Gabriel Segarra – Human Factors – Best Researcher Award 

Mr. Gabriel Segarra - Human Factors - Best Researcher Award 

Medical University of South Carolina - United States

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Mr. Gabriel C. Segarra's academic journey reflects a deep-seated passion for scientific exploration and interdisciplinary collaboration. Beginning with his Bachelor of Science in Biology from the College of Charleston, Segarra demonstrated an early commitment to understanding complex biological systems. His involvement in various research projects, such as his work on complement proteins and immune responses during his SURP Summer Researcher position at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC), highlights his dedication to advancing knowledge in the field.

As a Teaching Assistant in Molecular Biology Laboratory, Segarra not only enhanced his own understanding of molecular processes but also contributed to the educational development of his peers. His leadership as Principal Investigator for a NASA Space Mission Design project showcases his ability to lead multidisciplinary teams toward ambitious scientific goals, culminating in winning a design contest sponsored by NASA.

Professional Endeavors

Mr. Segarra's professional trajectory underscores his commitment to applying scientific principles to real-world challenges in healthcare. His tenure as a Research Program Assistant and subsequently as a Program Coordinator at MUSC's Embedded Human Factors and Clinical Safety Science Unit evidences his transition into a pivotal role in healthcare research. Under the mentorship of Dr. Ken Catchpole, Segarra spearheaded initiatives aimed at improving patient safety and quality of care in surgical settings.

His contributions to developing system analysis tools for sterile processing and integrating team training activities for robotic-assisted surgery underscore his hands-on approach to addressing critical issues in healthcare delivery. Segarra's ability to coordinate diverse research teams and his track record of presentations at prestigious conferences reflect his growing expertise and influence in the field.

Contributions and Research Focus

Mr. Segarra's research focuses on applying systems engineering principles to healthcare, particularly in the areas of surgical care, sterile processing, and transplant coordination. His work delves into understanding the intricate interdependencies within healthcare systems, with a keen emphasis on enhancing patient safety and quality outcomes.

His publications and presentations demonstrate a nuanced understanding of the challenges inherent in healthcare delivery and his innovative approach to addressing these challenges through rigorous research and interdisciplinary collaboration. By investigating patient safety incident reporting, reprocessing protocols, and simulation models, Segarra's research provides valuable insights that can inform policy and practice in healthcare settings.

Accolades and Recognition

Mr. Segarra's contributions have garnered recognition both within academia and the broader scientific community. His presentations at international symposiums and contributions to peer-reviewed journals reflect the esteem in which his work is held. Winning the design contest for the NASA space mission design further highlights his ability to excel in competitive environments and push the boundaries of scientific inquiry.

Impact and Influence

Mr. Segarra's work has the potential to catalyze significant advancements in healthcare delivery by bridging the gap between theoretical research and practical application. By elucidating complex interdependencies and developing innovative solutions, Segarra is poised to make a lasting impact on patient care and safety.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As Segarra continues to advance in his career, his legacy will be defined by his unwavering dedication to improving healthcare systems and outcomes. By mentoring future generations of researchers and continuing to push the boundaries of knowledge, Segarra's contributions will resonate far beyond his current endeavors, shaping the future landscape of healthcare delivery and patient safety.


A total of 342 citations for his publications, demonstrating the impact and recognition of her research within the academic community.

Negusie Mengistu – social research – Editorial Board member

Mr. Negusie Mengistu - social research - Editorial Board member

Woldia University - Ethiopia 

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Mr. Negusie Mengistu embarked on his educational journey at Delgi Senior Secondary and Preparatory School, where he completed both his general secondary education and the Ethiopian University Entrance Exam Certificate. Following this foundational phase, Mengistu pursued higher education at Gondar University, earning a Bachelor of Science degree in Rural Development and Agricultural Extension. His academic excellence was recognized early on when he graduated with very great distinction, attaining a cumulative GPA of 3.87. This strong academic foundation laid the groundwork for his subsequent pursuits and interests in rural development and community-focused initiatives.

