Gabriel Segarra – Human Factors – Best Researcher Award 

Mr. Gabriel Segarra - Human Factors - Best Researcher Award 

Medical University of South Carolina - United States

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Mr. Gabriel C. Segarra's academic journey reflects a deep-seated passion for scientific exploration and interdisciplinary collaboration. Beginning with his Bachelor of Science in Biology from the College of Charleston, Segarra demonstrated an early commitment to understanding complex biological systems. His involvement in various research projects, such as his work on complement proteins and immune responses during his SURP Summer Researcher position at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC), highlights his dedication to advancing knowledge in the field.

As a Teaching Assistant in Molecular Biology Laboratory, Segarra not only enhanced his own understanding of molecular processes but also contributed to the educational development of his peers. His leadership as Principal Investigator for a NASA Space Mission Design project showcases his ability to lead multidisciplinary teams toward ambitious scientific goals, culminating in winning a design contest sponsored by NASA.

Professional Endeavors

Mr. Segarra's professional trajectory underscores his commitment to applying scientific principles to real-world challenges in healthcare. His tenure as a Research Program Assistant and subsequently as a Program Coordinator at MUSC's Embedded Human Factors and Clinical Safety Science Unit evidences his transition into a pivotal role in healthcare research. Under the mentorship of Dr. Ken Catchpole, Segarra spearheaded initiatives aimed at improving patient safety and quality of care in surgical settings.

His contributions to developing system analysis tools for sterile processing and integrating team training activities for robotic-assisted surgery underscore his hands-on approach to addressing critical issues in healthcare delivery. Segarra's ability to coordinate diverse research teams and his track record of presentations at prestigious conferences reflect his growing expertise and influence in the field.

Contributions and Research Focus

Mr. Segarra's research focuses on applying systems engineering principles to healthcare, particularly in the areas of surgical care, sterile processing, and transplant coordination. His work delves into understanding the intricate interdependencies within healthcare systems, with a keen emphasis on enhancing patient safety and quality outcomes.

His publications and presentations demonstrate a nuanced understanding of the challenges inherent in healthcare delivery and his innovative approach to addressing these challenges through rigorous research and interdisciplinary collaboration. By investigating patient safety incident reporting, reprocessing protocols, and simulation models, Segarra's research provides valuable insights that can inform policy and practice in healthcare settings.

Accolades and Recognition

Mr. Segarra's contributions have garnered recognition both within academia and the broader scientific community. His presentations at international symposiums and contributions to peer-reviewed journals reflect the esteem in which his work is held. Winning the design contest for the NASA space mission design further highlights his ability to excel in competitive environments and push the boundaries of scientific inquiry.

Impact and Influence

Mr. Segarra's work has the potential to catalyze significant advancements in healthcare delivery by bridging the gap between theoretical research and practical application. By elucidating complex interdependencies and developing innovative solutions, Segarra is poised to make a lasting impact on patient care and safety.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As Segarra continues to advance in his career, his legacy will be defined by his unwavering dedication to improving healthcare systems and outcomes. By mentoring future generations of researchers and continuing to push the boundaries of knowledge, Segarra's contributions will resonate far beyond his current endeavors, shaping the future landscape of healthcare delivery and patient safety.


A total of 342 citations for his publications, demonstrating the impact and recognition of her research within the academic community.

Mahdi Abkar – material management – Best Researcher Award 

Mr. Mahdi Abkar - material management - Best Researcher Award 

Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia - Malaysia

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Mr. Mahdi Mohammed Abdullah Abkar embarked on his academic journey with a strong foundation in science, evident from his outstanding performance in the Secondary School Scientific Section in Yemen, where he graduated with top honors. His pursuit of excellence continued as he secured a scholarship from the Ministry of Higher Education in Yemen, enabling him to pursue a Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering at Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM).

Throughout his undergraduate years, Mahdi exhibited a keen interest in civil engineering, laying the groundwork for his future endeavors in the field. His academic pursuits were marked by diligence and dedication, which culminated in his graduation with a Second Class Bachelor's degree from UTHM.

