professional development, gaining practical experience in the field of civil engineering. His tenure as an Associate Design Engineer at Al-Fajer Engineering Consultants in Al-Suwayq, Oman, provided him with invaluable experience in designing and analyzing structural components for various civil engineering projects. During this time, he honed his skills in project management and client collaboration, achieving a remarkable 95% client satisfaction rate through meticulous attention to detail and adherence to project requirements.

Subsequently, Elsayed transitioned to a role as a Construction Engineer at Axes International Trade & Contract in Al-Suwayq, Oman, where he further refined his project management expertise. Managing multiple construction projects with unwavering commitment to quality and efficiency, he successfully led cross-functional teams and implemented innovative methodologies that resulted in significant cost reductions and productivity improvements.

Contributions and Research Focus

Mr. Elsayed's passion for advancing construction methods and optimizing performance led him to pursue higher education, culminating in a Master of Engineering (MEng) and a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Civil Engineering from The National University of Malaysia. During his graduate studies, he focused his research on the development of Prefabricated Prefinished Volumetric Construction (PPVC) modular steel constructions. His contributions in this area include the development of innovative inter-module connections, which not only improved construction efficiency by 30% but also resulted in a substantial reduction in costs. Furthermore, his research endeavors have been recognized through the publication of four high-impact papers in reputable journals, underscoring his commitment to advancing knowledge in his field.

Accolades and Recognition

Throughout his career, Elsayed's contributions have been met with recognition and accolades. His adept project management skills and dedication to excellence have earned him a reputation for delivering projects with 100% adherence to specifications and quality standards, garnering a commendable 95% client satisfaction rate. Moreover, his innovative solutions and research findings have been acknowledged through various awards and honors, highlighting his significant contributions to the field of civil engineering.

Impact and Influence

Mr. Elsayed's impact extends beyond individual projects and research endeavors, influencing the broader landscape of civil engineering through his commitment to excellence and innovation. By implementing efficient construction methodologies and pioneering advancements in PPVC modular steel constructions, he has set a precedent for sustainable and cost-effective construction practices. His research findings have not only contributed to academic discourse but also have practical implications for the construction industry, driving advancements in structural analysis and construction technology.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As Khaled Elsayed continues to make strides in the field of civil engineering, his legacy is characterized by a commitment to excellence, innovation, and continuous learning. With a solid foundation in both academia and industry, he is poised to further his contributions through ongoing research, collaborative endeavors, and mentorship of future generations of civil engineers. By leveraging his expertise in structural analysis, modular construction, and machine learning, he seeks to address pressing challenges in the field and drive engineering advancements that will shape the future of construction.

Notable Publication

Asri Wulandari – Genomic Data Analytics – Best Researcher Award 

Mrs. Asri Wulandari - Genomic Data Analytics - Best Researcher Award 

Padjadjaran University - Indonesia

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Mrs. Asri Peni Wulandari, M.Sc., Ph.D., was born on August 13, 1965, in Bandung. Her academic journey began at the Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), where she earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Biology with a specialization in Microbiology in 1989. Driven by a passion for the life sciences and biotechnology, she pursued her Master's degree at the prestigious Tokyo Institute of Technology in Japan, graduating in 1998 with a focus on Bioscience and Biotechnology. Dr. Wulandari further advanced her expertise by obtaining a Ph.D. in Biotechnology from The University of Tokyo in 2003, cementing her foundation in the field of biosciences.

Professional Endeavors

Mrs. Wulandari's professional career is deeply rooted in academia and research. She is a distinguished professor at Universitas Padjadjaran (UNPAD), where she leads the Department of Biology within the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA). Her research interests span a broad range of topics within biology, including microbiology, biotechnology, and bioprospecting. Over the past five years, Dr. Wulandari has spearheaded numerous research projects, often focusing on the sustainable utilization of rami (Boehmeria nivea), a plant with significant industrial and medicinal potential.

Contributions and Research Focus

Mrs. Wulandari's research contributions are extensive and impactful. She has led various projects funded by prominent national bodies such as BRIN (Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional) and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (KemendikbudRistekdikti). Her recent projects include:

  • Peningkatan Skala Produksi Serat dan Produk Turunan dari Biomassa Rami (2022-2024): This project aims to enhance the production scale of rami fiber and its derivatives, emphasizing sustainable agricultural practices and industrial applications.
  • Pencarian Kandidat Obat Baru Berbasis Metabolomik dari Rami dengan Pendekatan Machine Learning (2023): This innovative project explores new drug candidates derived from rami using metabolomics and machine learning techniques.
  • Mikrobioma dan Metabolomik Silase Daun Rami dengan Penambahan Probiotik (2023): Investigating the microbiome and metabolomics of rami silage with probiotic additives, this research focuses on improving feed quality and storage stability.

