Amarachi Onyena – Water Quality – Best Researcher Award 

Dr. Amarachi Onyena - Water Quality - Best Researcher Award 

Nigeria Maritime University Okerenkoko - Nigeria

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Amarachi Paschaline Onyena's academic journey commenced with a Bachelor's degree in Biological Science (Hydrobiology) from the Federal University of Technology, Owerri. Her undergraduate project focused on evaluating heavy metal concentrations in fishes from river and aquaculture systems. This foundational research instilled in her a keen interest in environmental studies, particularly in understanding the impact of anthropogenic activities on aquatic ecosystems.

Following her undergraduate studies, Dr. Onyena pursued a Master's degree in Marine Sciences, specializing in Marine Pollution and Management, at the University of Lagos. Her master's dissertation delved into the evaluation of anthropogenic impacts on sediment and macrobenthic fauna in creeks around Lagos Lagoon. This research underscored her commitment to investigating the ecological ramifications of human activities on marine environments.

Professional Endeavors

Dr. Onyena's professional journey has been marked by a blend of research, teaching, and community engagement activities. As a lecturer at the Nigeria Maritime University, Okerenkoko, she has contributed significantly to the academic development of students in the field of environmental management. Her expertise spans various courses such as Water Quality, Marine Pollution, and Marine Biology.

In addition to her teaching responsibilities, Dr. Onyena has been actively involved in research projects focusing on water quality assessment, microplastics pollution, and benthic ecology. Her research endeavors have been augmented by international experiences, including a TWAS-CSIR Fellowship and participation in research programs in India and Germany. These experiences have broadened her perspective and enriched her scientific insights.

Contributions and Research Focus

Dr. Onyena's research has made substantial contributions to the understanding of water quality dynamics, pollution assessment, and ecological risk evaluation in aquatic ecosystems, particularly in the Niger Delta region. Her studies on benthic macroinvertebrates, microplastics, and heavy metal pollution have provided valuable insights into the ecological health of coastal environments.

Furthermore, her involvement in global initiatives such as the World Youth Parliament for Water and participation in conferences and workshops demonstrates her commitment to addressing water-related challenges on a broader scale. Through her research and advocacy efforts, Dr. Onyena aims to promote sustainable water management practices and raise awareness about environmental conservation.

Accolades and Recognition

Dr. Onyena's academic achievements have been recognized through various awards and fellowships, including the TWAS-CSIR Ph.D. Fellowship and Institution Based Research (IBR) TETFUND grant. These accolades attest to her scholarly excellence and dedication to advancing scientific knowledge in her field.

Impact and Influence

Dr. Onyena's work has had a tangible impact on both academic discourse and environmental policymaking. Her research findings have been published in reputable journals and presented at international conferences, contributing to the global body of knowledge on marine ecology and pollution. Moreover, her involvement in community development initiatives and youth engagement programs underscores her commitment to fostering environmental stewardship among future generations.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As she continues her academic and professional journey, Dr. Onyena's legacy lies in her commitment to interdisciplinary research, mentorship of young scholars, and advocacy for sustainable environmental practices. Through her endeavors, she aspires to inspire positive change and contribute meaningfully to the preservation and conservation of aquatic ecosystems for generations to come.

Notable Publication



Pierre Rouault – Water management – Young Scientist Award 

Mr. Pierre Rouault - Water management - Young Scientist Award 

French National Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment - France

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Mr. Pierre Rouault's academic journey began with a strong focus on agronomy and environmental management. His early academic pursuits laid the foundation for his future endeavors in water management and remote sensing. Starting with internships and projects during his master's degree, Pierre gained hands-on experience in various aspects of agriculture, from simulating water and nitrogen balances to analyzing the impact of co-cultures on root development. These experiences not only sharpened his research skills but also instilled a deep understanding of the complexities of agricultural systems.