Professional Endeavors

Building upon his academic achievements, Mahdi pursued higher education to enhance his expertise in the construction industry. He obtained a Master of Construction Technology Science Management from UTHM, excelling with a remarkable Cumulative Point Average (CPA) of 3.79. This advanced degree equipped him with specialized knowledge in construction technology and management, preparing him for leadership roles in the field.

Mahdi's professional journey also includes teaching experience, where he imparted his knowledge to aspiring engineers. His dedication to education underscores his commitment to nurturing the next generation of construction professionals. Moreover, his role as an editor for prestigious journals such as Frontiers and Heliyon demonstrates his proficiency in academic writing and research dissemination.

Contributions and Research Focus

Mr. Mahdi's research endeavors focus on addressing pressing challenges in the construction industry, particularly in the context of material waste mitigation. His publications in esteemed journals and presentations at international conferences underscore his contributions to advancing knowledge in construction management and technology.

By investigating the adoption of automation technology for material waste mitigation and exploring the influence of supply chain management on sustainable construction practices, Mahdi contributes valuable insights to industry stakeholders. His empirical investigations provide evidence-based solutions for improving construction site performance and promoting sustainability.

Accolades and Recognition

Mr. Mahdi's academic excellence has been consistently recognized throughout his career. From achieving top honors in secondary school to receiving a scholarship for his undergraduate studies, he has been a recipient of prestigious awards that acknowledge his intellectual prowess and dedication to learning.

Notably, Mahdi's first-class performance in his master's degree program further solidifies his status as a high achiever in academia. His exceptional grades reflect his commitment to academic excellence and his ability to excel in rigorous academic environments.

Impact and Influence

Mr. Mahdi's research and academic contributions have the potential to drive positive change in the construction industry. By identifying innovative solutions for material waste mitigation and advocating for sustainable practices, he aims to make a lasting impact on the field of civil engineering.

Moreover, Mahdi's teaching experience and mentorship roles demonstrate his commitment to knowledge dissemination and professional development. Through his guidance and expertise, he inspires future generations of engineers to tackle complex challenges and strive for excellence in their endeavors.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As Mahdi continues to pursue his PhD in construction engineering, he remains dedicated to pushing the boundaries of knowledge in his field. With a focus on interdisciplinary research and collaborative partnerships, he aims to address multifaceted challenges facing the construction industry and pave the way for a more sustainable and efficient built environment.

Mahdi's legacy lies in his unwavering commitment to academic excellence, his passion for innovation, and his dedication to making a positive impact on society. As he looks toward the future, he envisions a career marked by continued growth, exploration, and meaningful contributions to the field of civil engineering and construction management.

Nunzia Carbonara – Business Intelligence and Analytics – Women Researcher Award 

Prof Dr. Nunzia Carbonara - Business Intelligence and Analytics - Women Researcher Award 

Politecnico di Bari - Italy

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Prof Dr. Nunzia Carbonara embarked on her academic journey with a strong foundation in Electronic Engineering, earning her Laurea degree from the esteemed Polytechnic of Bari in 1995. Her academic pursuits soon led her to delve deeper into the intricacies of Engineering of Advanced Production Systems, culminating in a Ph.D. from Politecnico di Bari in 2000. During her doctoral studies, Carbonara exhibited a keen interest in exploring innovative models of inter-firm networks within industrial districts, showcasing her early aptitude for interdisciplinary research at the intersection of engineering and management.

Professional Endeavors

Following the completion of her Ph.D., Carbonara ventured into the realm of post-doctoral research, further honing her expertise at the Department of Mechanical and Management Engineering of Politecnico di Bari. Additionally, her academic pursuits took her abroad as a Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Central England, where she gained invaluable insights into international perspectives on business and management.

