Paraskumar Patel – Data Analytics and Engineering – Global Data Innovation Recognition Award 

Mr. Paraskumar Patel - Data Analytics and Engineering - Global Data Innovation Recognition Award - United States

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Mr. Paraskumar Patel embarked on his academic journey with a Bachelor of Technology in Chemical Engineering from Dharmsinh Desai University, India. This foundational education provided him with a strong background in engineering principles and analytical thinking. Subsequently, he pursued a Master of Chemical Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University, USA, further honing his expertise in the field.

Building upon his engineering background, Patel expanded his academic horizons with a Master of Science in Information Technology from the University of the Cumberlands, USA. This interdisciplinary education equipped him with the necessary skills to bridge the gap between technology and engineering, laying the groundwork for his future endeavors in data engineering and analytics.

Professional Endeavors

Mr. Paraskumar Patel's professional journey is marked by a series of impactful roles in prominent organizations. As a Software Engineer at CCS Global Tech, he demonstrated leadership and technical prowess by spearheading projects for Advantasure, a healthcare company. Patel's contributions led to a 15% improvement in team performance, underscoring his ability to drive results and foster collaboration.

Transitioning to as a Senior Data Engineer, Patel continued to excel, leveraging his expertise to deliver innovative data solutions for clients across various industries. His work with clients such as USAA, Suncor, Humana, Microsoft, and PepsiCo showcased his versatility and adaptability in addressing diverse business challenges.

Contributions and Research Focus

Mr. Patel's contributions extend beyond his professional endeavors, with a notable presence in academia. As an accomplished author, he has published several papers in respected journals, focusing on advanced data visualization, data engineering challenges, and privacy-preserving techniques in analytics. His research not only demonstrates thought leadership but also contributes to the advancement of knowledge in the field of data science and engineering.

Accolades and Recognition

Throughout his career, Paraskumar Patel has garnered recognition for his contributions and achievements. His impactful work has been acknowledged by both peers and industry experts, cementing his reputation as a leader in the field of data engineering. Whether it's leading teams to success, delivering high-impact solutions for clients, or advancing research in academia, Patel's accomplishments have not gone unnoticed.

Impact and Influence

Mr. Paraskumar Patel's work has had a profound impact on the organizations he has been a part of, driving operational efficiencies, enhancing data accessibility, and fostering data-centric cultures. Through his leadership and technical expertise, he has empowered teams to deliver innovative solutions that drive business success and enable data-driven decision-making.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As Paraskumar Patel continues to make strides in his career, his legacy is one of excellence and innovation in the field of data engineering. His commitment to continuous learning, problem-solving, and collaboration sets a precedent for future generations of data professionals. Moving forward, he aims to further expand his contributions to academia and industry, shaping the future of data science and engineering through his research, leadership, and advocacy for ethical and responsible data practices.

Notable Publication


Chien Huynh – Immunology – Best Researcher Award 

Prof Dr. Chien Huynh - Immunology - Best Researcher Award 

VinUniversity - Vietnam

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Prof Dr. Huynh Dinh Chien embarked on his academic journey with a strong foundation in both medicine and language. His Medical Doctor degree specialized in Internal Medicine from Hue University set the stage for his deep understanding of healthcare. Additionally, his Bachelor's degree in English Language from Pedagogical School, Hue University, showcased his commitment to effective communication, a skill that would prove invaluable throughout his career. These early academic pursuits laid the groundwork for his multidisciplinary approach to education and research.

Professional Endeavors

Prof Dr. Chien's career trajectory reflects a blend of academic roles and administrative responsibilities, all centered around medical education and research. From his tenure as a Lecturer at the Medical School, Hue University, to his leadership roles as Director of various centers and departments, Chien demonstrated a dedication to advancing medical education and fostering international collaborations. His journey encompassed roles in academia, healthcare institutions, and international organizations, providing him with a holistic perspective on healthcare systems and education management.

Contributions and Research Focus

Prof Dr. Chien's research focus spans various facets of immunology, epidemiology, and healthcare management. His early studies delved into autoimmune diseases and immunoglobulin production, laying the groundwork for his later investigations into infectious diseases like malaria and HIV. Notably, his research on malaria resistance and the development of novel therapeutic combinations showcased his commitment to addressing pressing global health challenges. Moreover, his contributions to educational reforms and e-learning initiatives underscore his vision for enhancing medical education and training in Vietnam.