Professional Endeavors

Mr. Mengistu's professional journey is marked by a series of progressive roles that highlight his dedication to academic and community development. Starting as a Junior Instructor at Agarfa Agricultural Technical and Vocational Education and Training College, he was involved in teaching and technology transformation initiatives. His career trajectory saw a significant advancement when he joined Woldia University, where he has held multiple roles. Starting as a Graduate Assistant and progressing to a Lecturer and Researcher, Mengistu has made substantial contributions to the academic community. In 2020, he was appointed the Head of the Department of Rural Development and Agricultural Extension at Woldia University, where he oversees teaching, research activities, and community service initiatives.

Contributions and Research Focus On social research

Mr. Mengistu’s research has predominantly focused on issues pertaining to rural development, food security, livelihood vulnerabilities, and agricultural extension, among others. His work is driven by a commitment to improving livelihoods through demand-driven research and practical interventions. Notable publications in Cogent Social Sciences, such as studies on livelihood vulnerabilities in Takusa Woreda and the role of livelihood diversification in household income, underscore his dedication to impactful research. These contributions not only add to the academic discourse but also provide practical insights and strategies for community development and poverty alleviation.

Accolades and Recognition

Throughout his academic and professional career, Mengistu has been recognized for his achievements and contributions. His early accolade of graduating with very great distinction was followed by various certificates of participation and contribution in local and international conferences, reflecting his active engagement in the academic community. His role as a peer reviewer for the Journal of Agriculture and Food Security further highlights his commitment to maintaining rigorous academic standards and contributing to the scholarly community.

Impact and Influence

Mr. Mengistu’s impact extends beyond the classroom and academic publications. Through his roles at Woldia University, he has significantly influenced the academic and community development spheres. His initiatives in community services, such as promoting food and nutrition security and gender-sensitive interventions, have contributed to societal improvements in rural Ethiopia. Additionally, his efforts in fostering collaborations and sharing experiences with various universities and organizations amplify his influence, promoting knowledge exchange and capacity building across different sectors.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Looking ahead, Negusie Mengistu is poised to continue his influential work in rural development and agricultural extension. His ongoing research and community engagement projects are likely to yield further innovative solutions to the challenges facing rural communities in Ethiopia and beyond. Mengistu's commitment to academic excellence and community service positions him to leave a lasting legacy in the fields of rural development and education, potentially inspiring future generations of researchers and practitioners to prioritize sustainable development and community-focused solutions.

Mr. Negusie Mengistu’s journey from a dedicated student to a key figure in academic and community development in Ethiopia exemplifies a profound commitment to improving lives through education, research, and direct community involvement. His future endeavors will undoubtedly continue to impact and shape the rural development landscape, making substantial contributions to both academic knowledge and practical community development outcomes.

Notable Publication

Tesfaye Gudeta  – Interdisciplinary Data Insights – Editorial Board member

Mr. Tesfaye Gudeta  - Interdisciplinary Data Insights - Editorial Board member

Haramaya University - Ethiopia

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Mr. Tesfaye Gudeta Gerba's academic journey commenced with a Bachelor of Education degree in Teaching the English Language from Jimma University, Ethiopia, spanning from 2004 to 2007. This foundational period laid the groundwork for his subsequent academic pursuits. Following this, he pursued a Higher Diploma in Teaching at Higher Education, Haramaya University, in 2007-2008, further enhancing his pedagogical skills.

His commitment to academic excellence led him to pursue a Master of Arts degree in Linguistics at Addis Ababa University from 2009 to 2011, where he delved deeper into the intricacies of language study. This phase not only broadened his understanding of linguistics but also honed his research and analytical abilities, setting the stage for his future scholarly endeavors.

