Dhritidyuti Bose – Climate Change Data Analysis – Best Researcher Award 

Mr. Dhritidyuti Bose - Climate Change Data Analysis - Best Researcher Award 

Department of Conservation - New Zealand

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Mr. Dhritidyuti Bose embarked on his academic journey with a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Economics with a specialization in Mathematical Economics from the University of Delhi. This laid a robust foundation for his subsequent academic pursuits. He then pursued a Master of Economics with a specialization in Econometrics and Statistics from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi, where he delved deeper into the intricate intersections of economics and quantitative analysis. Bose's academic trajectory culminated with a Master of Public Administration (MPA) from the Graduate School of Government, University of Sydney, Australia. This multidisciplinary exposure equipped him with a diverse skill set, blending theoretical frameworks with practical policy applications.

Professional Endeavors

Mr. Bose's professional journey spans three decades across esteemed institutions, where he made significant contributions to economic policy formulation and analysis. He commenced his career at the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), India's central bank, where he ascended to the position of Director in the Department of Economic and Policy Research. His tenure at RBI was marked by seminal research on macroeconomic development, monetary policy, fiscal policy, and public expenditure management. Bose's expertise in compiling economic databases, conducting independent studies, and presenting macroeconomic updates solidified his reputation as a thought leader in the field.

Subsequently, Bose transitioned to the New Zealand Treasury, where he served as a Senior Analyst in the Macroeconomic and Fiscal Policy team. Here, he provided invaluable insights into global economic drivers, fiscal consolidation strategies, and monetary policy frameworks. His adeptness in analyzing macroeconomic trends, designing policy frameworks, and delivering evidence-based recommendations earned him recognition as a trusted advisor to governmental authorities.

Bose's current role as a Senior Environmental Economist at the New Zealand Department of Conservation exemplifies his interdisciplinary acumen. Here, he leads macroeconomic assessments of weather events, conducts cost-benefit analyses of conservation investments, and develops tourism frameworks aligned with sustainability objectives. His proficiency in economic modeling, data analysis, and stakeholder engagement underscores his commitment to advancing environmental conservation through economic imperatives.

Contributions and Research Focus

Throughout his career, Bose has championed research on diverse economic themes, ranging from fiscal sustainability to environmental stewardship. At RBI, his research elucidated the dynamics of monetary policy transmission, fiscal-monetary coordination, and infrastructure financing. He authored seminal papers on household savings, credit dynamics, and public expenditure management, which enriched scholarly discourse and informed policymaking.

In his capacity at the New Zealand Treasury, Bose spearheaded research on exchange rate competitiveness, economic linkages with Asian economies, and fiscal consolidation strategies post-global financial crisis. His contributions to macroeconomic stability dashboards, fiscal strategy reports, and economic updates fortified the government's capacity to navigate complex policy challenges.

At the Department of Conservation, Bose's research endeavors converge on integrating economic principles with conservation imperatives. He pioneered methodologies to assess the economic impact of weather events on conservation efforts, developed regenerative tourism frameworks, and formulated strategies to enhance visitor experiences while preserving natural heritage. His research outputs on measuring wellbeing impacts, carbon pricing mechanisms, and tourism economies have been instrumental in shaping sustainable policy interventions.

Accolades and Recognition

Mr. Bose's scholarly contributions have garnered widespread acclaim, evident from his publication record in esteemed journals and presentation at international conferences. His research on fiscal consolidation, monetary policy effectiveness, and environmental economics has earned him accolades from peers and policymakers alike. He has been invited to deliver lectures, represent institutions at international forums, and contribute to high-level advisory groups, reflecting the esteem with which his expertise is held in academic and policy circles.

Impact and Influence

Mr. Bose's enduring legacy lies in his commitment to bridging academic rigor with policy relevance. His research insights have guided policymakers in navigating economic uncertainties, fostering sustainable development, and enhancing societal wellbeing. By fostering interdisciplinary collaborations and leveraging empirical evidence, Bose has catalyzed transformative change in economic policymaking, leaving an indelible imprint on the realms of central banking, fiscal governance, and environmental stewardship.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As Dhritidyuti Bose continues his scholarly pursuits, his legacy will endure through the dissemination of knowledge, mentorship of future generations, and advocacy for evidence-based policymaking. His endeavors will continue to shape discourse on macroeconomic stability, environmental sustainability, and inclusive growth, inspiring a new cadre of policymakers and researchers to address the multifaceted challenges of the 21st century with intellectual rigor and moral clarity.

