Martin Andreoni – Network Security – Best Researcher Award

Dr. Martin Andreoni - Network Security - Best Researcher Award

Technology Innovation Institute - United Arab Emirates

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Martin Andreoni embarked on his academic journey with a Bachelor of Science in Electronic Engineering from the National University of San Juan, Argentina, from March 2004 to November 2011. This laid the groundwork for his subsequent academic pursuits. Following this, he pursued a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from June 2012 to March 2014, further deepening his understanding of engineering principles.

His academic trajectory culminated in a joint Ph.D. in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering from Sorbonne University in Paris, France, and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from June 2014 to July 2018. This interdisciplinary approach fostered a comprehensive understanding of both theoretical and practical aspects of computer science and electrical engineering, providing a solid foundation for his future research endeavors.

Professional Endeavors

Dr. Andreoni seamlessly transitioned from academia to industry, commencing his professional career as an External Consultant at ASINELSA SA, San Juan, Argentina, from October 2013 to June 2018. During this period, he provided invaluable IT consulting services, honing his expertise in Big Data, cloud computing, networking, and programming.

Subsequently, he joined Samsung Electronics, Campinas, Brazil, as a Senior Security Researcher from July 2018 to October 2020. Here, he spearheaded research and development efforts to enhance the security of flagship Samsung devices, leveraging machine learning techniques and coordinating multifaceted teams.

His career trajectory led him to the Technology Innovation Institute (TII) in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, where he assumed the role of Lead Network Security Researcher from October 2020 to April 2023 and later transitioned to the position of Principal Researcher in April 2023. At TII, Dr. Andreoni has been instrumental in driving applied research and development initiatives focused on security and distributed systems, particularly for secure autonomous systems.

Contributions and Research Focus

Dr. Andreoni's contributions extend across a spectrum of domains, including machine learning, mobile networks, cloud computing, cyber-security, software-defined networks, big data, and the Internet of Things (IoT). His research endeavors have addressed real-world security challenges through innovative approaches such as cloud computing, big data analytics, and intrusion detection techniques.

He has actively participated in international collaborations and research projects, contributing to initiatives like the SecuriTy in Real-time with Elasticity, Analytic, and Monitoring (STREAM) Project and the Secure and Unified Network Infrastructure (SUNI) Project. His research outcomes have been disseminated through numerous journal publications, conference papers, and patents, reflecting his commitment to advancing knowledge in the field.

Accolades and Recognition

Throughout his career, Dr. Andreoni has garnered widespread recognition for his contributions. Noteworthy accolades include the TII Nova Award in Q2 2022 for outstanding performance, as well as several Best Paper and Demo Awards for his research contributions. His work has been acknowledged by prestigious organizations and conferences, underscoring the significance of his contributions to the field of computer science and engineering.

Impact and Influence

Dr. Andreoni's research has had a tangible impact on both industry and academia, with his innovations deployed in products such as Samsung smartphones, thereby enhancing the security of resource-constrained devices. His leadership in international research collaborations and engagement with renowned universities have facilitated knowledge exchange and technological advancements, contributing to the global research ecosystem.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As Dr. Andreoni continues to pursue his research interests in machine learning, mobile networks, cloud computing, cyber-security, and beyond, his legacy of excellence and innovation will endure. Through mentorship and collaboration, he seeks to inspire the next generation of researchers and engineers, leaving an indelible mark on the field and shaping the future of secure autonomous systems and beyond.

Notable Publication


Abdelaziz Darwiesh – risk management Award  – Best Researcher

Mr. Abdelaziz Darwiesh - risk management Award  - Best Researcher 

Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science - Egypt

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Mr. Abdelaziz Darwiesh's academic journey commenced with a Bachelor of Science in Pure Mathematics & Computer Science from Al-Azhar University, Nasr City, Egypt, where he graduated with honors in 2012. Building upon this foundation, he pursued a Master of Science in Statistics & Computer Science at Damietta University, Egypt, from 2017 to 2019. His master's thesis focused on modeling and providing explicit solutions for computer-based storage systems. This early academic pursuit laid the groundwork for his subsequent endeavors in academia and research.

Professional Endeavors

Throughout his career, Mr. Darwiesh has held various teaching and research positions, contributing significantly to the fields of data science and computer science. From 2019 to 2020, he served as an Assistant Lecturer at Delta Higher Institute for Computers, where he imparted knowledge on topics such as Data Structure with C# and Preparing Reports using Computer Applications. Simultaneously, he worked as an Instructor at IBI Institute for Survey and Information Systems, teaching courses on Web Design, Excel, and Windows.

Mr. Darwiesh's dedication to academia is evident from his current role as a part-time Assistant Lecturer at Damietta University, where he teaches a diverse range of courses including Information Security, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence. Additionally, he is actively involved in research, focusing on areas such as natural language processing, social media analysis, and risk management.

Contributions and Research Focus

Mr. Darwiesh's research interests center around the utilization of natural language processing techniques for risk management based on social media user perceptions. His current research endeavors include exploring innovative approaches to identify, assess, and control risks using big data analysis from social media platforms. This interdisciplinary approach bridges the gap between computer science and social sciences, offering valuable insights for businesses and organizations.