Professional Endeavors

Mr. Tesfaye Gudeta Gerba's professional journey is characterized by a rich tapestry of experiences across various educational institutions in Ethiopia. He served as an Academic and Administrative Coordinator of Haramaya University's first-year students at the Harar campus from 2011 to 2012, demonstrating his organizational prowess and leadership capabilities.

His contributions extended to the administrative domain as he assumed the role of Associate Dean of the College of Social Sciences and Humanities at Haramaya University from 2013 to 2016. During this tenure, he exhibited adeptness in managing academic affairs and fostering a conducive learning environment.

Mr. Gerba's commitment to curriculum development and academic innovation is evident from his roles as a Curriculum Designer and Chairperson for the MA program in Peace and Development Studies in 2015. Furthermore, his involvement in establishing the Institute of Gadaa Studies at Haramaya University showcases his dedication to promoting interdisciplinary research and cultural preservation.

Contributions and Research Focus

Throughout his academic and professional journey, Mr. Tesfaye Gudeta Gerba has exhibited a keen interest in interdisciplinary studies, particularly in the realms of linguistics, peace studies, and social sciences. His research endeavors have explored diverse topics such as the sociopolitical roles of Oromo women, morphosemantic analysis of Oromo personal names, and the comparative analysis of epic traditions.

His doctoral candidacy in Peace and Development Studies at Haramaya University reflects his commitment to addressing complex societal issues and fostering sustainable peace. Additionally, his involvement in research projects such as "Human Trafficking from Ethiopia to the Middle East and Its Effects" underscores his dedication to shedding light on pressing social issues and advocating for vulnerable populations.

Accolades and Recognition

Mr. Tesfaye Gudeta Gerba's scholarly contributions have garnered recognition both nationally and internationally. His publications in esteemed journals such as the International Journal of Sciences and Women's Studies underscore his scholarly prowess and contribution to academic discourse.

Moreover, his participation in training programs and workshops, including those facilitated by Haramaya University and the University of Innsbruck, highlights his commitment to continuous learning and professional development.

Impact and Influence

Mr. Gerba's multifaceted contributions extend beyond academia, encompassing community engagement and capacity-building initiatives. His involvement in the 'HU-UIBK Partnership for Strengthening Institutional Capacity in Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation' underscores his dedication to fostering collaborative approaches to conflict resolution and peacebuilding.

Furthermore, his role as a mentor and educator has undoubtedly influenced aspiring scholars and professionals, shaping the trajectory of future generations in academia and beyond.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As Mr. Tesfaye Gudeta Gerba continues his academic journey and doctoral research, his legacy as a scholar, educator, and advocate for peace and social justice will endure. His interdisciplinary approach to research and commitment to community engagement lay the groundwork for future scholars to build upon, fostering a legacy of academic excellence and social impact.

Moving forward, Mr. Gerba's contributions are poised to expand, with the potential to catalyze positive change in Ethiopia and beyond. Whether through his research endeavors, educational initiatives, or community outreach efforts, his dedication to advancing knowledge and promoting peace will undoubtedly leave an indelible mark on academia and society as a whole.

Notable Publication

Danica Krstovska – Physics Data Analysis Award – Best Researcher

Prof Dr. Danica Krstovska - Physics Data Analysis Award - Best Researcher

Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics - Macedonia

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Prof Dr. Danica Krstovska embarked on her academic journey with a strong focus on theoretical condensed matter physics. Her foundational education included a Bachelor of Science in theoretical physics from the Department of Physics at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia. She continued her studies with a Master of Science in Physics, exploring the sound attenuation ratio of acoustic waves in quasi-two-dimensional conductors in a magnetic field. Her academic pursuits culminated in a Ph.D. in Physics, specializing in theoretical condensed matter physics, where her dissertation delved into electroacoustic and thermomagnetic phenomena in low-dimensional organic conductors.

Professional Endeavors

Prof Dr. Krstovska's professional career has been marked by a progression from teaching assistant roles to prominent positions in academia. She has held roles such as Teaching Assistant, Research Assistant, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and currently, Chair of the Department of Physics at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia. Her academic responsibilities encompass a wide range of courses in mathematical methods, quantum mechanics, quantum information physics, electrodynamics, special theory of relativity, and calculus-based physics.