Accolades and Recognition

Prof Dr. Chien's academic prowess and contributions to medical science have been recognized through various accolades and memberships in prestigious societies such as the Hungarian Rheumatological Society and the Vietnamese Rheumatological Society. His international presentations and collaborations underscore his standing as a respected figure in the global medical community. Furthermore, his involvement in high-profile projects sponsored by organizations like CIDA, the Dutch Government, and the Asian Development Bank highlight the trust and recognition bestowed upon him for his expertise in healthcare management and education.

Impact and Influence

Prof Dr. Chien's impact extends beyond academia, shaping healthcare policies, educational programs, and research agendas in Vietnam and beyond. His research findings on diseases like malaria and HIV have informed clinical practices and contributed to the development of novel treatment approaches. Moreover, his leadership in educational reforms and capacity-building initiatives has empowered future generations of healthcare professionals, leaving a lasting legacy in Vietnam's healthcare landscape.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As Chien continues to lead research endeavors and educational initiatives, his legacy as a visionary leader and a pioneering researcher is assured. His commitment to innovation and excellence in healthcare will continue to inspire future generations of medical professionals. Through his ongoing endeavors, Chien remains dedicated to advancing medical science, improving healthcare delivery, and nurturing the next wave of healthcare leaders in Vietnam and beyond.

Notable Publication


Punit Boolchand – Basic Science Research – Best Researcher Award 


Prof. Punit Boolchand - Basic Science Research - Best Researcher Award 

University of Cincinnati - United States

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Prof. Punit Boolchand's academic journey began with a Master's degree in Physics from Punjab University, Chandigarh, India, in 1965. He then pursued his Ph.D. in Physics at Case-Western Reserve University, completing it in 1969. During his doctoral studies, Boolchand displayed a keen interest in the molecular structure of non-crystalline materials, which laid the foundation for his future research endeavors.

Professional Endeavors

Prof. Boolchand embarked on his professional career as a Teaching Assistant at Case-Western Reserve University from 1965 to 1969. He then transitioned to an Instructor position at the University of Cincinnati in 1969, subsequently climbing the academic ladder to become a full Professor of Physics and later branching out into Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Throughout his career, Boolchand held various visiting professorships, including stints at prestigious institutions such as Stanford University and Leuven University in Belgium. These experiences broadened his perspective and enriched his research pursuits.

Contributions and Research Focus On Basic Science Research

Prof. Boolchand's research interests spanned a wide array of topics, including the molecular structure of non-crystalline materials, optoelectronic materials, and high-temperature oxide superconductors. He conducted extensive investigations into the self-organization effects in disordered networks, shedding light on fundamental aspects of materials science.

Utilizing an arsenal of experimental methods ranging from Mössbauer spectroscopy to thermal analysis techniques, Boolchand made significant contributions to understanding the intricate properties of amorphous materials. His work delved into the coherent effects in nuclear radiation, providing valuable insights into the behavior of complex systems at the atomic level.

Accolades and Recognition

Prof. Boolchand's contributions to the field garnered widespread recognition, earning him numerous awards and honors. He received the prestigious George Rieveschl Jr. Award for Distinguished Scientific Research from the University of Cincinnati in 1995. Additionally, his election as a Fellow of the American Physical Society underscored the esteem in which his peers held him.

Impact and Influence

Prof. Boolchand's research not only advanced the frontiers of knowledge in materials science but also inspired a generation of scientists and engineers. His pioneering work in understanding the molecular structure of non-crystalline materials laid the groundwork for future breakthroughs in diverse fields ranging from electronics to energy storage.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As a distinguished academic and researcher, Boolchand's legacy continues to reverberate through the halls of academia. His insights into the self-organization of disordered networks and the properties of amorphous materials provide a roadmap for future exploration and innovation. Moving forward, his influence will endure as researchers build upon his foundational work to tackle the challenges of tomorrow.

In summary, Punit Boolchand's academic journey, prolific research output, and numerous accolades paint a portrait of a visionary scientist whose contributions have left an indelible mark on the field of materials science. His legacy serves as an inspiration for future generations of researchers seeking to unravel the mysteries of the atomic world.


  • Citations    15659
  • h-index       67
  • i10-index    199

Notable Publication

Nick Eleftheroglou – Predictive Analytics Award – Best Researcher 

Assist Prof Dr. Nick Eleftheroglou - Predictive Analytics Award - Best Researcher 

Delft University of Technology/ Faculty of Aerospace Engineering - Netherlands

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Assist Prof Dr. N. Eleftheroglou began their academic journey with a Diploma in Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics from the University of Patras, where they graduated Cum Laude. This foundation laid the groundwork for their pursuit of higher education, leading to a Doctor of Philosophy degree, earned with distinction from the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at Delft University of Technology. Their early academic pursuits reflect a strong commitment to engineering principles and aeronautical sciences, setting the stage for their groundbreaking research in the field of Sustainable AI for Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Health Management.