Contributions and Research Focus

Throughout her academic career, Carbonara has made significant contributions to the fields of Business and Management Engineering. Her research endeavors have primarily focused on elucidating the dynamics of inter-firm relationships within industrial ecosystems, with a particular emphasis on the role of leader firms in driving innovation and competitiveness. Carbonara's interdisciplinary approach, integrating principles of engineering with management theories, has yielded novel insights into the strategic management of businesses operating within complex networked environments.

Accolades and Recognition

Carbonara's scholarly contributions have been recognized through various accolades and affiliations. Notably, she was elected as the Coordinator of the Management Engineering Program at Politecnico di Bari, underscoring her leadership acumen and commitment to academic excellence. Additionally, her active involvement in professional associations, such as the Italian Association of Management Engineering (AiIG), further attests to her esteemed reputation within the academic community.

Impact and Influence

Carbonara's research and teaching activities have had a profound impact on both academia and industry. By elucidating the intricacies of inter-firm networks and organizational dynamics, her work has provided invaluable insights for businesses seeking to navigate increasingly complex and interconnected markets. Moreover, her mentorship of students and engagement with industry stakeholders have fostered a culture of innovation and knowledge exchange, perpetuating her influence beyond the confines of academia.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As Carbonara continues to ascend in her academic career, her legacy as a pioneering scholar in Business and Management Engineering is firmly established. Her future contributions are poised to further shape the trajectory of research in her field, with a continued emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration and practical relevance. Through her mentorship, research endeavors, and institutional leadership, Carbonara remains dedicated to advancing knowledge and driving positive change in both academia and industry.


A total of 3635 citations for his publications, demonstrating the impact and recognition of her research within the academic community.




Brahim Benyahia – Maximizing data information content – Global Data Innovation Recognition Award 

Prof. Brahim Benyahia - Maximizing data information content - Global Data Innovation Recognition Award 

Loughborough University - United Kingdom

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Prof. Brahim Benyahia's academic journey began with a strong foundation in Chemical Engineering. He completed his Diplôme d’Ingénieur with Summa Cum Laude honors from the National Polytechnic School in Algeria. His final year project focused on the intricate control mechanisms of a thermal process, showcasing his early interest in process optimization and control. This foundation was further strengthened during his Master of Advanced Study + Magister at UFAS, Setif, Algeria, where he delved into modeling and control techniques for industrial processes. His thesis on modeling and control of an industrial continuous solution copolymerization process laid the groundwork for his future research endeavors.

Continuing his pursuit of academic excellence, Benyahia pursued a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering at the National School of Chemical Engineering (ENSIC), Nancy, France. His doctoral research focused on modeling experimentation and multicriteria optimization of an emulsion copolymerization process, demonstrating his early aptitude for complex optimization problems in chemical engineering.

Professional Endeavors

Following his Ph.D., Benyahia embarked on a journey of academic and research excellence, holding various positions across prestigious institutions globally. His postdoctoral stint at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA, allowed him to further hone his research skills and delve into cutting-edge advancements in chemical engineering. Subsequently, he transitioned into academic roles at Loughborough University, UK, where he steadily rose from Lecturer to Senior Lecturer to Reader, showcasing his commitment to both research and education.

Benyahia's contributions extended beyond academia, as evidenced by his involvement in industry collaborations and leadership roles. His collaboration with Novartis-MIT project earned him the Council for Chemical Research (CCR) Collaboration Award, highlighting his ability to bridge the gap between academia and industry. Additionally, his role in developing the world’s first integrated end-to-end continuous pharmaceutical plant garnered significant recognition, including MIT’s Outstanding Contribution Award and the runner-up of the Wall Street Journal Technology Innovation Award.

Research Focus and Contributions

Prof. Benyahia's research encompasses a wide array of topics within Chemical Engineering, with a primary focus on Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Precision Crystallisation. His expertise in Systems Approaches for Sustainable Manufacturing and Circular Economy underscores his commitment to addressing contemporary challenges in the field. Through his research, he has pioneered advancements in Artificial Intelligence, Process Systems Engineering, and Computer-Aided Molecular Design, contributing significantly to the interdisciplinary nature of chemical engineering research.