Contributions and Research Focus On Physics Data Analysis Award

Prof Dr. Krstovska's research interests lie at the intersection of electroacoustic and thermomagnetic phenomena in low-dimensional organic conductors. She has investigated various aspects of these phenomena, including angular dependent magnetothermopower, magneto-thermopower of single closed orbit systems, and magnetic field-induced superconductivity. Her research projects have garnered significant attention and have been supported by prestigious institutions and funding bodies. Additionally, Dr. Krstovska has made significant contributions to educational projects focused on the continuous education of physics teachers and market needs analysis for physics study profiles.

Accolades and Recognition

Prof Dr. Krstovska's contributions to the field of theoretical condensed matter physics have been recognized through numerous awards and honors. Notable among these are the Best Scientist award at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, the Nature Publishing Group Travel Award, the NSF Science and Engineering Highlight, and the Fulbright Visiting Scholar Award. Her consistent dedication to research excellence has earned her accolades both nationally and internationally.

Impact and Influence

Prof Dr. Krstovska's work has had a significant impact on the field, particularly in understanding the electronic properties of layered organic conductors and exploring novel phenomena such as magnetothermopower and quantum oscillations. Her research findings have been disseminated through invited talks, scientific visits, and presentations at conferences worldwide, showcasing the depth and breadth of her contributions.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As a leading figure in theoretical condensed matter physics, Prof Dr. Krstovska's legacy is characterized by her pioneering research, exemplary teaching, and commitment to advancing the frontiers of knowledge. Her future contributions are likely to further enrich the field, as she continues to mentor students, collaborate with international researchers, and explore new avenues for understanding the intricate behaviors of low-dimensional organic conductors. Prof Dr. Krstovska's dedication to excellence serves as an inspiration to aspiring physicists and underscores the importance of curiosity-driven inquiry in pushing the boundaries of scientific understanding.


  • Citations   115
  • h-index       6
  • i10-index   3

Notable Publication


Yao-Tai Li – Medical Sociology Award – Best Researcher 

Dr. Yao-Tai Li - Medical Sociology Award - Best Researcher 

University of New South Wales - Australia

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Yao-Tai Li's academic journey began with a Bachelor's degree in Political Science from National Taiwan University in Taipei, Taiwan. This foundational education laid the groundwork for further exploration in social sciences. He then pursued a Master's degree in Political Science, delving deeper into the complexities of political structures and systems. Following this, Li continued his academic pursuit by obtaining a Master's degree in Sociology from the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), where he underwent rigorous training in sociological theories and methodologies. This multidisciplinary background equipped him with a diverse skill set essential for his future research endeavors.

Li's academic trajectory culminated in a Ph.D. in Sociology from UCSD, where he conducted groundbreaking research on the formation and decline of Overseas Chinese identity in Australia. His dissertation, titled "Making and Unmaking Pan-ethnicity," showcased his commitment to understanding complex social phenomena through a sociological lens. This early academic pursuit laid the foundation for his subsequent research interests and contributions to the field of sociology.

Professional Endeavors

Dr. Yao-Tai Li's professional journey is characterized by a series of academic appointments and visiting positions at prestigious institutions worldwide. He began his career as an Assistant Professor of Sociology at Hong Kong Baptist University, where he made significant contributions to the field through his research and teaching. Li's expertise in race and ethnicity, identity, migration, and contentious politics garnered recognition, leading to his appointment as a Lecturer and subsequently as a Senior Lecturer at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia.

Throughout his career, Li has demonstrated a strong commitment to academic excellence, evidenced by his extensive publication record in peer-reviewed journals and his active engagement in scholarly activities. His collaborative efforts with scholars from diverse backgrounds have enriched the academic discourse, contributing to the advancement of sociological knowledge.

