Jemal Ali Mohammed – climate science Award – Editorial Board member

Mr. Jemal Ali Mohammed - climate science Award - Editorial Board member

Department of Forestry, Tulu Awlia Campus, Mekdela Amba University, Tulu Awlia - Ethiopia

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Mr. Jemal Ali Mohammed embarked on his academic journey with an inherent passion for environmental studies and climate change. His undergraduate years at Wollo University, Dessie, Ethiopia, laid the foundation for his expertise in forestry, covering a broad spectrum of subjects from general ecology to land use planning. This period not only honed his theoretical understanding but also instilled practical skills vital for sustainable ecosystem management.

Professional Endeavors

His commitment to environmental stewardship propelled him into roles where he could effect real change. As a Graduate Assistant at the Department of Forestry, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Mekdela Amba University, he actively contributed to shaping the next generation of environmental leaders. Through his tenure as a Lecturer, Jemal endeavored to produce graduates equipped not only with knowledge but also the practical skills necessary to address contemporary environmental challenges.

Contributions and Research Focus On climate science Award

Mr. Jemal's academic pursuits are deeply intertwined with his research interests, focusing on hydrology, climate change modeling, and sustainable ecosystem management. His Master of Sciences in Environment and Climate Change from Bahir Dar University equipped him with advanced skills in GIS and remote sensing applications, essential for monitoring environmental changes. Noteworthy contributions include his thesis on observed rainfall and temperature extremes in the Upper Blue Nile Basin, shedding light on climate variability in the region.

Accolades and Recognition

Mr. Jemal's dedication to advancing environmental science has not gone unnoticed. His publications in reputable journals such as Environmental Challenges and SN Applied Sciences underscore his contributions to the field. Additionally, his role as principal investigator in the Climate Action through Model Watershed Development Program showcases his leadership and commitment to practical solutions for environmental sustainability.

Impact and Influence

Beyond academia, Jemal's influence extends to practical applications of his research findings. His expertise in geospatial data analysis and climate modeling has been instrumental in informing policymakers and stakeholders about climate change impacts and adaptation strategies. By bridging the gap between research and action, he is actively shaping policies for sustainable resource management in Ethiopia and beyond.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Looking ahead, Jemal envisions a future where his research contributes significantly to global efforts in climate change mitigation and adaptation. His legacy lies in nurturing a new generation of environmental scientists equipped with the interdisciplinary skills needed to tackle complex environmental challenges. With a steadfast commitment to excellence and innovation, Jemal continues to inspire positive change in environmental conservation and sustainable development.

In summary, Jemal Ali Mohammed's academic journey, professional endeavors, and contributions to environmental research underscore his dedication to addressing pressing global challenges. His legacy serves as a beacon of inspiration for future generations of environmental scientists, emphasizing the transformative power of interdisciplinary collaboration and innovative research methodologies.

Notable Publication

Valerio Matozzo | Environmental sciences | Best Researcher Award

Prof Valerio Matozzo - University of Padova  -Environmental sciences

Prof Valerio Matozzo : Environmental sciences

Professional profile:

Early Academic Pursuits:

Prof. Valerio Matozzo began his academic journey by earning a degree in Biological Sciences from the University of Padova (Italy) in 1998. Following this, he pursued postgraduate research, receiving a European Union grant in 2000.

In 2003, he completed his PhD in Evolutionary Biology at the University of Padova, focusing on the physiological responses of bivalves to pollutants.

Professional Endeavors:

From 2002 to 2005, Prof. Matozzo held a postdoctoral position at the University of Padova. During this period, he contributed significantly to the field, earning the "Sebastiano Geraci" Award in 2004 for the best paper written by a young researcher and published in an international journal.

He became a permanent Researcher in Ecology at the Department of Biology, University of Padova, from January 2006 to August 2017. Currently, he holds a permanent position as an Associate Professor of Ecology at the University of Padova.

Contributions and Research Focus:

Prof. Matozzo's primary scientific interest lies in the use of marine invertebrates, particularly bivalves and crustaceans, as bioindicators in both laboratory and field conditions. His research focuses on studying the effects of various contaminants on aquatic invertebrates, with a particular emphasis on immunotoxic effects of emerging contaminants such as nanoparticles, pharmaceuticals, and herbicides. He also investigates the interaction of these contaminants with other environmental factors like temperature and pH.

He oversees the Laboratory of Ecophysiology and Ecotoxicology of Marine Invertebrates and has participated in several national and international research projects.

Accolades and Recognition:

In 2014, Prof. Matozzo received the Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing from Elsevier and the journal Marine Environmental Research, recognizing his outstanding contribution to the quality of the journal.

He has been actively involved in academic committees, serving as the President of the Degree Course in Natural Science and the Degree Course in Science of Nature at the University of Padova.

Impact and Influence:

Prof. Matozzo has left a significant impact on the field of marine biology and ecotoxicology. He has authored or coauthored 121 papers published in peer-reviewed journals and contributed to a book chapter. His research has contributed valuable insights into the understanding of the effects of contaminants on marine invertebrates.

Legacy and Future Contributions:

Prof. Matozzo's legacy includes his extensive body of research, leadership roles in academic programs, and contributions to the scientific community. As President of academic degree courses and a faculty member of the PhD program in Biosciences, he continues to shape the future of aspiring scientists. His commitment to research and education ensures a lasting impact on the field of marine biology and ecotoxicology. Future contributions from Prof. Matozzo are anticipated as he maintains collaborations with national and international institutions and continues his involvement in editorial boards and research projects.

Notable Publications:


A total of  5828 citations for his publications, demonstrating the impact and recognition of his research within the academic community.

  • Citations     5828
  • h-index        45
  • i10-index     97