Notable Publication

Ma-am Joy Tumulak – Healthcare Data Analysis – Best Researcher Award 

Dr. Ma-am Joy Tumulak - Healthcare Data Analysis - Best Researcher Award 

University of the Philippines Manila - Philippines

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Joy R. Tumulak embarked on her academic journey with a solid foundation in psychology, graduating cum laude from the University of the Philippines, Diliman with a Bachelor of Science degree. Her pursuit of understanding human behavior and cognition laid the groundwork for her future endeavors in the medical field. She continued her academic pursuit at the University of the Philippines, Ermita, Manila, where she earned her Doctor of Medicine degree, showcasing her commitment to the medical profession from an early stage. Throughout her academic journey, she demonstrated excellence, earning recognition as an Outstanding Intern in Rehabilitation Medicine during her medical training.

Professional Endeavors

Dr. Tumulak's professional journey has been characterized by a passion for genetics and genetic counseling. She began her career as a Medical Officer at Taytay District Hospital, Palawan, where she gained valuable clinical experience in managing outpatient and emergency care. Transitioning into the realm of genetics, she served as a Research Associate for the Subphenotyping and Genetics of Oral Facial Cleft Families in the Philippines Study, collaborating with the University of Pittsburgh. Her role involved not only research coordination but also the adaptation and development of study protocols, showcasing her versatility in both clinical and research settings.

Dr. Tumulak's commitment to advancing genetic research and counseling led her to roles at the Institute of Human Genetics, National Institutes of Health, University of the Philippines Manila. As a University Researcher and later as a Research Assistant Professor, she played a pivotal role in conceptualizing and initiating research projects related to genetics and genetic counseling. Her expertise in manuscript writing and protocol development contributed significantly to the publication of numerous research papers in international and local journals.

Contributions and Research Focus

Dr. Tumulak's research focus encompasses a broad spectrum of genetic disorders, ranging from metabolic diseases like Maple Syrup Urine Disease to congenital heart defects and rare genetic syndromes. Her studies delve not only into the clinical aspects of these conditions but also into the psychosocial implications for patients and their families. Through her research, she has shed light on the coping strategies of Filipino mothers of children with congenital heart disease and the psychosocial issues faced by parents of children with Maple Syrup Urine Disease.

In addition to her research endeavors, Dr. Tumulak has been actively involved in genetic counseling initiatives, advocating for the integration of genetic counseling services into clinical practice. Her contributions extend beyond academia, as evidenced by her involvement in various professional organizations such as the Philippine Society of Genetic Counselors and the Professional Society of Genetic Counselors in Asia.

Accolades and Recognition

Dr. Tumulak's contributions to the field of genetics and genetic counseling have been recognized through grants, awards, and invitations to present at prestigious conferences and symposiums. She has received research dissemination grants from UP Manila and publication awards from the University of the Philippines Manila in acknowledgment of her impactful research endeavors. Her excellence has been further acknowledged through awards such as the Outstanding Intern Award and cum laude recognition during her academic pursuits.

Impact and Influence

Dr. Tumulak's work has made a significant impact on the field of genetic counseling, particularly in the Philippines and the broader Asian region. Her research publications, presentations, and involvement in professional organizations have contributed to the advancement of genetic knowledge and the development of genetic counseling services. Through her dedication and leadership, she has inspired future generations of genetic counselors and researchers to continue pushing the boundaries of knowledge in the field.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As Dr. Tumulak continues her professional journey, her legacy lies in her commitment to excellence, innovation, and advocacy for genetic health. Her future contributions are poised to further expand the scope of genetic counseling and research, addressing the evolving needs of patients and families facing genetic conditions. With her leadership and expertise, she will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on the field, shaping the future of genetics and genetic counseling in the Philippines and beyond.


A total of 43 citations for his publications, demonstrating the impact and recognition of her research within the academic community.