Contributions and Research Focus On Medical Sociology Award

Dr. Li's research agenda encompasses a wide range of topics, including race and ethnicity, identity formation, migration patterns, and social movements. His seminal work on the Hong Kong protests, Taiwanese migration experiences, and the impact of COVID-19 on global societies has received widespread acclaim within the academic community. Li's interdisciplinary approach to research, drawing insights from sociology, political science, and cultural studies, has led to innovative perspectives on complex social phenomena.

His commitment to empirical rigor and theoretical innovation has positioned him as a leading scholar in the field of sociology. Li's research not only sheds light on pressing social issues but also offers practical insights for policymakers and practitioners seeking to address contemporary challenges.

Accolades and Recognition

Dr. Yao-Tai Li's contributions to the field of sociology have been recognized through numerous awards and accolades. He has received prestigious honors such as the A. Noam Chomsky Rising Star Emerging Scholar Award, Faculty Early Career Teaching Award, and Dissertation Writing Award, among others. Li's research has been featured in top-tier academic journals, and he has received accolades for his presentations at international conferences.

Impact and Influence

Dr. Li's research has made a significant impact on academic scholarship and public discourse. His work on identity politics, social movements, and migration dynamics has informed policymakers, educators, and civil society actors worldwide. By bridging the gap between theory and practice, Li has facilitated meaningful dialogue on pressing social issues, contributing to a more nuanced understanding of contemporary society.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Dr. Yao-Tai Li's legacy lies in his profound influence on the field of sociology and his dedication to advancing knowledge for the betterment of society. As he continues his academic journey, Li remains committed to rigorous scholarship, interdisciplinary collaboration, and the pursuit of social justice. His future contributions are poised to shape the trajectory of sociological inquiry, inspiring future generations of scholars to engage critically with the complexities of the modern world.


  • Citations   292
  • h-index       10
  • i10-index    11

Notable Publication


Rakesh Kumar Dumka – Tectonic Geodesy – Best Researcher Award 

Dr. Rakesh Kumar Dumka - Tectonic Geodesy - Best Researcher Award 

Institute of Seismological research - India

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Rakesh K. Dumka's academic journey began with a Master's degree in Geology from Kumaun University, followed by a Ph.D. in Geology, focusing on determining the crustal strain field in the Kumaun lesser Himalaya using GPS geodesy. His academic pursuits laid the foundation for his expertise in geoscientific studies, particularly in the fields of geodesy, remote sensing, and GNSS applications.

Professional Endeavors

Throughout his career, Dr. Dumka has held various roles, starting as a Junior Research Fellow and advancing to his current position as Scientist D at the Institute of Seismological Research (ISR), Gandhinagar. He has worked extensively in the areas of crustal deformation study, geodetic characterization of fault zones, and monitoring seismic hazards using advanced geospatial technologies like GNSS and InSAR.

Contributions and Research Focus

Dr. Dumka's research contributions span a wide range of topics, including:

  • Crustal deformation studies in seismically active regions like Gujarat and Uttarakhand using GPS and InSAR techniques.
  • Monitoring urban subsidence and identifying strain zones to understand seismic hazards.
  • Conducting hydrological and glacier studies using GRACE and GPS data.
  • Investigating tectonic processes and active fault zones in India through geoscientific projects.

His expertise lies in conceptualizing and implementing geo-scientific projects, data analysis, and interpretation using various software and techniques.

Accolades and Recognition

Dr. Dumka's contributions to the field of geoscience have been widely recognized, earning him prestigious awards such as the Young Scientist Award from Uttarakhand Council of Science and Technology and acknowledgment from UNAVCO for his research on geodetic observations of water volume changes in dams.