Professional Endeavors

Following their academic achievements, Assist Prof Dr. Eleftheroglou delved into various professional roles, including a stint as a Business Consultant at ORTEC and later as a Postdoctoral Researcher at Delft University of Technology. These experiences allowed them to bridge the gap between academia and industry, gaining practical insights into real-world applications of their research. Currently, as an Assistant Professor at Delft University of Technology, they continue to shape the future of engineering education and research.

Contributions and Research Focus On Predictive Analytics Award

Assist Prof Dr. Eleftheroglou's research is pioneering in the field of Sustainable AI for Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Health Management of structures and engineering systems. Their focus on developing novel physics-informed AI models highlights a dedication to advancing both the accuracy and environmental sustainability of AI applications. Their expertise spans machine learning models, stochastic processes, Bayesian statistics, and health/condition monitoring techniques, all aimed at improving the performance and longevity of critical engineering infrastructure.

Accolades and Recognition

The academic and professional community has recognized  Assist Prof Dr. Eleftheroglou's contributions through various awards and scholarships. Their excellence in research has been acknowledged with prestigious honors such as the Euro bank EFG Award and scholarships from the National Foundation for outstanding performance. Additionally, they have received research scholarships from TU Delft, underscoring their significant contributions to the field of prognostics and composite structures.

Impact and Influence

Assist Prof Dr. Eleftheroglou's impact extends beyond their research publications and academic achievements. Their involvement in organizations like ASME, the PHM Society, and CBM Academy showcases their commitment to advancing the field and fostering collaboration. Moreover, their invited seminars and presentations at renowned institutions and conferences globally highlight their influence in shaping discussions around AI for sustainability and structural health monitoring.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As Assist Prof Dr. Eleftheroglou continues to push the boundaries of Sustainable AI and prognosis for engineering systems, their legacy grows stronger. Their research not only contributes to the academic discourse but also has tangible implications for industries reliant on structural integrity and predictive maintenance. Looking ahead, their future contributions are poised to further revolutionize the intersection of AI, sustainability, and engineering, leaving an indelible mark on the field for generations to come.


  • Citations   445
  • h-index       9
  • i10-index    8

Notable Publication

Josy Anteveli Osajima – Materials – Best Faculty Award 

Assoc Prof Dr. Josy Anteveli Osajima - Materials - Best Faculty Award 

Universidade Federal do Piauí - Brazil 

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Assoc Prof Dr. Josy Anteveli Osajima embarked on her academic journey with a strong foundation in Chemistry, graduating with a degree from Londrina State University (UEL), Brazil, in 2002. She continued her educational pursuits with a Master's in Chemistry from UEL, consolidating her expertise in the field. Eager to delve deeper into research, Osajima pursued a Ph.D. in Science with a focus on Photochemistry at São Paulo State University (USP) from 2004 to 2009, where she honed her skills in experimental design and data analysis.

Driven by a thirst for knowledge and a passion for scientific inquiry, Osajima pursued a Post-doctoral fellowship at Universidad de Granada (UGr), Spain, from 2015 to 2016, broadening her horizons and gaining exposure to international research methodologies and collaboration.

Professional Endeavors

Throughout her career, Assoc Prof Dr. Josy Anteveli Osajima has held various positions that have contributed significantly to her professional growth and development. Notably, she served as a Research Scientist at the National Council for Scientific and Technological Research and Development and Innovation (CNPq), Brazil, in 2022. Her role exemplified her dedication to advancing scientific knowledge and innovation.

In 2023, Osajima transitioned to the role of Associate Professor (IV) at Piauí Federal University (UFPI), Brazil, where she continues to inspire and mentor the next generation of scientists. Additionally, she assumed leadership roles such as Coordinator of the Interdisciplinary Advanced Materials Laboratory (LIMAv) at UFPI, showcasing her organizational skills and ability to manage research initiatives effectively.

Contributions and Research Focus On Materials

Assoc Prof Dr. Osajima's research interests lie at the intersection of materials science and environmental chemistry, with a particular focus on the synthesis and characterization of oxides supported on mineral clay and hybrid materials. Her work encompasses diverse areas such as clay minerals, photostability, and photocatalysis, reflecting her multidisciplinary approach to addressing pressing environmental challenges.