His numerous publications in esteemed journals and his leadership in securing substantial research funding underscore the impact of his research contributions. Moreover, his supervision of Ph.D. students and Postdoctoral Research Associates reflects his dedication to nurturing the next generation of researchers in the field.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As a distinguished academic and researcher, Benyahia has left an indelible mark on the field of Chemical Engineering. His pioneering work in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and his innovative approach to research have set the stage for future advancements in the industry. Through his leadership roles, collaborations, and mentorship, he continues to shape the trajectory of chemical engineering research, ensuring its relevance and impact in addressing global challenges.

Looking ahead, Benyahia's legacy is poised to endure through the continued exploration of cutting-edge technologies and methodologies in chemical engineering. His commitment to excellence, coupled with his vision for a sustainable future, positions him as a trailblazer in the field, inspiring generations of researchers to push the boundaries of knowledge and innovation.


A total of 2210 citations for his publications, demonstrating the impact and recognition of her research within the academic community.

Evans Simpemba – Process Optimization – Best Researcher Award 

Mr. Evans Simpemba - Process Optimization - Best Researcher Award 

Kansanshi Mining Plc - Zambia

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Mr. Evans Simpemba embarked on his academic journey with a keen interest in the field of minerals and mining. His foundational education at Mpelembe Secondary School in Kitwe, Zambia, where he attained his Grade 12 High School Certificate, laid the groundwork for his future endeavors. Notably, he exhibited leadership qualities as a School Prefect, House Captain, Rugby Vice-Captain, and excelled as a Sportsman of the Year, showcasing a well-rounded personality even in his formative years.

His pursuit of knowledge continued as he earned a Bachelor of Mineral Sciences from The University of Zambia in Lusaka. This academic achievement provided him with a solid understanding of the fundamentals of mineral processing and metallurgy, setting the stage for his professional journey in the mining industry.

Professional Endeavors

Mr. Simpemba's professional journey commenced with roles that allowed him to apply his academic knowledge practically. Starting as an Intern Metallurgist at First Quantum Minerals Kansanshi Mining Plc, he gained hands-on experience in laboratory flotation tests, optimizing metallurgical performance, and familiarizing himself with processing plant operations.

Progressing through various roles within the same organization, he demonstrated a consistent commitment to excellence. From Project Metallurgist, where he championed the commissioning of cutting-edge bulk ore sorting technology, to his current position as Plant Metallurgist - Operations, overseeing the daily operations of a concentrator process plant, Simpemba has continually pushed the boundaries of innovation and efficiency in mineral processing operations.

Contributions and Research Focus

Throughout his career, Simpemba has been dedicated to enhancing process efficiency and optimizing flotation operations. His expertise spans a wide range of areas, including flotation optimization, data analysis, project supervision, and troubleshooting. Noteworthy contributions include spearheading flotation plant surveys for process optimization, conducting reagent trials to improve recovery rates, and training interns to ensure the transfer of knowledge within the organization.

Moreover, his involvement in projects such as the Sulphide circuit S3 expansion project and the commissioning of NextOre's MRA bulk ore sorting technology underscores his commitment to embracing technological advancements in the mining industry. Simpemba's research focus lies in continuously improving process efficiency, enhancing product quality, and implementing sustainable practices within mineral processing operations.

Accolades and Recognition

Mr. Simpemba's dedication and expertise have not gone unnoticed within the industry. He has received recognition for his contributions to plant safety, process optimization, and project management. His ability to foster a collaborative work environment, train and mentor interns, and effectively manage daily operations has earned him the respect and admiration of his peers and superiors alike.