Impact and Influence

With over 20 years of R&D experience and numerous publications in international and national journals, Dr. Dumka has made significant contributions to advancing our understanding of crustal deformation, seismic hazards, and geodetic processes. His work has not only contributed to academic knowledge but also has practical applications in mitigating geological risks and informing urban planning.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Dr. Dumka's legacy lies in his pioneering work in utilizing advanced geospatial technologies for geoscientific research and societal impact. His ongoing commitment to mentoring students, delivering lectures, and participating in scientific conferences ensures the continuity of his contributions to the field. As he continues his research endeavors, Dr. Dumka is poised to further influence the geoscientific community and contribute to our understanding of Earth's dynamic processes.

Notable Publication


Kenneth Phelps | Interdisciplinary Data Insights | Best Researcher Award

Dr Kenneth Phelps | Best Researcher Award  Winner 2023  🏆

Dr Kenneth Phelps : Interdisciplinary Data Insights

Dr. Kenneth Phelps, a recipient of the International Research Data Analysis Excellence Awards, has been honored with the Best Researcher Award in Interdisciplinary Data Insights. Congratulations to Dr. Phelps for his outstanding achievements and contributions to research data analysis. This recognition underscores his excellence in the field and the significant impact of his interdisciplinary work.

Professional profile:

Early Academic Pursuits:

Kenneth R. Phelps, M.D., began his academic journey at Trinity College, Hartford, CT, earning a Bachelor of Science in Biology with Honors in 1969. He then pursued his medical degree at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, MD, graduating with an M.D. in 1973. His commitment to education is evident from his early academic achievements, including Phi Beta Kappa in 1968.

Professional Endeavors:

Dr. Phelps completed his internship and residency at the Bronx Municipal Hospital Center and Hospital of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine from July 1973 to June 1976. Following this, he undertook a fellowship in the Divisions of Hypertension and Electrolytes and Renal Diseases at Kings County Hospital Center and SUNY/Downstate, mentored by notable physicians like Man S. Oh, M.D., Hugh J. Carroll, M.D., and Eli A. Friedman, M.D. He also served as Chief Resident at Kings County Hospital Center from July 1978 to June 1979.

Dr. Phelps has held various teaching and clinical positions throughout his career, contributing significantly to medical education and patient care. His tenure at Albany Medical Center, Albany Medical College, and the Stratton Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center showcases a diverse range of responsibilities, including teaching, attending physician roles, and research positions.

Contributions and Research Focus:

Dr. Phelps has made substantial contributions to the field of nephrology and internal medicine through his research endeavors. His research projects, supported by grants and awards, have explored topics such as the treatment of secondary hyperparathyroidism in patients with chronic renal failure and the effects of sevelamer carbonate on critical variables in the pathogenesis of secondary hyperparathyroidism.

His editorial review work for prominent medical journals reflects his commitment to advancing medical knowledge and staying actively engaged in the academic community.

Accolades and Recognition:

Dr. Phelps has received numerous honors and awards throughout his career, including certifications from the American Board of Internal Medicine and the American Board of Nephrology. He was recognized with the Teacher of the Year award and the Syed S. Haqqie Teaching Attending Award, highlighting his impact on medical education.

His memberships in professional associations, including the American College of Physicians and the American Society of Nephrology, underscore his commitment to staying connected with the broader medical community.

Impact and Influence:

Dr. Phelps's impact extends beyond clinical practice, with significant involvement in academic services and committees. His leadership roles in medical education, committee memberships, and editorial reviews showcase his influence in shaping medical education and research.

Notable publication :


International Research Data Analysis Excellence Awards | Award Winners 2023

Thiago Antonini Alves | Excellence in Research Award Winner 2023  🏆

Prof. Thiago Antonini Alves: Thermal Performance/Heat Pipe👨‍🎓

I extend my heartfelt congratulations to Prof. Thiago Antonini Alves for being honored with the Thermal Performance Excellence in Research Award. This recognition is a testament to your unwavering dedication and exceptional contributions to advancing knowledge in the field. Your innovative research has not only set a new standard for excellence but has also significantly enriched our understanding of thermal performance. This award is truly well-deserved, reflecting your tireless efforts and commitment to pushing the boundaries of research. May this achievement mark the beginning of even greater successes in your continued endeavors. Well done, Prof. Alves! May this recognition fuel your passion for research and motivate you to reach even greater heights in your academic journey. Your achievements serve as an inspiration to aspiring scholars and researchers around the globe.