Giulia Panegrossi – Environmental Data Analysis – Best Researcher Award  

Dr. Giulia Panegrossi - Environmental Data Analysis - Best Researcher Award  

Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate - Italy

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Giulia Panegrossi embarked on her academic journey with an insatiable curiosity for atmospheric sciences. Her pursuit began with a Bachelor's degree in Meteorology, laying the foundation for her future endeavors. Eager to delve deeper into the complexities of weather phenomena, she pursued a Master's degree in Atmospheric Physics, where she honed her skills in understanding the intricacies of Earth's atmosphere.

Fuelled by a passion for research, Dr. Panegrossi pursued a Ph.D. in Atmospheric Sciences at the prestigious University of Wisconsin-Madison under the auspices of the NASA Earth System Science Graduate Student Fellowship Program. This fellowship not only provided her with invaluable resources but also served as a testament to her academic prowess and potential. Her doctoral research focused on data assimilation, passive microwave radiometry, and cloud microphysics, demonstrating her early aptitude for cutting-edge research in remote sensing and atmospheric dynamics.

Professional Endeavors

Dr. Panegrossi's professional journey is characterized by a relentless pursuit of excellence and innovation in the field of atmospheric sciences. She commenced her career as a Research Fellow at the National Research Council of Italy (CNR), where she delved into the realm of passive microwave remote sensing and cloud physics. Her work contributed significantly to advancing our understanding of precipitation retrieval techniques from space-borne platforms, laying the groundwork for future developments in satellite meteorology.

Driven by a quest for interdisciplinary collaboration, Dr. Panegrossi embraced diverse research opportunities, including her role as an Environmental Satellite Data Specialist at the Mediterranean Agency for Remote Sensing. Here, she pioneered the development of visualization and data processing tools for environmental remote sensing data, underscoring her versatility and adaptability in leveraging cutting-edge technologies for scientific inquiry.

Contributions and Research Focus

Throughout her career, Dr. Panegrossi has made seminal contributions to various facets of atmospheric sciences, with a particular emphasis on remote sensing, satellite meteorology, and extreme weather events. Her research endeavors have encompassed a wide array of topics, ranging from the impact of microphysics parameterization on precipitation forecasts to the development of advanced radiative transfer models for passive microwave measurements.

One of her notable contributions lies in her role as the Coordinator of the ISAC-CNR macroarea Climate and Meteorology, modeling, and Earth Observation (CAMEO). In this capacity, she spearheaded collaborative research initiatives aimed at advancing our understanding of climate dynamics and enhancing the predictive capabilities of numerical weather models. Additionally, her leadership as the Science Coordinator of the EUMETSAT H SAF underscores her commitment to fostering international collaborations and driving innovation in operational meteorology.

Accolades and Recognition

Dr. Panegrossi's outstanding contributions to the field of atmospheric sciences have garnered widespread recognition and acclaim. Notably, her appointment as a Senior Research Scientist at the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (ISAC) U.O.S. of Rome reflects her exemplary track record and expertise in satellite meteorology and remote sensing. Furthermore, her appointment as a Consultant and Scientific Expert to the European Space Agency (ESA) World Radiocommunication Conference 2027 (WRC-27) consultation group underscores her stature as a trusted authority in the field of Earth observation science.

Impact and Influence

Dr. Panegrossi's research has had a profound impact on the advancement of satellite-based precipitation monitoring and estimation techniques, with far-reaching implications for weather forecasting, climate modeling, and hydrological applications. Her pioneering work in microwave radiometry for clouds and precipitation has revolutionized our ability to observe and understand complex atmospheric processes, thereby enhancing our resilience to extreme weather events and climate variability.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As she continues to chart new frontiers in atmospheric sciences, Dr. Panegrossi's legacy is one of innovation, collaboration, and excellence. Her multidisciplinary approach to research, coupled with her unwavering commitment to scientific inquiry, ensures that her contributions will resonate far into the future. As she navigates the evolving landscape of Earth observation science, Dr. Panegrossi remains steadfast in her pursuit of knowledge, driven by a vision of a more resilient and sustainable future for generations to come.


A total of 1934 citations for his publications, demonstrating the impact and recognition of her research within the academic community.

Yong Chen – Innovation in Data Analysis – Best Researcher Award

Dr. Yong Chen - Innovation in Data Analysis - Best Researcher Award 

China University of Petroleum (East China) - China

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Yong Chen embarked on his academic journey in petroleum engineering at China University of Petroleum (East China), laying the groundwork for his future research endeavors. His undergraduate studies equipped him with fundamental knowledge in the field, fostering a strong foundation upon which he would later build his advanced research. During his master's program, Chen delved deeper into the intricacies of hydraulic fracturing in unconsolidated sandstone reservoirs under the guidance of Assoc. Prof. Chuanliang Yan, demonstrating his commitment to exploring innovative solutions to industry challenges.