Through her extensive publication record, which includes over 150 publications in peer-reviewed journals and contributions to numerous book chapters, Osajima has made significant contributions to advancing scientific knowledge in her field. Her research on topics such as the photocatalytic degradation of pollutants and the synthesis of novel materials demonstrates her commitment to finding sustainable solutions to environmental issues.

Accolades and Recognition

Assoc Prof Dr. Osajima's contributions to the scientific community have been recognized through various accolades and honors. With an impressive H-index of 16 and over 889 citations to her work, she has established herself as a leading authority in her field. Her leadership roles, including serving as Vice Coordinator of the Materials Science and Engineering Graduate Program at UFPI, underscore her reputation as a respected academic and mentor.

In 2020, Osajima was appointed as a lifetime member of the Academy of Sciences of Piauí, further highlighting her standing within the scientific community and her contributions to the advancement of knowledge in the region.

Impact and Influence

Assoc Prof Dr. Osajima's research has had a significant impact not only within the scientific community but also on society at large. Her work on photocatalysis and the synthesis of novel materials holds promise for addressing key environmental challenges such as water and air pollution. By developing sustainable and efficient solutions, Osajima's research has the potential to positively impact global efforts towards environmental sustainability and public health.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As a pioneering researcher and dedicated educator, Assoc Prof Dr. Josy Anteveli Osajima's legacy extends beyond her numerous publications and accolades. Her mentorship of students and leadership in research initiatives have inspired future generations of scientists to pursue innovative solutions to pressing societal challenges. Moving forward, Osajima remains committed to advancing knowledge in materials science and environmental chemistry, with a focus on developing practical solutions that contribute to a more sustainable and equitable world.

Notable Publication

Rosa M Garcinuño – Química Analítica  – Transcontinental Excellence in Research Data Analysis Award 

Dr. Rosa M Garcinuño - Química Analítica  - Transcontinental Excellence in Research Data Analysis Award 

Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia - Spain

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Rosa Mª Garcinuño Martínez embarked on her academic journey with an insatiable curiosity for analytical chemistry. Her initial steps involved pursuing a Ph.D. in Chemistry at Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), Spain, which she successfully completed in 2004. During her doctoral studies, Rosa delved into the intricacies of evaluating different immobilizations of antibodies on various supports for application in flow immuno-sensors, particularly focusing on drug determination in biological samples.

Professional Endeavors

Following her Dr. Rosa ventured into diverse roles in academia, enhancing her expertise and contributing significantly to analytical chemistry. From 1999 to 2001, she served as a dedicated Ph.D. student at the Department of Analytical Chemistry, UCM, Spain, where she honed her research skills. Subsequently, she took up roles as a Tutor and later as Academic Staff at the Department of Analytical Sciences, UNED, Spain, showcasing her commitment to both research and education.

Contributions and Research Focus on Química Analítica

Throughout her career, Dr. Rosa's research has been marked by a profound commitment to advancing analytical chemistry, particularly in the realms of sample treatment, chromatographic analysis, and mass spectroscopy. Her pioneering work includes the development of novel strategies for treating complex samples to determine organic pollutants in various matrices, spanning food, environmental, and biological samples. Her innovative approaches, such as matrix solid-phase dispersion (MSPD) and molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs), have significantly contributed to the field.

Accolades and Recognition

Dr. Rosa's contributions haven't gone unnoticed, with numerous accolades and recognitions underscoring her impact in the scientific community. Her research efforts have been rewarded with prestigious grants, including projects funded by national and international institutions like the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, and Spanish Institute of Oceanography. Moreover, her publications in esteemed journals and participation in specialized conferences have cemented her reputation as a leading figure in analytical chemistry.

Impact and Influence

Dr. Rosa's influence extends beyond her research endeavors; she is deeply invested in nurturing the next generation of scientists. Her teaching activities, spanning undergraduate and postgraduate levels, reflect her dedication to imparting knowledge and fostering research skills among young minds. Furthermore, her involvement in various teaching innovation projects underscores her commitment to enhancing pedagogical practices and promoting scientific literacy.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As Dr. Rosa Mª Garcinuño Martínez continues her academic journey, her legacy is one of groundbreaking research, exemplary teaching, and unwavering dedication to advancing analytical chemistry. With her ongoing projects focused on microplastic pollution and novel analytical methodologies, she is poised to leave a lasting impact on both the scientific community and environmental sustainability efforts. Her multifaceted contributions embody a steadfast commitment to excellence and innovation in academia.

Notable Publication