Professional Endeavors

Mr. Pierre's professional journey reflects a commitment to bridging academia with practical applications in agriculture. From internships focusing on specific crops like Vitis vinifera and Actinidia deliciosa to projects involving invasive plant management, he has demonstrated versatility and adaptability in tackling agricultural challenges. His involvement in temporary work across different sectors also showcases his work ethic and diverse skill set, underscoring his ability to navigate various work environments effectively.

Contributions and Research Focus

Mr. Pierre's primary research focus lies at the intersection of water management and remote sensing, particularly in Mediterranean orchards. His thesis work, evaluating agricultural practices for water resource management, highlights the importance of leveraging satellite systems to monitor orchard characteristics crucial for water management. By utilizing optical data from satellites like Pleiades and Sentinel 2, Pierre's methodologies offer accessible and reproducible means to address water scarcity challenges in Mediterranean climates. This research contributes valuable insights into sustainable orchard management practices and holds significant implications for agricultural water resource management globally.

Accolades and Recognition

Mr. Pierre's contributions to agricultural research have not gone unnoticed. His publication on satellite-based orchard characterization in Mediterranean climates underscores his scholarly impact and recognition within the scientific community. Additionally, his active participation in conferences and workshops further highlights his commitment to knowledge dissemination and collaboration within his field.

Impact and Influence

Through his research and professional endeavors, Pierre has made tangible contributions to agricultural science, particularly in the realm of water management. His work has the potential to influence agricultural practices, policy-making, and resource allocation strategies aimed at addressing water scarcity challenges in orchard ecosystems. By integrating advanced remote sensing techniques with practical agricultural insights, Pierre's research has the power to drive innovation and sustainability in agricultural water management practices.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As Pierre continues to advance in his career, his legacy will be shaped by his dedication to advancing knowledge in water management and remote sensing applications in agriculture. By nurturing collaborations, mentoring future scholars, and advocating for sustainable agricultural practices, Pierre aims to leave a lasting impact on the field. His future contributions hold promise for addressing pressing agricultural challenges and shaping a more resilient and sustainable future for orchard ecosystems worldwide.

In conclusion, Pierre Rouault's journey from early academic pursuits to impactful research and professional endeavors exemplifies a commitment to excellence in agricultural science. His interdisciplinary approach, coupled with a passion for addressing real-world challenges, positions him as a driving force in advancing agricultural sustainability and resilience.

Notable Publication


Getasew Tariku – Agricultural innovations – Editorial Board member

Mr. Getasew Tariku - Agricultural innovations - Editorial Board member

Mekdela Amba University - Ethiopia

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Mr. Getasew Daru Tariku began his academic journey with a deep-rooted interest in the fields of Rural Development and Agricultural Extension. This path led him to pursue higher education relevant to these subjects, focusing on how scientific and practical knowledge in agriculture can be effectively disseminated to improve rural livelihoods. His educational background laid a solid foundation for understanding complex issues related to economic growth, sustainable development, and food security. Through rigorous academic training, Getasew gained a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities in rural communities, particularly in developing countries like Ethiopia.

Professional Endeavors

Following his academic training, Getasew Daru Tariku embarked on a career as a Lecturer at the Department of Rural Development and Agricultural Extension at Mekdela Amba University, College of Agriculture and Natural Resource. In this role, he is actively involved in teaching and mentoring students, designing course content, and participating in various administrative and academic committees. His commitment to education and student development is evident in his dedication to providing a learning environment that encourages the application of theoretical knowledge to practical situations, thereby enhancing the impact of academic learning on real-world rural development challenges.

Contributions and Research Focus On Agricultural innovations

Mr. Getasew's research focuses primarily on key areas such as sustainable development, economic growth, agriculture technology adoption, gender issues, and food security. He has conducted various studies that address the adoption of innovative agricultural technologies among smallholder farmers and its impact on their economic standing and food security. His work often incorporates gender perspectives to ensure that development interventions are inclusive and equitable. By examining the multifaceted aspects of rural development, Getasew contributes valuable insights into how sustainable practices can be implemented effectively in the context of Ethiopian agriculture and beyond.