Mrs. Wulandari's work on rami has also led to advancements in biodegradable packaging materials, fire-resistant textiles, and ballistic protection materials, showcasing her dedication to creating practical and environmentally friendly solutions.

Accolades and Recognition

Throughout her illustrious career, Mrs. Wulandari has received numerous accolades for her contributions to science and technology. Her publications in high-impact journals, such as "Toxins," "Materials," and "Applied Food Biotechnology," reflect her commitment to advancing scientific knowledge. Her research on the cytotoxic activity of fungal steroids, tensile strength improvements of rami fiber, and the bioactive compounds of endophytic fungi are particularly notable.

Impact and Influence

Mrs. Wulandari's influence extends beyond her research. As a mentor and leader, she has played a pivotal role in developing academic programs, such as the curriculum for the Merdeka Belajar-Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) initiative at UNPAD. Her efforts in standardizing and enhancing educational frameworks have significantly impacted the quality of biological sciences education in Indonesia.

Her collaborative approach, often involving interdisciplinary teams and partnerships with other institutions, has fostered a robust research environment at UNPAD. Dr. Wulandari's leadership in projects funded by national and international bodies underscores her ability to attract and manage significant research investments.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Looking forward, Mrs. Wulandari aims to continue her pioneering work in biotechnology and sustainable materials. Her ongoing projects, including the development of biodegradable composites and the exploration of rami's medicinal properties, promise to yield innovative solutions to global challenges. Her dedication to mentoring the next generation of scientists ensures that her legacy will endure, inspiring future research and innovation in biological sciences.

In conclusion, Mrs. Asri Peni Wulandari, M.Sc., Ph.D., stands as a beacon of excellence in the field of biology and biotechnology. Her academic and professional journey, marked by significant research contributions and impactful leadership, has left an indelible mark on scientific research and education. As she continues to push the boundaries of knowledge, her work promises to shape the future of sustainable technology and bioprospecting, reinforcing her status as a leading figure in her field.

Notable Publication


Neelam Sharma – Computational Biology – Best Researcher Award 

Assist Prof Dr. Neelam Sharma - Computational Biology - Best Researcher Award 

B V Raju Institute of Technology - India

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Assist Prof Dr. Neelam Sharma embarked on her academic journey in Biotechnology at Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar University, where she pursued her Bachelor of Science from 2010 to 2013. Her undergraduate thesis focused on optimizing the expression of a soluble recombinant His-tagged protein in BL21 cells, an essential study in the field of recombinant DNA technology. Her drive for deeper knowledge led her to obtain a Master of Science (Honors) in Biotechnology from GLA University, where she investigated the epidemiology of vaginal candidiasis, culminating her studies in 2015 with an impressive CGPA of 9.34.

Professional Endeavors

Following her master’s degree, Assist Prof Dr. Sharma began her professional career as a Research Intern at Aligarh Muslim University, gaining valuable laboratory experience. Her academic career advanced rapidly as she became an Assistant Professor at Gagan College of Management & Technology in 2016, where she taught and conducted laboratory work in immunology, microbiology, and molecular biology. Dr. Sharma later pursued her Ph.D. in Computational Biology at Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi, producing significant research on designing therapeutic molecules against virulent factors of pathogens, which she completed in 2022.

Contributions and Research Focus

Assist Prof Dr. Sharma’s research has been pivotal in the intersection of computational biology and biotechnological applications, particularly in protein/peptide therapeutics, genomics, and immuno-informatics. Her postdoctoral work at the University of California, San Francisco, involved analyzing HLA typing data from different sequencing platforms and exploring biomarkers for transplantation. This work led to significant insights into organ and bone marrow transplantation therapies.

Assist Prof Dr. Sharma developed several machine learning tools during her tenure as an Academic Researcher at IIIT-Delhi, which helped in predicting and identifying proteins and peptides involved in various diseases. These tools have been critical for the scientific community, aiding in disease management and vaccine development.