Impact and Influence

As a dependable Metallurgist with a high level of integrity, Simpemba has made a significant impact on the organizations he has been a part of. Through his proactive approach to problem-solving, attention to detail, and commitment to continuous improvement, he has played a pivotal role in optimizing plant performance, maximizing efficiency, and ensuring adherence to safety standards.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Looking ahead, Simpemba's legacy lies in his dedication to excellence, innovation, and professionalism in the field of metallurgy and mineral processing. His commitment to pushing the boundaries of what is possible in terms of process optimization and technological advancement sets a high standard for future generations of metallurgists. As he continues to grow and evolve in his career, his focus on delivering exceptional quality service and driving positive change within the industry will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on the field of mining and metallurgy.

Notable Publication

Anna McAllister – Mathematical Modelling – Best Researcher Award

Ms. Anna McAllister - Mathematical Modelling - Best Researcher Award 

Ulster University - United Kingdom

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Ms. Anna McAllister's academic journey began with a solid foundation in mathematics. Graduating with a Master's degree in Mathematics from Ulster University in 2020, she transitioned seamlessly into a Ph.D. program, delving into the realm of Mathematical Modelling with a focus on Chaotic Dynamics within Predator-Prey systems. This academic trajectory showcased her early commitment to rigorous mathematical inquiry and laid the groundwork for her subsequent professional endeavors.

Professional Endeavors

Throughout her academic pursuits, McAllister has demonstrated a remarkable dedication to her field, marked by a series of achievements and contributions. Her research interests led her to explore unconventional methods for detecting chaotic dynamics in large predator-prey models, moving beyond traditional techniques like the Lyapunov spectrum. Her investigations into the application of the Hurst exponent, typically utilized in the financial sector, have offered novel insights into the detection of chaos within complex systems.

Moreover, McAllister's involvement in numerous conferences, including presentations at esteemed gatherings such as the International Society of Ecological Modelling Conference and the British Applied Mathematics Colloquium, underscores her commitment to disseminating her research findings and engaging with the broader academic community. Her willingness to share her work at various university events further reflects her dedication to fostering academic discourse and collaboration.

Contributions and Research Focus

Ms. McAllister's research contributions extend beyond traditional boundaries, incorporating interdisciplinary approaches to tackle complex ecological phenomena. By leveraging machine learning techniques within ecological modeling, she has pushed the boundaries of traditional methodologies, offering innovative solutions for detecting chaotic dynamics in ecological systems. Her focus on predator-prey models highlights the critical importance of understanding the dynamics of natural ecosystems and the potential implications for conservation and management efforts.

Accolades and Recognition

Ms. McAllister's contributions have not gone unnoticed within the academic community. Her prolific publication record, including multiple peer-reviewed papers and conference presentations, speaks to the significance and impact of her research. Moreover, her active involvement in editorial appointments and collaborative activities further underscores her reputation as a respected scholar within her field.

Impact and Influence

Ms. McAllister's research has the potential to catalyze significant advancements in the field of ecological modeling and dynamics. By developing novel methods for detecting chaotic behavior in ecological systems, her work has practical implications for understanding and predicting the behavior of complex ecosystems. The ability to anticipate potential collapses or disruptions within predator-prey dynamics can inform more effective conservation strategies and ecosystem management practices.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As McAllister continues to pursue her academic and research endeavors, her legacy is poised to leave a lasting impact on the field of mathematical ecology. Her innovative approaches to modeling and detecting chaotic dynamics represent a paradigm shift in ecological research, opening new avenues for exploration and discovery. Moving forward, her commitment to interdisciplinary collaboration and knowledge dissemination will undoubtedly shape the future trajectory of ecological modeling and dynamics.

In conclusion, Anna McAllister's journey from early academic pursuits to her current standing as a leading researcher in mathematical ecology exemplifies a dedication to excellence, innovation, and interdisciplinary collaboration. Her contributions have not only advanced our understanding of complex ecological systems but also paved the way for future generations of researchers to build upon her pioneering work.