Thiago Antonini Alves is a researcher and professor with a background in Mechanical Engineering, specializing in Thermal Engineering. Here is a summary of his academic.

Professional profile:

Early Academic Pursuits:

Thiago Antonini Alves embarked on his academic journey with a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP) in 2004. He continued his education by obtaining a Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering from UNESP in 2006, with a focus on topics such as integral transforms, conformal transformations, and laminar flow.

Subsequently, he pursued a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) from 2006 to 2010. His doctoral research delved into the realm of conjugate heat transfer, forced convection, and laminar flow, under the guidance of Carlos Alberto Carrasco Altemani. Throughout his formal education, Thiago received support from the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), showcasing his commitment to advancing scientific knowledge.

professional Endeavors:

Post completing his Ph.D., Thiago further expanded his expertise through a postdoctoral position at Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) from 2015 to 2016. During this time, he continued to contribute to the field of engineering, solidifying his standing as a dedicated researcher.

Thiago's academic journey also included international exposure, as evidenced by his participation in the International English Language Summer School for Academics and Researchers at the Institute of Technology Tallaght, ITT Dublin, Ireland, in 2018.

Contributions and Research Focus:

Thiago Antonini Alves has made substantial contributions to the field of Mechanical Engineering, particularly in Thermal Engineering. His research has encompassed diverse topics such as experimental studies, thermosyphon systems, forced convection, and the thermal performance of various systems. The integration of experimental work and theoretical concepts, including integral transforms, highlights the multidimensional nature of his contributions.

postdoctoral Research:

Congratulations on your postdoctoral research at Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina! Postdoctoral experiences are crucial for furthering research and contributing to the academic community. If you'd like to share more details about your postdoctoral work or if there's anything specific you'd like assistance with or discuss about this proud moment, feel free to let me know. I'm here to support and engage in any conversation you'd like!

Accolades and Recognition:

Thiago's academic achievements have not gone unnoticed. He holds the prestigious position of "Bolsista de Produtividade em Pesquisa do CNPq - Nível 2," indicating his significant productivity and impact in the research domain.

Impact and Influence:

As a government employee at Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR) since 2011, Thiago has played a pivotal role in research, education, and administrative responsibilities. His involvement in various councils, committees, and project activities underscores his dedication to the development of the academic community.

Thiago's leadership positions, including Presidente do Conselho do Departamento Acadêmico de Mecânica and Presidente do Colegiado do Curso de Engenharia Mecânica, reflect his influence in shaping academic policies and fostering a conducive learning environment.

Legacy and Future Contributions:

Thiago Antonini Alves continues to leave a lasting impact on academia through his research, teaching, and administrative roles. His extensive involvement in research projects, council memberships, and teaching various engineering disciplines attests to his commitment to advancing knowledge and nurturing the next generation of engineers.

As he celebrates his 1-year anniversary, Thiago's legacy includes a rich tapestry of academic achievements, collaborative projects, and a dedication to the pursuit of knowledge in Mechanical Engineering. Looking ahead, his future contributions are anticipated to further elevate the academic and research landscape in his field.