Accolades and Recognition

Assist Prof Dr. Sharma’s scholarly contributions are well-recognized in the scientific community, evidenced by her prolific output of peer-reviewed journal articles. She has published extensively, with articles in high-impact journals such as Briefings in Bioinformatics and Computers in Biology and Medicine, contributing significantly to the fields of computational proteomics and bioinformatics.

Impact and Influence

Assist Prof Dr. Sharma's work has significantly advanced the understanding of computational tools in the design of therapeutic molecules and vaccine candidates. Her development of bio-resources and webservers has provided essential tools for researchers worldwide, facilitating better disease management and therapeutic interventions. Her research in identifying virulent proteins and their role in disease mechanisms has opened new avenues for targeted therapy approaches.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As an assistant professor and an active researcher, Assist Prof Dr. Sharma is not only contributing to the body of knowledge but is also profoundly impacting the next generation of scientists through her teachings and supervision of research projects. Her role in educating and mentoring students in big data mining and machine learning for biomedical applications is preparing a skilled workforce capable of continuing the advancement of computational biology.

Assist Prof Dr. Sharma’s future in computational biology and biotechnology looks promising. She continues to expand her research into new areas such as cheminformatics and machine learning applications, aiming to develop novel computational methods that can lead to breakthroughs in drug repurposing and the therapeutic peptides domain. Her ongoing research and potential discoveries continue to contribute to her legacy in the scientific community, marking her as a leader in integrating computational tools with biological research for medical advancements.


A total of  783 citations for his publications, demonstrating the impact and recognition of her research within the academic community.

George Vithoulkas – analysis of medical data – Excellence in Research 

Prof. George Vithoulkas - analysis of medical data - Excellence in Research 

University of the Aegean - Greece

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Prof. George Vithoulkas embarked on his academic journey with a fervent dedication to reviving and advancing the field of homeopathy. Born in Greece, his pursuit of knowledge in the domain of homeopathic medicine began over six decades ago. His early academic pursuits were marked by an insatiable curiosity and an unwavering commitment to the principles laid down by Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy. Vithoulkas delved deep into understanding the intricacies of homeopathic philosophy and methodology, laying the foundation for his future endeavors.

Professional Endeavors

Throughout his illustrious career, George Vithoulkas emerged as a leading authority in homeopathic medicine, transcending geographical boundaries to spread awareness and knowledge. His professional endeavors were characterized by an unparalleled dedication to education and practice. Vithoulkas pioneered a teaching methodology that emphasized practical learning, allowing students to witness live cases and follow-ups, thereby enriching their understanding of classical homeopathy. As a professor at esteemed institutions worldwide, including the University of the Aegean and the State Medical University of Chuvash Republic, Russia, Vithoulkas imparted invaluable insights to aspiring homeopaths.

Contributions and Research Focus

Prof. Vithoulkas's contributions to the field of medicine and homeopathy are multifaceted and profound. He elucidated concepts such as the Levels of Health and the Continuum of a Unified Theory of Diseases, providing a comprehensive framework for understanding health and disease. His research delved into the transmutation of acute inflammatory conditions into chronic diseases, challenging conventional medical paradigms. Through seminal works like "The Science of Homeopathy" and "The New Model for Health and Disease," Vithoulkas reshaped the discourse on holistic healing. Moreover, his development of the Vithoulkas Expert System (VES) and the Vithoulkas Compass revolutionized homeopathic practice, making it more accessible and efficient.

Accolades and Recognition

Prof. Vithoulkas's groundbreaking contributions have garnered widespread acclaim and recognition on both national and international levels. He has been honored with prestigious awards, including the Right Livelihood Award, also known as the Alternative Nobel Prize, for his outstanding contributions to homeopathic knowledge and education. Recognized as the "Homeopath of the Millennium" by the Minister of Health in India, Vithoulkas's influence extends far beyond conventional boundaries. His honorary professorships at esteemed universities worldwide and his induction as an Honorary Fellow of the Faculty of Homeopathy, UK, underscore the magnitude of his impact on the medical community.