Notable Publication

Ioanna Vasiliadou – mathematical modelling – Excellence in Research 

Ms. Ioanna Vasiliadou - mathematical modelling - Excellence in Research 

University of Western Macedonia - Greece

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Ms. Ioanna Vasiliadou embarked on her academic journey with a strong focus on environmental engineering. Graduating from the Department of Environmental & Natural Resources Management at the University of Ioannina, Greece, she pursued an integrated master's program from 1999 to 2004. Her academic endeavors culminated in a Ph.D. degree in 2008, with her thesis titled "Hydrogenotrophic denitrification of drinking water" from the same department.

Professional Endeavors

Ms. Vasiliadou's professional journey spans across various academic and research institutions globally. Beginning as a postdoctoral researcher and teaching staff at the University Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid, Spain, she ventured into diverse roles including postdoctoral researcher positions at the University of Trieste, Italy, and the University of Patras, Greece. She also served as teaching staff at the Chemical Engineering Department, School of Engineering, University of Western Macedonia, Greece.

Contributions and Research Focus On mathematical modelling

Throughout her career, Vasiliadou has been dedicated to advancing the fields of environmental and chemical engineering. Her research primarily focuses on areas such as wastewater treatment, bioremediation, bioenergy production, and sustainable processes. With over 48 articles in scientific journals and significant contributions to international conferences, her work reflects a multidisciplinary approach towards addressing pressing environmental challenges.

Accolades and Recognition

Ms. Vasiliadou's contributions to the scientific community have garnered significant recognition. Her publications have been well-received, as evidenced by her impressive H-index and citation count on platforms like Google Scholar, Web of Science, and Scopus. Additionally, her active involvement in research projects and collaborations underscores her reputation as a respected figure in her field.

Impact and Influence

Through her research and academic activities, Vasiliadou has made a tangible impact on the field of environmental engineering. Her studies on biological wastewater treatment, bioenergy production, and sustainable processes have contributed to the development of innovative solutions for environmental challenges. Moreover, her mentorship of students and engagement with international research networks have further amplified her influence in shaping the next generation of environmental engineers.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As an esteemed academic and researcher, Vasiliadou's legacy lies in her dedication to advancing sustainable engineering practices. Her interdisciplinary approach and commitment to scientific rigor serve as guiding principles for future generations of researchers. Moving forward, she continues to inspire through her pursuit of knowledge and her efforts towards fostering a more sustainable and resilient future for our planet.

In summary, Ioanna Vasiliadou's academic journey, professional endeavors, research focus, accolades, and contributions underscore her significant impact on the fields of environmental and chemical engineering, positioning her as a leading figure in the global scientific community.


A total of 1994 citations for his publications, demonstrating the impact and recognition of her research within the academic community.



Muhammad Alhamid – Energy and Utilities Analytics – Best Researcher Award 

Prof. Muhammad Alhamid - Energy and Utilities Analytics - Best Researcher Award 

Universitas Indonesia - Indonesia

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Prof. Muhammad Idrus Alhamid's academic journey began with a Sarjana Teknik degree from the Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of Indonesia in 1978. Following this, he pursued his Doctorate (Dr.) at Katholieke Universiteit in Leuven, Belgium, completing his studies in 1989. His academic background provided him with a strong foundation in mechanical engineering, particularly focusing on areas such as ventilation, air conditioning, refrigeration, energy, and safety within buildings.

Professional Endeavors

Prof. Alhamid's professional career spans a diverse range of roles and responsibilities. He has served as a Professor and Researcher at the Mechanical Engineering Department of Universitas Indonesia, where he has been actively engaged in teaching and research. Additionally, he has conducted training sessions on various topics related to mechanical engineering, including ventilation and air conditioning systems, refrigeration technology, and energy efficiency.

His expertise extends beyond academia, as he has also held managerial positions within the university, including roles as Head of the Mechanical Engineering Department and various divisional leadership roles. Furthermore, Dr. Alhamid has been involved in accreditation processes for universities and has served on advisory boards related to building installations.