Professional Endeavors

Dr. Chen's professional journey extended beyond academia, as evidenced by his involvement with esteemed organizations such as the Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey and CNOOC Research Institute Co., Limited. These experiences provided him with invaluable insights into real-world applications of his research, preparing him for a career dedicated to advancing the field of petroleum engineering.

Contributions and Research Focus

Dr. Chen's research focus spans various aspects of petroleum and natural gas engineering, with a particular emphasis on the development of hydrate reservoirs. His contributions to the field include pioneering studies on medium clogging mechanisms and sand control methods in hydrate reservoirs, as well as investigations into the feasibility of hydraulic fracturing in challenging geological formations. Through his interdisciplinary approach, Chen seeks to address critical issues facing the oil and gas industry, from reservoir stability to carbon capture and storage techniques.

Accolades and Recognition

Dr. Chen's research efforts have garnered significant recognition, both domestically and internationally. His publications in prestigious journals such as Powder Technology and Journal of Cleaner Production underscore the impact of his work on the scientific community. Additionally, Chen's patent portfolio highlights his innovative contributions to sand control pipe design and reservoir simulation technologies, positioning him as a leading figure in the field of petroleum engineering.

Impact and Influence

Dr. Chen's research has the potential to revolutionize the way we extract and utilize natural resources, with implications for energy sustainability and environmental conservation. By exploring novel approaches to reservoir management and carbon sequestration, Chen's work has the power to shape the future of the oil and gas industry, ensuring its continued relevance in an evolving global landscape.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As a Ph.D. candidate at China University of Petroleum (East China), Chen is poised to leave a lasting legacy in the field of petroleum engineering. His dedication to advancing knowledge and solving complex challenges serves as an inspiration to future generations of researchers. Moving forward, Chen's work will continue to push the boundaries of scientific understanding, paving the way for innovative solutions to the pressing issues facing the energy sector. With a focus on collaboration and interdisciplinary research, Chen remains committed to driving positive change in the industry and beyond.

Notable Publication

Bouthaina Hasnaoui – Environmental Data Analysis – Young Scientist Award 

Dr. Bouthaina Hasnaoui - Environmental Data Analysis - Young Scientist Award 

Aix-Marseille Université - France 

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Bouthaina Hasnaoui's academic journey commenced with a strong foundation in biology and health sciences. Pursuing a Master's degree in Biologie Santé, Maladies Infectieuses et Microbiote at Aix-Marseille Université, France, she delved into the intricacies of infectious diseases and microbiota. This period laid the groundwork for her subsequent doctoral studies, where she specialized in Maladies Infectieuses et Microbiote, graduating with distinction in 2023.

Professional Endeavors

Her professional trajectory reflects a commitment to bridging research and practical application. As a Referent du Laboratoire de Biologie Moléculaire at the Institut Hospitalo-Universitaire Marseille, she not only supervised daily operations but also spearheaded research initiatives resulting in notable contributions to publications. Furthermore, her tenure as an Assistant de Recherche at IHU-VITROME showcased her adeptness in protocol development and experimental procedures, particularly in insect rearing and entomology. She also shared her expertise as a Formateur, nurturing the skills of budding researchers in molecular biology.

Contributions and Research Focus

Dr. Hasnaoui's research focus spans the realm of infectious diseases, with a particular emphasis on microbiology and metagenomics. Her doctoral work elucidated crucial insights into the interplay between pathogens and the host microbiota, shedding light on mechanisms of pathogenesis and potential therapeutic interventions. Moreover, her investigations into insect-borne diseases during her missions with IHU-INELP underscored her interdisciplinary approach, integrating entomological studies with infectious disease research.

Accolades and Recognition

Throughout her academic and professional journey, Hasnaoui has garnered recognition for her exemplary contributions. Her meticulous approach to research, coupled with her leadership in laboratory settings, has earned her praise from peers and mentors alike. Notably, her role as a Formateur at IHU-France showcased her ability to impart knowledge effectively, garnering appreciation from the research community.