Impact and Influence

Prof. George Vithoulkas's influence extends beyond academia, shaping the practice of homeopathy and the perception of holistic medicine globally. His teachings have empowered generations of homeopaths to embrace classical principles and fostered a deeper understanding of the human condition. By advocating for the integration of homeopathy into mainstream medical education, Vithoulkas has paved the way for a more inclusive approach to healthcare. His advocacy efforts at international forums, including the World Health Organization and the European Parliament, have elevated the status of homeopathy and garnered institutional support.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As George Vithoulkas continues to inspire and educate, his legacy as a pioneering figure in homeopathic medicine remains unparalleled. His profound insights and innovative methodologies have left an indelible mark on the field, shaping its trajectory for years to come. With an unwavering commitment to excellence and a passion for advancing homeopathic knowledge, Vithoulkas's future contributions hold the promise of further enriching the practice and understanding of holistic healing. Through his books, academic endeavors, and ongoing research, he continues to champion the cause of classical homeopathy, ensuring its enduring relevance in the modern medical landscape.

Notable Publication

MD Rabiul Islam – Biomedical Signal Processing Award – Best Researcher

Mr. MD Rabiul Islam - Biomedical Signal Processing Award - Best Researcher

Texas A&M University - Bangladesh

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Mr. Md. Rabiul Islam embarked on his academic journey with a solid foundation in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) at Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET), Bangladesh. He demonstrated exceptional academic prowess, achieving a remarkable CGPA of 4.00 out of 4.00 in his M.Sc. Eng. (EEE) and 3.63 out of 4.00 in his B.Sc. Eng. (EEE). His dedication and passion for learning were evident from his early years, as evidenced by his consistent academic excellence throughout his educational endeavors.

Professional Endeavors

Mr. Rabiul Islam's professional journey has been characterized by a blend of teaching, research, and leadership roles. He started as a Lecturer at the Department of EEE, North Western University, Khulna, Bangladesh, where he imparted knowledge in electrical circuits, digital signal processing, and measurement and instrumentation. His commitment to academia led him to progressively higher positions, culminating in his current role as an Assistant Professor (on Leave) at the Department of EEE, Bangladesh Army University of Engineering & Technology, Natore, Bangladesh.

Contributions and Research Focus

Driven by a passion for Artificial Intelligence (AI), Rabiul Islam has made significant contributions to the field of medical imaging, AI, machine learning, signal processing, computer vision, and pattern recognition. His research interests span a wide spectrum, including emotion recognition from EEG signals, fall detection systems, text detection, skin lesion classification, and more. His current focus lies in medical image analysis, particularly in cardiac imaging, exploring the application of AI in heart disease diagnosis and assessment.

Accolades and Recognition

Mr. Rabiul Islam's academic and research contributions have earned him prestigious accolades and recognition. He has authored numerous journal papers and conference papers, demonstrating his expertise in various domains. Notably, his paper titled "Multiple Regression Analysis Based Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Level Estimation Using Photoplethysmography" received the Best Paper Award at the 2021 International Conference on Automation, Control, and Mechatronics for Industry 4.0.

The Biomedical Data Analysis and Signal Processing Award recognizes outstanding contributions in the realm of biomedical signal processing and data analysis. This prestigious accolade celebrates advancements in techniques and methodologies utilized to extract meaningful insights from various biomedical signals and data sources. From intricate physiological signals to complex medical imaging data, recipients of this award demonstrate innovation and excellence in applying signal processing techniques, such as digital signal processing, time-frequency analysis, and pattern recognition, to analyze and interpret biomedical information.

Impact and Influence

Through his research endeavors, Rabiul Islam has contributed significantly to advancing knowledge and innovation in the fields of AI, machine learning, and biomedical signal processing. His work on emotion recognition, fall detection systems, and medical image analysis has the potential to revolutionize healthcare diagnostics and enhance patient care. His publications have been widely cited, indicating the impact and influence of his research within the scientific community.

Legacy and Future Contributions On Biomedical Signal Processing Award

As a dedicated scholar and educator, Rabiul Islam's legacy lies in his commitment to academic excellence, research innovation, and mentorship. He continues to inspire future generations of researchers through his teaching, supervision, and scholarly activities. Moving forward, he aims to further explore the intersection of AI, healthcare, and technology to address pressing societal challenges and improve the quality of life globally. His future contributions are poised to leave a lasting imprint on the fields of AI and medical imaging, shaping the landscape of healthcare and technology.