Accolades and Recognition

Mr. Darwiesh's contributions to academia and research have garnered significant recognition both nationally and internationally. Notable accolades include the Best Paper Award at the 8th International Conference On Business Intelligence in Turkey (2023) and the Best Master Thesis Award from the Egyptian Mathematical Society (2022). His commitment to excellence and scholarly achievements have earned him the International Distinguished Student Award from Natural Science Publishing, USA (2021), further affirming his standing as a prominent figure in the field of data science.

Impact and Influence

Mr. Darwiesh's research outputs, including published papers and conference presentations, have contributed to advancing knowledge in areas such as intelligent risk management systems, business intelligence, and artificial intelligence. His work has been published in reputable journals and presented at prestigious conferences, garnering attention from peers and scholars globally. Furthermore, his role as the Chair of the NLP Track at the 4th Annual International Competition in Data Science & Artificial Intelligence underscores his leadership and influence within the academic community.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Mr. Darwiesh's legacy lies in his dedication to education, research, and community engagement. As the Founder and CEO of Egyptian Data Scholars, he has initiated initiatives aimed at nurturing the next generation of data scientists and promoting scientific research in Egypt. Through his leadership roles and professional activities, he continues to inspire and empower aspiring researchers and scholars. Looking ahead, Darwiesh remains committed to pushing the boundaries of knowledge in data science and making meaningful contributions to academia and society at large.

Notable Publication



Josy Anteveli Osajima – Materials – Best Faculty Award 

Assoc Prof Dr. Josy Anteveli Osajima - Materials - Best Faculty Award 

Universidade Federal do Piauí - Brazil 

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Assoc Prof Dr. Josy Anteveli Osajima embarked on her academic journey with a strong foundation in Chemistry, graduating with a degree from Londrina State University (UEL), Brazil, in 2002. She continued her educational pursuits with a Master's in Chemistry from UEL, consolidating her expertise in the field. Eager to delve deeper into research, Osajima pursued a Ph.D. in Science with a focus on Photochemistry at São Paulo State University (USP) from 2004 to 2009, where she honed her skills in experimental design and data analysis.

Driven by a thirst for knowledge and a passion for scientific inquiry, Osajima pursued a Post-doctoral fellowship at Universidad de Granada (UGr), Spain, from 2015 to 2016, broadening her horizons and gaining exposure to international research methodologies and collaboration.

Professional Endeavors

Throughout her career, Assoc Prof Dr. Josy Anteveli Osajima has held various positions that have contributed significantly to her professional growth and development. Notably, she served as a Research Scientist at the National Council for Scientific and Technological Research and Development and Innovation (CNPq), Brazil, in 2022. Her role exemplified her dedication to advancing scientific knowledge and innovation.

In 2023, Osajima transitioned to the role of Associate Professor (IV) at Piauí Federal University (UFPI), Brazil, where she continues to inspire and mentor the next generation of scientists. Additionally, she assumed leadership roles such as Coordinator of the Interdisciplinary Advanced Materials Laboratory (LIMAv) at UFPI, showcasing her organizational skills and ability to manage research initiatives effectively.

Contributions and Research Focus On Materials

Assoc Prof Dr. Osajima's research interests lie at the intersection of materials science and environmental chemistry, with a particular focus on the synthesis and characterization of oxides supported on mineral clay and hybrid materials. Her work encompasses diverse areas such as clay minerals, photostability, and photocatalysis, reflecting her multidisciplinary approach to addressing pressing environmental challenges.

Through her extensive publication record, which includes over 150 publications in peer-reviewed journals and contributions to numerous book chapters, Osajima has made significant contributions to advancing scientific knowledge in her field. Her research on topics such as the photocatalytic degradation of pollutants and the synthesis of novel materials demonstrates her commitment to finding sustainable solutions to environmental issues.

Accolades and Recognition

Assoc Prof Dr. Osajima's contributions to the scientific community have been recognized through various accolades and honors. With an impressive H-index of 16 and over 889 citations to her work, she has established herself as a leading authority in her field. Her leadership roles, including serving as Vice Coordinator of the Materials Science and Engineering Graduate Program at UFPI, underscore her reputation as a respected academic and mentor.

In 2020, Osajima was appointed as a lifetime member of the Academy of Sciences of Piauí, further highlighting her standing within the scientific community and her contributions to the advancement of knowledge in the region.

Impact and Influence

Assoc Prof Dr. Osajima's research has had a significant impact not only within the scientific community but also on society at large. Her work on photocatalysis and the synthesis of novel materials holds promise for addressing key environmental challenges such as water and air pollution. By developing sustainable and efficient solutions, Osajima's research has the potential to positively impact global efforts towards environmental sustainability and public health.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As a pioneering researcher and dedicated educator, Assoc Prof Dr. Josy Anteveli Osajima's legacy extends beyond her numerous publications and accolades. Her mentorship of students and leadership in research initiatives have inspired future generations of scientists to pursue innovative solutions to pressing societal challenges. Moving forward, Osajima remains committed to advancing knowledge in materials science and environmental chemistry, with a focus on developing practical solutions that contribute to a more sustainable and equitable world.

Notable Publication