Impact and Influence

Dr. Hasnaoui's research has the potential to catalyze advancements in the field of infectious diseases. By elucidating the complex interactions between pathogens and the host microbiota, her work lays the groundwork for the development of targeted therapeutic strategies. Furthermore, her expertise in entomology contributes to our understanding of vector-borne diseases, offering insights into disease transmission dynamics and control measures.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As she continues her academic journey, Hasnaoui's legacy is poised to endure through her groundbreaking research and mentorship initiatives. By nurturing the next generation of researchers and continuing to push the boundaries of scientific inquiry, she ensures a lasting impact on the field of infectious diseases. Her commitment to excellence and innovation serves as a beacon for aspiring researchers, inspiring them to push the boundaries of knowledge and make meaningful contributions to public health.

Notable Publication

Oluwasogo Adediran – Agricultural Data Analysis – Best Researcher Award 

Dr. Oluwasogo Adediran - Agricultural Data Analysis - Best Researcher Award 

Covenant University - Nigeria

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Oluwasogo Adediran's academic journey began with his Bachelor of Science in Education (B.Sc. Ed.) with Honors in Economics from Olabisi Onabanjo University in 2005. Building upon this foundation, he pursued his Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Economics at Covenant University in 2012, showcasing a commitment to furthering his understanding of economic principles. This dedication culminated in the attainment of his Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Economics from the same institution in 2018, where he graduated with Distinction, a testament to his academic prowess and commitment to excellence.

Professional Endeavors

Throughout his career, Dr. Adediran has held various academic and research positions, demonstrating his versatility and expertise in the field of economics. He has served as a Lecturer and Researcher at Covenant University since 2013, where he has made significant contributions to both teaching and research. Additionally, he has undertaken roles such as Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy & Development Research (CEPDeR) and Examination Officer in the Department of Economics and Development Studies.

Contributions and Research Focus On Agricultural Data Analysis

Dr. Adediran's research interests span a wide array of topics within economics, including International Economics, Macroeconomics, Applied Econometrics, Agricultural Value Chains and Food Security, Financial Economics, Development Economics, and Sustainable Development. He has actively engaged in funded research projects, both as an individual and as part of collaborative teams, aiming to address pressing issues facing Africa's development.

With over 70 published articles and conference proceedings, many of which are featured in high-impact journals indexed in Web of Science and Scopus, Dr. Adediran has established himself as a prolific and respected researcher in the field. His work often delves into African Development Issues (ADI), contributing valuable insights to the global discourse on sustainable development and economic growth.

Accolades and Recognition

Dr. Adediran's contributions to academia have been recognized through numerous awards and fellowships. Notably, he was awarded The World Academy of Science – Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (TWAS-DFG) Cooperation Visit Programme Research Grant, highlighting his international recognition and collaboration in advancing scientific research. His Visiting Scholar position at the Faculty of Management and Economics, Universität Witten/Herdecke (UW/H), Germany, further underscores his standing as a distinguished academic.

Impact and Influence

Dr. Adediran's impact extends beyond his research endeavors. He has been actively involved in teaching and mentoring students, guiding them in their academic pursuits and fostering a new generation of economists. Additionally, his editorial engagements as an Article Editor and Reviewer for various prestigious journals contribute to maintaining academic rigor and quality within the field.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As Dr. Adediran continues to excel in his academic and research pursuits, his legacy is one of scholarly excellence and commitment to addressing socio-economic challenges in Africa and beyond. Through his ongoing research on 'Finance for Sustainable Energy,' he aims to contribute to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 7 in Sub-Saharan Africa, showcasing his dedication to advancing sustainable development initiatives. With his continued leadership and contributions, Dr. Adediran is poised to leave a lasting impact on the field of economics and the broader academic community.


A total of 574 citations for his publications, demonstrating the impact and recognition of her research within the academic community.



Zhang Huaxi – Environmental Data Analysis – Best Researcher Award 

Dr. Zhang Huaxi - Environmental Data Analysis - Best Researcher Award 

University of Macau - China

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Zhang Huaxi's academic journey commenced with a solid foundation in accounting, as evidenced by his bachelor's degree in Accounting from the University of Macau. His thirst for knowledge led him to pursue further studies, culminating in a Ph.D. in Business Administration with a specialization in Accounting from the same institution. During his doctoral years, he broadened his academic horizons by engaging in a joint Ph.D. program at the University of California, Berkeley, focusing on Accounting.