  • Citations   861
  • h-index       12
  • i10-index    14

Notable Publication

Francesca Iannone – Molecular Biology Award – Young Scientist Award

Dr. Francesca Iannone - Molecular Biology Award - Young Scientist Award

University Magna Graecia of Catanzaro - Italy 

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Francesca Iannone's academic journey began with her enrollment in the University of Calabria, where she pursued her passion for biology. Her dedication and academic excellence were evident as she graduated with top honors, receiving a grade of 110/110 cum laude for both her three-year degree and her master's degree in Biology. During her undergraduate years, she undertook internships to gain practical experience in microbiology and virology, showcasing her commitment to bridging theoretical knowledge with hands-on laboratory work. This early exposure laid a solid foundation for her future research endeavors.

Professional Endeavors

After completing her master's degree, Francesca embarked on a path of continuous learning and exploration. She secured a position as a research fellow at the University of Magna Graecia of Catanzaro, delving into the realms of proteomics and mass spectrometry. Her work focused on analyzing the peptidome of cancer-associated fibroblasts, demonstrating her commitment to cutting-edge research in cancer biology. Additionally, she served as a tutor for General Biology, sharing her expertise with the next generation of scientists.

Contributions and Research Focus On Molecular Biology Award

Dr. Francesca's research journey has been characterized by a multifaceted approach to understanding complex biological phenomena. From investigating genetic and epigenetic markers of human aging and longevity during her Ph.D. to exploring muscle-specific microRNAs in sarcopenia, her work spans various facets of clinical biochemistry and molecular biology. Notably, her contributions to the characterization of genetic factors related to age-related diseases such as Alzheimer's and atherosclerosis highlight her commitment to advancing our understanding of these conditions.

Accolades and Recognition

Throughout her academic and research career, Francesca has garnered recognition for her exemplary work. Her outstanding academic achievements, including receiving top honors for her degrees and winning prestigious research awards, underscore her dedication to excellence in the field of life sciences. Moreover, her publications in reputable journals and presentations at international conferences have solidified her reputation as a promising young scientist.

Impact and Influence

Dr. Francesca's research has the potential to make a significant impact on both scientific knowledge and clinical practice. By elucidating molecular mechanisms underlying age-related diseases and cancer progression, her work lays the groundwork for the development of novel diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. Furthermore, her commitment to mentorship and education ensures that her influence extends beyond the laboratory, inspiring future generations of scientists to pursue excellence in biomedical research.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As Francesca continues to advance in her career, her legacy as a dedicated researcher and mentor is already well-established. Moving forward, she aims to further deepen our understanding of disease mechanisms and contribute to the development of personalized medicine approaches. Through her ongoing research endeavors, mentorship activities, and collaborative efforts, Francesca remains poised to leave a lasting impact on the field of clinical biochemistry and molecular biology, shaping the future of healthcare and scientific inquiry.

Notable Publication


Electra Papadopoulou | Women Researcher Award | Emerging Research Trends

Electra Papadopoulou - Chimar Hellas Sa - Emerging Research Trends🏆

Dr Electra Papadopoulou : Emerging Research Trends

Professional profile:

Early Academic Pursuits:

 Dr. Electra Papadopoulou embarked on her academic journey with a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from the School of Sciences at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, in 2002. Her passion for learning continued as she pursued a Master of Science in Materials Science in 2010, also at Aristotle University. Notably, she expanded her academic horizons by earning an MPhil in bio-based materials from Aston University in the U.K. in 2009. This diverse educational background laid the foundation for her subsequent achievements.

Professional Endeavors:

Throughout her career,  Dr.Electra Papadopoulou has demonstrated her expertise and commitment in the field of research and development. Starting as an Officer in the Intellectual Property Protection & R&D Support Department at  Dr. in 2000, she progressively advanced to the role of Senior Researcher and Bioeconomy Expert in the R&D Department. Her journey with CHIMAR HELLAS S.A spans from 2000 to the present, showcasing her long-standing dedication to the organization.

Contributions and Research Focus:

Electra's research focus is underscored by her academic achievements, with a PhD in Physics obtained from the School of Sciences at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in 2019. Currently serving as a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Physics School at the same university, she continues to contribute to the academic community. Her expertise extends to bio-based materials, aligning with her MPhil specialization, and her role as a key figure in the field of bioeconomy is evident through her leadership as the Co-Founder and President of the Greek Bioeconomy Forum.