Notable Publications:

  • DIMBARRE, Victor Vaurek ; BIGLIA, Felipe Mercês ; BARTMEYER, Guilherme Antonio ; TURCHIELLO, Rozane de Fátima ; SANTOS, Paulo Henrique Dias dos ; ANTONINI ALVES, THIAGO . Experimental Thermal Performance of an Evacuated Tube Solar Collector using Graphene Oxide as Working Fluid in Wickless Heat Pipes, 2023, Ponta Grossa, PR. Anais do DYCAELS 2023, 2023.
  • BALDYKOWSKI, Bruno ; COMINESI, Elen Louise Camargo ; DIMBARRE, Victor Vaurek ; BIGLIA, Felipe Mercês ; ANTONINI ALVES, THIAGO ; LIMA, Luiz Eduardo Melo . The Rise Velocity of an Elongated Gas Bubble Flowing into a Stagnant Liquid: Dependence on the Pipe Inclination, 2023, Ponta Grossa, PR. Anais do DYCAELS 2023, 2023.
  • VAZ, Allefe Jardel Chagas ; DIMBARRE, Victor Vaurek ; TURCHIELLO, Rozane de Fátima ; ANTONINI ALVES, THIAGO . Experimental Evaluation of the Thermal Performance of a Thermosyphon Using Graphene Oxide (GO) as the Working Fluid, 2023, Ponta Grossa, PR. Anais do DYCAELS 2023, 2023.
  • PEREIRA, Thomas Siqueira ; MACHADO, Pedro Leineker Ochoski ; SIQUEIRA, Hugo Valadares ; TADANO, Yara de Souza ; ANTONINI ALVES, THIAGO . Predicting the Thermal Performance of Heat Pipes with Grooved Wick Structure using Artificial Neural Networks, 2023, Ponta Grossa, PR. Anais do DYCAELS 2023, 2023.
  • CRUZ, Felipe Barreto Campelo ; ANTONINI ALVES, THIAGO . Nonlinear Control of a Pneumatic Positioning System with Pressure-Regulator Servo-Valves, 2023, Ponta Grossa, PR. Anais do DYCAELS 2023, 2023.
  • MOIA, Mariana de Magalhães ; MESQUITA, Luís Manuel Ribeiro de ; PILOTO, Paulo Alexandre Gonçalves ; BARREIRA, Luísa Afonso ; ALVES, Matheus Henrique ; ANTONINI ALVES, THIAGO . Fire Performance of Cork Particleboard Panels with Expandable Graphite, 2022, Bragança. Anais do EJI 2022, 2022.
  • NISHIDA, Felipe Baptista ; SANTOS, Paulo Henrique Dias dos ; ANTONINI ALVES, THIAGO . Mathematical Model for Liquid Film Profile along the Grooves in the Evaporator of a Heat Pipe, 2021, Valeta. Proceedings of the ACE-X 2021, ACEX099, 2021. p. 17-18.
  • MACHADO, Pedro Leineker Ochoski ; DIMBARRE, Victor Vaurek ; BARTMEYER, Guilherme Antonio ; LENART, Vinícius Mariani ; TURCHIELLO, Rozane de Fátima ; SANTOS, Paulo Henrique Dias dos ; ANTONINI ALVES, THIAGO . Influence of Slope on the Performance of Thermosyphons Filled with 5% Graphene Oxide Nanofluid for Use in Vacuum Tube Solar Collectors, 2020, Nova Delhi. Proceedings of the ICEE 2020, EE-12202013, 2020.
  • BARTMEYER, Guilherme Antonio ; DIEDRICH, Carlos Henrique ; MACHADO, Pedro Leineker Ochoski ; ANTONINI ALVES, THIAGO . Experimental Tests of Thermosyphons for Application in Vacuum Tube Solar Collectors, 2019, Ponta Grossa, PR. Anais do CONET 2019, 2019.
  • BIGLIA, Felipe Mercês ; SOUZA, Rogério de Oliveira ; BARTMEYER, Guilherme Antonio ; FACHINI, Luis Vitório Gulineli ; SILVA, Raquel da Cunha Ribeiro da ; ANTONINI ALVES, THIAGO . Experimental Study of Frost Formation on Flat Surfaces, 2019, Ponta Grossa, PR. Anais do CONET 2019, 2019.


A total of  764 citations for his publications, demonstrating the impact and recognition of his research within the academic community.

  • Citations 764     581
  • h-index 15         12
  • i10-index 20       17