Professional Endeavors

Dr. Zhang Huaxi's professional journey is characterized by a diverse range of experiences across academia and industry. Notably, his stint as a research assistant at Hong Kong Polytechnic University's School of Accounting and Finance honed his research skills, preparing him for future academic pursuits. Subsequently, he ventured into the realm of investment analysis as an investment analyst at Qingkong Financial Group Wofu Jinxin. This experience provided him with valuable insights into the practical applications of financial theories.

Contributions and Research Focus On Environmental Data Analysis

Dr. Zhang Huaxi's research endeavors center around several key areas, including Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) practices, auditing, corporate governance, and green patents. His work delves into the intricate dynamics of CEO network connections, the impact of economic policy uncertainty on green patent trading, and the relationship between auditor behavior and relative age. Through his contributions, he aims to shed light on pressing issues in the realm of finance and accounting, offering actionable insights for practitioners and policymakers alike.

Accolades and Recognition

Dr. Zhang Huaxi's academic prowess has been recognized through various accolades and awards, underscoring the significance of his contributions to the field. Noteworthy recognitions include the Excellence in Research Award at the China Accounting Scholars Workshop and the Outstanding Paper Award at the China Accounting Association Annual Conference. These accolades serve as a testament to his dedication to academic excellence and innovation.

Impact and Influence

Dr. Zhang Huaxi's research has garnered attention both domestically and internationally, shaping discourse and influencing decision-making in the realms of finance and accounting. His publications in esteemed journals such as the Journal of Accounting Public Policy and the International Review of Financial Analysis have contributed to advancing knowledge and understanding in his areas of expertise. Moreover, his active involvement in academic conferences and seminars has facilitated knowledge dissemination and fostered collaborative efforts within the scholarly community.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As Zhang Huaxi continues to traverse the academic landscape, his legacy is poised to endure through his significant contributions to research, teaching, and mentorship. His commitment to excellence and his passion for driving positive change in the field of finance and accounting serve as inspiration for aspiring scholars and practitioners alike. Moving forward, Zhang Huaxi remains dedicated to pushing the boundaries of knowledge and making meaningful contributions that resonate beyond the confines of academia, leaving an indelible mark on the discipline for years to come.

Tesfaye Gudeta  – Interdisciplinary Data Insights – Editorial Board member

Mr. Tesfaye Gudeta  - Interdisciplinary Data Insights - Editorial Board member

Haramaya University - Ethiopia

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Mr. Tesfaye Gudeta Gerba's academic journey commenced with a Bachelor of Education degree in Teaching the English Language from Jimma University, Ethiopia, spanning from 2004 to 2007. This foundational period laid the groundwork for his subsequent academic pursuits. Following this, he pursued a Higher Diploma in Teaching at Higher Education, Haramaya University, in 2007-2008, further enhancing his pedagogical skills.

His commitment to academic excellence led him to pursue a Master of Arts degree in Linguistics at Addis Ababa University from 2009 to 2011, where he delved deeper into the intricacies of language study. This phase not only broadened his understanding of linguistics but also honed his research and analytical abilities, setting the stage for his future scholarly endeavors.

Professional Endeavors

Mr. Tesfaye Gudeta Gerba's professional journey is characterized by a rich tapestry of experiences across various educational institutions in Ethiopia. He served as an Academic and Administrative Coordinator of Haramaya University's first-year students at the Harar campus from 2011 to 2012, demonstrating his organizational prowess and leadership capabilities.

His contributions extended to the administrative domain as he assumed the role of Associate Dean of the College of Social Sciences and Humanities at Haramaya University from 2013 to 2016. During this tenure, he exhibited adeptness in managing academic affairs and fostering a conducive learning environment.

Mr. Gerba's commitment to curriculum development and academic innovation is evident from his roles as a Curriculum Designer and Chairperson for the MA program in Peace and Development Studies in 2015. Furthermore, his involvement in establishing the Institute of Gadaa Studies at Haramaya University showcases his dedication to promoting interdisciplinary research and cultural preservation.