Accolades and Recognition:

Electra Papadopoulou's commitment and expertise have not gone unnoticed. Her role as a Review Panel expert for COST Actions/EU from 2017 to 2023 and her membership in the EU Bioeconomy panel (DG R&D) from 2013 to 2015 exemplify the recognition she has received at the European level. Additionally, her involvement in the Advisory Group of the Greek Secretariat of Research and Innovation and the Strategic Partnership Planning Group of the Ministry of Rural Development and Food highlights her impact on national policy and development.

Impact and Influence:

As a Senior Researcher and Bioeconomy Expert, Electra has significantly contributed to CHIMAR HELLAS S.A's R&D Department, playing a pivotal role in shaping the organization's trajectory. Her influence extends beyond her workplace, as seen in her active participation in various national and European committees, showcasing her commitment to advancing research, innovation, and sustainable development.

Legacy and Future Contributions:

 Dr.Electra Papadopoulou has established herself as a leading figure in the intersection of physics, materials science, and bioeconomy. Her legacy is marked by her role in founding and presiding over the Greek Bioeconomy Forum, influencing policy decisions, and contributing to numerous seminars and courses. Moving forward, her dedication to research and sustainable development positions her as a key contributor to future advancements in the field. Her multifaceted expertise, from intellectual property protection to chemical hazard classification, exemplifies a versatile professional poised to make enduring contributions to science and innovation.

Notable Publication:

Electra Papadopoulou, Theresa Rücker, Zoe Nikolaidou, Sotirios Kountouras, Themistoklis Sevastiadis, Torbjørn Pettersen, Bernd Wittgens, Electrochemically treated lignin in phenolic resins for plywood panels, Sustainable Chemistry for the Environment, Volume 4, 20 December 2023, 100049,

Lamprini Malletzidou, Electra Papadopoulou, Lazaros Papadopoulos, Charles Markessini, Dimitrios N. Bikiaris, Konstantinos Chrissafis, George Vourlias, Novel Biobased Polyester Resins for Wood Applications: Morphological, Thermal, and Chemical Characterization, Symp. 405, Issue 1, October 2022.

Sarmite Janceva, Anna Andersone, Uldis Spulle, Ramunas Tupciauskas, Electra Papadopoulou, Oskars   Bikovens, Martins Andzs, Natalija Zaharova, Gints Rieksts and Galina Telysheva, Eco-Friendly Adhesives Based on the Oligomeric Condensed Tannins-Rich Extract from Alder Bark for Particleboard and Plywood Production, Materials 2022, 15(11), 3894;

Lazaros Papadopoulos, Lamprini Malletzidou, Dimitra Patsiaoura, Andreas Magaziotis, Eleni Psochia, Zoi Terzopoulou, Konstantinos Chrissafis, Charles Markessini, Electra Papadopoulou and Dimitrios N. Bikiaris, Synthesis and Characterization of Unsaturated Succinic Acid Biobased Polyester Resins, Sci. 2021, 11(3), 896;

Evangelia Tarani, Dimitra Patsiaoura, Electra Papadopoulou, Eleni Pavlidou and Konstantinos Chrissafis, A New Textile Economy: Synthesis and Characterization of Phenolic Type Resin with Protein from Waste Textiles Suitable for Wood-Based Panels, mpdi, Proceedings 2021, 69, 15.

Arbab Husain | Best Researcher Award | Biochemistry

Arbab Husain - Department of Biotechnology and Life Sciences, Mangalayatan University - rare earth luminescence🏆

Dr Arbab Husain : Biochemistry

Professional profile:

Early Academic Pursuits:

 Dr. Arbab Husain embarked on his academic journey with a strong foundation in biochemistry. Graduating with honors in Biochemistry from Aligarh Muslim University in 2012, he continued his academic pursuits with a Master's degree in the same subject from the same institution in 2014. His commitment to scholarly pursuits was evident from an early stage, setting the stage for a promising career in the field.

Professional Endeavors:

Arbab's professional journey reflects a diverse range of experiences in the field of biotechnology and life sciences. Notably, he served as a Research Associate in the Department of Cardiology at Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, from January 2022 to March 2022. Currently, since March 2022, he holds the position of Assistant Professor in the Department of Biotechnology and Life Sciences at Mangalayatan University, Aligarh.

Contributions and Research Focus:

His significant research contribution is encapsulated in his Ph.D. thesis, titled "Physico-chemical Characterization of C-phycocyanin from Selected Cyanobacterial Strain and Its Potential in the Management of Diabetes Mellitus." This work, carried out under the supervision of Dr. Alvina Farooqui and co-supervised by Dr. Saheem Ahmad, showcases his dedication to advancing the understanding of biochemistry and its applications in health management.

