Laingo Randrianarisoa – Transport economics and statistical analysis – Best Researcher Award 

Dr Laingo Randrianarisoa - Transport economics and statistical analysis - Best Researcher Award 

Kedge Business School - France

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Dr Laingo M. Randrianarisoa, Ph.D., began his academic journey with a Master's in Economics from the University of Antananarivo, Madagascar, in 2008. His early interest in economic principles laid the foundation for his subsequent achievements and contributions to the field.

Professional Endeavors

Following his master's degree, Dr. Randrianarisoa pursued a Ph.D. in Economics at Laval University, Quebec, Canada, culminating in 2020. During this period, he engaged in a visiting Ph.D. program at the Sauder School of Business, UBC, Vancouver, Canada, in 2012, broadening his academic perspective.

After completing his doctoral studies, he assumed the role of a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the UBC Sauder School of Business, Operations and Logistics Division, from 2017 to 2020.

In September 2020, Dr. Randrianarisoa took on the position of Assistant Professor at KEDGE Business School, Department of Operations Management and Information Systems, in Marseille, France.

Contributions and Research Focus

Dr. Randrianarisoa has made significant contributions to the field of Economics, particularly in the realm of Transportation Economics. His research and teaching interests encompass Transportation Economics, Air & Maritime Transport, Climate Change effects, Industrial Organization, and Applied Econometrics.

His doctoral thesis, titled "Three Essays on the Economics of Air Transportation," reflects his deep dive into the intricacies of air transportation economics.

Accolades and Recognition

Throughout his academic journey, Dr. Randrianarisoa received several awards and fellowships, including the prestigious Postdoctoral Research Fellowship from the "Fonds de Recherche du Québec - Société et Culture" (FRQ-SC).

His dedication and academic excellence were further acknowledged through Doctoral Scholarship Awards and the Award for Comprehensive Exam Excellence.

Impact and Influence

Dr. Randrianarisoa's research has been published in esteemed journals, addressing critical issues such as urban delivery cost models, policy responses in pandemics, stakeholder participation in maritime environmental protection, and the relationship between corruption and airport efficiency.

He actively participated in conferences worldwide, presenting his findings and engaging with the academic community on topics ranging from emissions reduction in international transport to the economic implications of the Belt and Road Initiative.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As an Assistant Professor, Dr. Randrianarisoa continues to shape the academic landscape through his teaching at KEDGE Business School. His involvement in research projects and grants, including the evaluation of economic and environmental impacts of inland waterway transport, attests to his commitment to advancing sustainable practices in transportation.

With memberships in scholarly societies, editorial and refereeing activities, and conference organizations, Dr. Randrianarisoa's legacy includes a multidimensional impact on academia and a promising future of continued contributions to the field of Economics, particularly in transportation studies.

Notable Publication