Contributions and Research Focus

Throughout his academic and professional journey, Mr. Tesfaye Gudeta Gerba has exhibited a keen interest in interdisciplinary studies, particularly in the realms of linguistics, peace studies, and social sciences. His research endeavors have explored diverse topics such as the sociopolitical roles of Oromo women, morphosemantic analysis of Oromo personal names, and the comparative analysis of epic traditions.

His doctoral candidacy in Peace and Development Studies at Haramaya University reflects his commitment to addressing complex societal issues and fostering sustainable peace. Additionally, his involvement in research projects such as "Human Trafficking from Ethiopia to the Middle East and Its Effects" underscores his dedication to shedding light on pressing social issues and advocating for vulnerable populations.

Accolades and Recognition

Mr. Tesfaye Gudeta Gerba's scholarly contributions have garnered recognition both nationally and internationally. His publications in esteemed journals such as the International Journal of Sciences and Women's Studies underscore his scholarly prowess and contribution to academic discourse.

Moreover, his participation in training programs and workshops, including those facilitated by Haramaya University and the University of Innsbruck, highlights his commitment to continuous learning and professional development.

Impact and Influence

Mr. Gerba's multifaceted contributions extend beyond academia, encompassing community engagement and capacity-building initiatives. His involvement in the 'HU-UIBK Partnership for Strengthening Institutional Capacity in Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation' underscores his dedication to fostering collaborative approaches to conflict resolution and peacebuilding.

Furthermore, his role as a mentor and educator has undoubtedly influenced aspiring scholars and professionals, shaping the trajectory of future generations in academia and beyond.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As Mr. Tesfaye Gudeta Gerba continues his academic journey and doctoral research, his legacy as a scholar, educator, and advocate for peace and social justice will endure. His interdisciplinary approach to research and commitment to community engagement lay the groundwork for future scholars to build upon, fostering a legacy of academic excellence and social impact.

Moving forward, Mr. Gerba's contributions are poised to expand, with the potential to catalyze positive change in Ethiopia and beyond. Whether through his research endeavors, educational initiatives, or community outreach efforts, his dedication to advancing knowledge and promoting peace will undoubtedly leave an indelible mark on academia and society as a whole.

Notable Publication

Heresh Amini – Data analysis innovation – Best Researcher Award 

Assoc Prof Dr. Heresh Amini - Data analysis innovation - Best Researcher Award 

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai - United States

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Assoc Prof Dr. Hassan (Heresh) Amini embarked on his academic journey with a Bachelor's degree in Environmental Health Engineering from Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, in 2009. His passion for environmental health led him to pursue a Master's degree in Environmental Health Engineering at Tehran University of Medical Sciences, where he graduated in 2012. Subsequently, he obtained a Ph.D. in Epidemiology from the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), University of Basel, Switzerland, in 2017. His doctoral research, under the mentorship of Nino Künzli, focused on environmental epidemiology, laying the foundation for his future contributions to the field.

Professional Endeavors

Following his Ph.D., Amini continued his academic journey as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Environmental Epidemiology at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USA, from 2018 to 2019, working under the guidance of Joel Schwartz. His postdoctoral work further honed his expertise in environmental health research, preparing him for leadership roles in academia and research.

Contributions and Research Focus On Data analysis innovation

Assoc Prof Dr. Amini's research interests revolve around advancing exposure assessment in environmental health research and understanding the health effects of environmental exposures. He has expertise in geo-spatial data science, machine learning, and epidemiology, allowing him to conduct groundbreaking research on the health impacts of air pollution and other environmental hazards. His contributions include developing advanced computational models for exposure assessment, analyzing the health effects of air pollution using epidemiological study designs, and applying causal inference techniques in his research.

Accolades and Recognition

Throughout his career, Amini has received numerous awards and honors for his outstanding contributions to environmental epidemiology. Notable accolades include the Rosenblith New Investigator Award from the Health Effects Institute, the Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Commission Award from the Swiss Academy of Sciences, and the Distinctive National Environmental Health Researcher Award from the Ministry of Health and Medical Education in Iran. His research has been recognized internationally, earning him awards such as the Best Abstract by an Early Career Researcher at the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology Conference and the Top Reviewers in Environment and Ecology Award from Web of Science.