Contributions and Research Focus On Energy and Utilities Analytics

Prof. Alhamid's research interests revolve around sustainable energy technologies, particularly focusing on renewable energy sources and energy-efficient systems. He has been involved in numerous research projects aimed at developing renewable energy solutions such as solar thermal cooling systems, organic Rankine cycle power generation, and adsorption technology for refrigeration and cooling.

His contributions to the field also include the development of energy-efficient heat exchangers, refrigeration systems using eco-friendly refrigerants, and innovative cooling technologies for vaccine transportation in rural areas. Dr. Alhamid's research efforts align with global initiatives to mitigate climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting sustainable energy practices.

Accolades and Recognition

Prof. Alhamid's dedication and contributions to the field of mechanical engineering have earned him recognition both nationally and internationally. He has been an active member of professional associations such as the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) and the International Solar Energy Society (ISES). Moreover, he has received research grants from prestigious institutions and organizations to support his innovative research endeavors.

Impact and Influence

Through his extensive research, teaching, and professional engagements, Dr. Alhamid has made significant contributions to the advancement of mechanical engineering, particularly in the areas of energy efficiency and sustainable technologies. His work has not only expanded the knowledge base within the field but has also influenced policy-making and industry practices towards more sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Prof. Alhamid's legacy lies in his pioneering efforts to develop sustainable energy technologies and his dedication to educating future generations of engineers. His research has laid the groundwork for continued innovation in renewable energy systems and energy-efficient technologies. As he continues to mentor students and collaborate with colleagues worldwide, Dr. Alhamid's influence on the field of mechanical engineering is sure to endure, leaving a lasting impact on academia, industry, and society as a whole.


A total of 1076 citations for his publications, demonstrating the impact and recognition of her research within the academic community.

Nick Eleftheroglou – Predictive Analytics Award – Best Researcher 

Assist Prof Dr. Nick Eleftheroglou - Predictive Analytics Award - Best Researcher 

Delft University of Technology/ Faculty of Aerospace Engineering - Netherlands

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Assist Prof Dr. N. Eleftheroglou began their academic journey with a Diploma in Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics from the University of Patras, where they graduated Cum Laude. This foundation laid the groundwork for their pursuit of higher education, leading to a Doctor of Philosophy degree, earned with distinction from the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at Delft University of Technology. Their early academic pursuits reflect a strong commitment to engineering principles and aeronautical sciences, setting the stage for their groundbreaking research in the field of Sustainable AI for Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Health Management.

Professional Endeavors

Following their academic achievements, Assist Prof Dr. Eleftheroglou delved into various professional roles, including a stint as a Business Consultant at ORTEC and later as a Postdoctoral Researcher at Delft University of Technology. These experiences allowed them to bridge the gap between academia and industry, gaining practical insights into real-world applications of their research. Currently, as an Assistant Professor at Delft University of Technology, they continue to shape the future of engineering education and research.

Contributions and Research Focus On Predictive Analytics Award

Assist Prof Dr. Eleftheroglou's research is pioneering in the field of Sustainable AI for Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Health Management of structures and engineering systems. Their focus on developing novel physics-informed AI models highlights a dedication to advancing both the accuracy and environmental sustainability of AI applications. Their expertise spans machine learning models, stochastic processes, Bayesian statistics, and health/condition monitoring techniques, all aimed at improving the performance and longevity of critical engineering infrastructure.

Accolades and Recognition

The academic and professional community has recognized  Assist Prof Dr. Eleftheroglou's contributions through various awards and scholarships. Their excellence in research has been acknowledged with prestigious honors such as the Euro bank EFG Award and scholarships from the National Foundation for outstanding performance. Additionally, they have received research scholarships from TU Delft, underscoring their significant contributions to the field of prognostics and composite structures.

