Mojtaba Nabipoor Hassankiadeh | Excellence in Research Award Winner 2023  🏆

Mr. Mojtaba Nabipoor Hassankiadeh : Chemical Engineering

Congratulations to Mr. Mojtaba Nabipoor Hassankiadeh for achieving Excellence in Research in the field of Chemical Engineering! As the winner of the International Research Data Analysis Excellence Awards, his outstanding contributions have been recognized on a global scale. This achievement is a testament to his dedication, expertise, and impact in advancing research in the field. Well done!

Professional profile:

Early Academic Pursuits:

Mr. Mojtaba Nabipoor Hassankiadeh began his academic journey with a Bachelor's degree in Chemical Cellulose from the University of Tehran, graduating in 2008. His thesis focused on the deinking of newsprint paper using flotation. Following this, he pursued a Master's Equivalent (Master of Science) in Separation Processes at Tarbiat Modares University, completing his degree in 2011. His master's thesis, titled "Kinetic modeling of the Fischer–Tropsch synthesis in a slurry phase bubble column reactor using Langmuir–Freundlich isotherm," showcased his expertise in the field of natural resources.

Continuing his academic pursuits, he is currently pursuing a Doctorate of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering at the University of Saskatchewan. His ongoing research, with the thesis titled "Advanced understanding of fluidized bed drying of potash particles," is contributing to the field of industrial manufacturing and production.

Professional Endeavors:

Mr. Nabipoor has accumulated significant professional experience, particularly in the realm of process engineering. His roles at the South Pars Gas Complex spanned over a decade, with responsibilities ranging from analyzing production results and creating detailed system documentation to evaluating emerging technologies for system enhancements. His contributions also included quality assurance, defect resolution, and ensuring system reliability.

In his role as a Teaching Assistant at the University of Saskatchewan, Mr. Nabipoor engaged with undergraduate students in process engineering, marking their coursework and contributing to their academic development.

Contributions and Research Focus:

His research and academic contributions extend beyond the classroom. Mr. Nabipoor has engaged in reviewing journals such as the Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers and Chemical Engineering Communications. His presentations at conferences, including CSChE and CCEC, demonstrate a focus on fluidization and drying processes, particularly with wet potash particles.

Additionally, his affiliations and training activities underscore his commitment to continuous learning and staying at the forefront of developments in his field.

Accolades and Recognition:

Mr. Nabipoor's academic excellence is evident in his rankings in entrance exams, including being 44th in the Iranian university's entrance exam for PhD students. His MSc thesis was recognized as the Best MSc thesis in the faculty of engineering at Tarbiat Modares University, earning him a notable prize.

His dedication and achievements have also been acknowledged through various scholarships, including the Student Support Fund Graduate Scholarship and Devolved scholarships at the University of Saskatchewan.

Impact and Influence:

His impact extends to both academia and industry, where he has contributed to process optimization, equipment failure reporting, and training of junior engineers. Through teaching assistant roles and instructor positions, he has shared his knowledge with the next generation of engineers.

Legacy and Future Contributions:

Mr. Mojtaba Nabipoor Hassankiadeh's legacy lies in his multifaceted contributions to academia, research, and industry. As he continues his doctoral research, his future contributions are poised to further advance the understanding of fluidized bed drying processes, leaving a lasting impact on the field of chemical engineering and industrial manufacturing.

Notable Publication:

Mojtaba Nabipoor Hassankiadeh | Chemical Engineering | Excellence IN Research

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