Impact and Influence

Assoc Prof Dr. Amini's research has had a significant impact on the field of environmental health, contributing to our understanding of the health effects of air pollution and other environmental hazards. His work has been published in prestigious journals and has informed public health policies aimed at reducing environmental exposures and improving population health outcomes. Amini's expertise in exposure assessment and epidemiology has positioned him as a leading figure in the field, with his research shaping the direction of future studies and interventions.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As Amini continues his academic journey as an Associate Professor at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, his legacy of excellence in environmental epidemiology and commitment to advancing public health will endure. He will continue to mentor the next generation of researchers, guiding them in exploring new areas and developing their skills. Amini's future contributions are poised to further our understanding of the complex relationship between environmental exposures and health outcomes, ultimately leading to improved population health and well-being.

Notable Publication


Khorrami, Z.Pourkhosravani, M.Karamoozian, A., ...Etemad, K.Khanjani, N.

Danesh Yazdi, M.Amini, H.Wei, Y., ...Shi, L.Schwartz, J.D.

Amini, H.Amini, M.Wright, R.O.

Aruna Polisetty – Technology Adoption  – Women Researcher Award

Dr. Aruna Polisetty - Technology Adoption  - Women Researcher Award

VIT Business School  - India

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Aruna Polisetty embarked on her academic journey with a strong foundation in commerce, completing her B.Com and M.Com with distinction from Andhra University. Her academic prowess led her to pursue further studies, where she earned her MBA from Andhra University in 2008, specializing in Finance. Building on this, she obtained a PGDBM from Ambedkar Institute of Management Studies in 2005, where she emerged as a Gold Medalist. Notably, she expanded her academic horizons by delving into psychology, earning an M.Sc in Psychology, enriching her interdisciplinary approach to education.

Professional Endeavors

With over 16 years of experience in the teaching field, Dr. Polisetty's journey is adorned with significant professional milestones. She served as an Assistant Professor at esteemed institutions such as G.I.T.A.M. Institute of Management, G.I.T.A.M. University, Visakhapatnam, and K.L.U. Business School, K.L. University, where she imparted knowledge and nurtured budding talents. Her dedication and expertise were further recognized as she ascended to the position of Associate Professor at the Department of M.B.A., Dadi Institute of Engineering and Technology.

Currently, she serves as a Senior Assistant Professor at SCMS, Nagpur, Symbiosis International University Campus, since June 2021, where she continues to inspire and shape young minds, fostering a culture of academic excellence.

Contributions and Research Focus

Dr. Polisetty's academic interests are diverse and impactful, spanning areas such as Cost & Financial Accounting, Tourism Studies, Case Study Development, Sustainability, and Technology Adoption. Her research endeavors have led to numerous publications in esteemed journals, addressing pertinent issues in finance, management, and social responsibility. Notable publications include studies on logistics' impact on the Indian economy, financing measures for MSMEs, and the influence of spirituality on organizational dynamics.

She has also contributed significantly to the field of education through her research guidance, nurturing the next generation of scholars. Her guidance culminated in the completion of Ph.D. research by Vijaya Kittu Manda, focusing on the Structural Measures of Market Competition & Total Factor Productivity of Actively Managed Indian Midcap Mutual Funds.

Accolades and Recognition

Dr. Polisetty's contributions have garnered recognition both nationally and internationally. Her research publications have been featured in renowned journals, underscoring the quality and relevance of her work. She has also actively participated in workshops and conferences, honing her skills and staying abreast of the latest developments in academia. Noteworthy workshops include those on research methodologies, case writing, and intellectual property rights, reflecting her commitment to continuous learning and professional growth.

Impact and Influence

Dr. Polisetty's influence extends beyond academia, as evidenced by her research addressing real-world challenges and contributing to policy discussions. Her studies on financial inclusion, corporate social responsibility, and risk management have provided valuable insights for practitioners and policymakers alike. By bridging the gap between theory and practice, she has made a tangible impact on businesses, communities, and society at large.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As Dr. Polisetty looks to the future, her legacy is defined by her unwavering dedication to education, research, and societal impact. Her passion for teaching and mentoring ensures that her influence extends far beyond her immediate sphere, shaping the minds and careers of future leaders. Moving forward, she remains committed to pushing the boundaries of knowledge, fostering innovation, and driving positive change through her research and academic endeavors. Dr. Polisetty's vision and contributions will continue to inspire generations to come, leaving an indelible mark on the realms of education and scholarship.


  • Citations    117
  • h-index        7
  • i10-index     3

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