Impact and Influence

Assist Prof Dr. Eleftheroglou's impact extends beyond their research publications and academic achievements. Their involvement in organizations like ASME, the PHM Society, and CBM Academy showcases their commitment to advancing the field and fostering collaboration. Moreover, their invited seminars and presentations at renowned institutions and conferences globally highlight their influence in shaping discussions around AI for sustainability and structural health monitoring.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As Assist Prof Dr. Eleftheroglou continues to push the boundaries of Sustainable AI and prognosis for engineering systems, their legacy grows stronger. Their research not only contributes to the academic discourse but also has tangible implications for industries reliant on structural integrity and predictive maintenance. Looking ahead, their future contributions are poised to further revolutionize the intersection of AI, sustainability, and engineering, leaving an indelible mark on the field for generations to come.


  • Citations   445
  • h-index       9
  • i10-index    8

Notable Publication

Hamidreza Eskandari – Predictive Analytics – Best Researcher Award

Assist Prof Dr. Hamidreza Eskandari - Predictive Analytics - Best Researcher Award 

Swansea University - United Kingdom 

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Assist Prof Dr. Hamidreza Eskandari embarked on his academic journey with a strong foundation in engineering, earning a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from the University of Tehran in 1998. Building upon this, he pursued a Master of Science in Socio-Economic Systems Engineering from Iran University of Science and Technology in 2001, where his thesis focused on developing Multiple Attribute Decision Making Models under Uncertainty. His academic pursuit culminated in a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering and Management Systems from the University of Central Florida in 2006, with a concentration in Systems Simulation. His dissertation titled "Multi-objective Simulation Optimization Using Evolutionary Algorithm Approaches" underscored his early commitment to research at the intersection of industrial engineering and computational methods.

Professional Endeavors

Assist Prof Dr. Eskandari's professional journey is characterized by a diverse range of roles and responsibilities across academia, industry, and consultancy. From serving as a Research Scientist in Artificial Intelligence at Red Lambda Inc. to founding and managing SimTek Company in Tehran, Iran, he demonstrated a versatile skill set and entrepreneurial spirit. His academic tenure at Tarbiat Modares University in Tehran, Iran, marked a significant period where he held positions as Assistant and Associate Professor, alongside directing the Advanced Simulation Lab. His contributions extended beyond the classroom, including consultancy for national organizations and private companies, as well as serving as a member of the Board of Directors for the Iran Logistics and Supply Chain Scientific Society.

Contributions and Research Focus On Predictive Analytics

Assist Prof Dr. Eskandari's research portfolio reflects his expertise in areas such as Explainable Machine Learning, Forecasting Energy Consumption and CO2E, Simulation Modeling and Analysis, Big Data Analytics & Data Science, Evolutionary Computation, and Logistics and Supply Chain. His publications, with notable appearances in prestigious journals and conferences, showcase the depth and breadth of his contributions to academia. Through his work, he has addressed complex problems in multi-objective optimization, decision making under uncertainty, supply chain management, and transportation systems, among others.

Accolades and Recognition

Assist Prof Dr. Eskandari's contributions have garnered significant recognition, as evidenced by his publication record and academic affiliations. With a Google Scholar H-Index of 20 and a Scopus H-Index of 17, he has established himself as a leading figure in his field. His research has been published in esteemed journals such as Energy, Applied Soft Computing, and Transportation Research Part A, reflecting the impact and relevance of his work in academia and industry.

Impact and Influence

Assist Prof Dr. Eskandari's research and teaching endeavors have made a substantial impact on the academic community and beyond. His work has influenced the development of methodologies and tools in areas such as simulation optimization, multi-criteria decision analysis, and machine learning. Through his teaching, mentoring, and professional engagements, he has inspired and guided numerous students and practitioners in the field of industrial engineering and management.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As Assist Prof Dr. Eskandari continues his academic journey, his legacy is characterized by a commitment to excellence, innovation, and societal impact. With ongoing research projects and collaborations, including prospective postdoctoral fellowships and grant-funded initiatives, he is poised to make further contributions to advancing knowledge and solving real-world challenges in his areas of expertise. His dedication to education, research, and service underscores his enduring commitment to shaping the future of industrial engineering and management systems.


  • Citations   1539
  • h-index       20
  • i10-index    28

Notable Publication