His research experience includes a senior research fellowship in a project focused on the toxicity studies of metallic nanoparticles using cyanobacteria. This underlines his commitment to exploring novel approaches to pressing scientific questions.

Accolades and Recognition:

Dr. Arbab Husain's academic and research endeavors are underscored by a robust publication record, with 99 citations, an h-index of 6, and an i10-index of 3. Such metrics are indicative of the impact and recognition his work has garnered within the scientific community.

Impact and Influence:

Arbab's research, particularly in the field of cyanobacteria and nanoparticles, has broader implications for fields ranging from biotechnology to medical sciences. His expertise in microbiology, molecular biology, and various analytical techniques positions him as a valuable contributor to interdisciplinary research.

Legacy and Future Contributions:

Dr. Arbab's legacy lies in his comprehensive approach to scientific exploration, combining traditional biochemistry techniques with cutting-edge methodologies such as nanoparticles analysis and bioinformatics. As he continues his

academic journey as an Assistant Professor, it is anticipated that his passion for research and teaching will inspire the next generation of scientists.

Future Contributions:

Dr. Arbab Husain's future contributions are likely to be multifaceted, encompassing continued research, mentorship of aspiring scientists, and potential collaborations that extend the boundaries of current scientific knowledge. His proficiency in diverse technical skills, including microbiology, molecular biology, and analytical techniques, positions him to make significant strides in unraveling complex scientific challenges.

In the academic realm, Arbab is well-equipped to guide students through the intricacies of biotechnology and life sciences, fostering a new generation of researchers. Furthermore, his interdisciplinary background suggests an openness to explore emerging areas of scientific inquiry, ensuring that his contributions remain dynamic and relevant.

In conclusion, Arbab Husain's journey from early academic pursuits to his current role as an Assistant Professor exemplifies a commitment to excellence in research and education. His legacy is not only defined by the accolades and recognition received but also by the potential for future contributions that will shape the trajectory of scientific inquiry in the years to come.

Notable Publication:


A total of 103 citations for his publications, demonstrating the impact and recognition of his research within the academic community.

  • Citations         103
  • h-index             7
  • i10-index         1


Zbigniew Pędzich | Best Researcher Award | statistical methods

Zbigniew Pędzich | Best Researcher Award - Award Winner 2023

Prof Zbigniew Pędzich : statistical methods

Congratulations to Prof. Zbigniew Pędzich for receiving the prestigious Best Researcher Award at the International Research Data Analysis Excellence Awards! Prof. Pędzich's exceptional work in statistical methods has not only earned him this esteemed recognition but also highlights his commitment to advancing research and data analysis in the international academic community. His innovative contributions have undoubtedly left a lasting impact on the field, showcasing excellence in research data analysis. Well-deserved accolades for a distinguished researcher!

Professional Profiles:

Early Academic Pursuits:

Zbigniew Pędzich was born in Krakow in 1963 and began his academic journey at the AGH University of Science and Technology. He pursued studies at the Faculty of Electronic, Automatic and Electrotechnic from 1982 to 1985. Subsequently, he continued his education at the Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics, earning his M.Sc. in 1989.

Professional Endeavors:

Since 1995, Pędzich has been an integral part of AGH University, initially as an assistant and later as an assistant professor. His commitment to advancing knowledge in his field led him to achieve a Ph.D. in 1996, focusing on "Particulate composites in the system: tetragonal zirconia polycrystals – tungsten carbide," which earned him distinction. Over the years, he steadily progressed in his academic career, culminating in the title of Titular Professor in March 2020.

Contributions and Research Focus:

Zbigniew Pędzich has made significant contributions to the field of materials science and ceramics. His research has primarily centered on ceramic matrix composites for structural applications, refractories, and ceramifiable composites with polymer matrices. His Ph.D. thesis reflects his early dedication to advancing knowledge in the synthesis and properties of particulate composites.

Throughout his academic career, Pędzich has authored more than 200 publications, with 120 indexed on the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) list. Additionally, he holds over 20 patents related to the manufacturing and properties of structural ceramic materials and composites.

Accolades and Recognition:

Pędzich's outstanding contributions to the field have earned him numerous accolades and recognition. In 2013, he was honored as an ECerS Fellow by the European Ceramic Society (ECerS), highlighting his exemplary contributions to the ceramic community. In 2016, the Polish Ministry for Science and Higher Education awarded him the Medal of the National Commission for Education.

His dedication to the advancement of ceramics is further underscored by his role as the President of the Polish Ceramic Society since 2009. Additionally, he serves as a Polish Officer in the Council of the International Ceramic Federation (ICF) and is a member of the Permanent Executive Committee of the European Ceramic Society (ECerS) Council.

Impact and Influence:

Zbigniew Pędzich's influence extends beyond national borders, as evidenced by his involvement in international ceramic organizations. His leadership roles in ECerS and ICF demonstrate his commitment to fostering collaboration and advancing the field globally.

Legacy and Future Contributions:

As an Academician of the World Academy of Ceramic since 2023, Pędzich's legacy is firmly established in the global ceramics community. Looking ahead, his role as the Head of the Scientific Discipline of Chemical Engineering and the Department of Ceramics and Refractory Materials at AGH University positions him to continue shaping the future of materials science and ceramics. His ongoing research endeavors and leadership roles suggest a sustained commitment to advancing knowledge and fostering innovation in the field.


Nad Siroros | Best Researcher Award | Biomedical Engineering

Nad Siroros | Best Researcher Award  Winner 2023  🏆

Mr Nad Siroros : Biomedical Engineering

Congratulations to Mr. Nad Siroros, Biomedical Engineering expert, on winning the Best Researcher Award at the International Research Data Analysis Excellence Awards. This prestigious accolade recognizes his outstanding contributions and excellence in the field. Well done, Mr. Siroros, on this remarkable achievement!

Professional profile:

Early Academic Pursuits:

Nad Siroros embarked on his academic journey with a strong foundation in Mechanical Engineering. His undergraduate studies, completed in 2012 at Chiang Mai University, Thailand, were complemented by international exposure, including a visiting student stint at the School of Energy and Power Engineering, Jiangsu University, China, in 2012. This early international experience set the stage for his future endeavors in the field.

Professional Endeavors:

In 2015, Nad earned a Master of Engineering in Biomedical Engineering from Chiang Mai University. This marked a pivotal moment in his academic career as he transitioned into the specialized realm of biomedical engineering. Following this, he undertook co-operative education at the French Institute for Advanced Mechanics (IFMA) in 2010, showcasing his commitment to diverse and comprehensive learning experiences.

Contributions and Research Focus:

From January 2016 to May 2019, Nad engaged in groundbreaking research at the Chair of Medical Engineering (mediTec), Helmholtz-Institute for Biomedical Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, Germany. His work at this prestigious institute underscored his dedication to the intersection of engineering and medicine. Subsequently, from June 2019 to December 2023, he continued his impactful contributions in the Research Laboratory, specifically the Working Group Clinical and Experimental Orthopaedics Biomechanics, Department of Orthopaedics, Trauma, and Reconstructive Surgery at Uniklinik RWTH Aachen.

Nad's research has been primarily focused on experimental biomechanics, biomechanical modeling, and simulation. His specialization in the design of implants, prostheses, and medical devices showcases a commitment to advancing medical technology and improving patient outcomes.

Accolades and Recognition:

Throughout his academic and professional journey, Nad Siroros has undoubtedly garnered recognition for his exceptional contributions. While specific accolades may not be detailed, the pursuit of a Doctor of Theoretical Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine, RWTH Aachen University, Germany, signifies acknowledgment of his capabilities and potential in the field.

Impact and Influence:

Nad's impact is evident in the institutions and research groups where he has been actively involved. His work has likely contributed to advancements in clinical and experimental orthopaedics biomechanics, leaving a lasting impression on the academic and medical communities.

Legacy and Future Contributions:

As Nad moves towards completing his Doctor of Theoretical Medicine, his legacy in the field of biomechanics and biomedical engineering is solidifying. The interdisciplinary nature of his work suggests a future where his contributions will continue to bridge the gap between engineering and medicine, paving the way for innovative solutions in healthcare.

In summary, Nad Siroros's academic and professional journey is marked by a seamless integration of international experiences, a commitment to research excellence, and a focus on advancing medical technology. His legacy is poised to endure through ongoing and future contributions to the field of theoretical medicine.

Notable publication :


A total of  16 citations for his publications, demonstrating the impact and recognition of his research within the academic community.

  • Citations    16
  • h-index        3