Accolades and Recognition

Throughout his career, Getasew has received recognition both from academic peers and professional bodies for his contributions to rural development and agricultural extension. His work has been featured in several academic conferences, where he has presented papers and participated in critical discussions that shape the field. Although specific awards and honors are not detailed here, individuals in such positions often receive accolades for their research contributions and their impact on policy and practice in rural development.

Impact and Influence

Mr. Getasew's influence extends beyond the classroom and academia; it reaches into the communities he studies and serves. By focusing on practical and applicable research, he ensures that his findings do not just remain within scholarly papers but translate into better farming practices, enhanced food security, and improved economic conditions for rural populations. His work on technology adoption, in particular, has shown pathways for increasing agricultural productivity and sustainability, which is crucial for the livelihoods of many in Ethiopia.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Looking to the future, Getasew Daru Tariku is poised to continue his impactful work in rural development. His ongoing research and teaching will likely inspire a new generation of students and scholars to explore innovative solutions for agriculture and rural economies. The legacy he builds is one of commitment to sustainable development and empowerment of local communities through education and science. As he advances in his career, his future contributions are expected to further influence policies and practices that address the core challenges of rural development in Ethiopia and similar contexts worldwide.

In sum, Getasew Daru Tariku stands as a dedicated educator and researcher whose work significantly contributes to the fields of rural development, sustainable agriculture, and food security. His efforts not only advance academic understanding but also practical implementations that foster economic and social improvements in rural communities.

Notable Publication


Muna Salameh – Sustainable Architecture Award –  Women Researcher

Dr. Muna Salameh - Sustainable Architecture Award -  Women Researcher

Ajman university - United Arab Emirates

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Muna Salameh embarked on her academic journey with a Bachelor's degree in Architecture from AN Najah National University in Palestine, where she demonstrated exceptional dedication and earned honors. She furthered her studies with a Master's degree in Urban Planning from the same institution, showcasing her commitment to interdisciplinary learning. Her thirst for knowledge led her to pursue a Ph.D. in Architecture and Sustainable Built Environment from BUID, where she delved deep into the realms of sustainable architecture, heritage preservation, and landscape design.

Professional Endeavors

With a solid academic foundation, Dr. Salameh transitioned into professional roles, blending practice with academia seamlessly. She honed her skills through practical experience in architecture while simultaneously documenting buildings and teaching architectural courses in various institutions across Palestine and the UAE. Since 2004, she has been a stalwart member of the faculty at Ajman University, where she has made significant contributions to both teaching and research in the field of architecture.

Contributions and Research Focus On Sustainable Architecture Award

Dr. Salameh's research focus encompasses several critical areas within the realm of architecture and sustainable built environment. Her work delves into the impact of courtyard orientation on the thermal performance of school buildings, the role of heritage conservation in sustainable modern urban designs, and the enhancement of student satisfaction through innovative school courtyard designs. She has also explored comparative analyses of thermal conditions between modern and traditional districts in hot-arid climates, shedding light on sustainable design solutions for diverse environments.

Accolades and Recognition

Throughout her illustrious career, Dr. Salameh has garnered widespread recognition for her contributions to academia and research. Her papers have been published in esteemed journals and presented at prestigious conferences, earning accolades such as the Best Presentation Award at the 6th International Conference on Architecture and Civil Engineering (ICACE2022). Additionally, her open-access paper has been acknowledged by Elsevier for its substantial contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), further solidifying her status as a thought leader in the field.

Impact and Influence

Dr. Salameh's research has had a profound impact on the field of sustainable architecture and urban planning, influencing both academic discourse and practical applications. By bridging the gap between heritage conservation and sustainability, her work has paved the way for innovative approaches to modern urban design in hot-arid climates. Her emphasis on student satisfaction and performance through thoughtful architectural interventions underscores her commitment to creating environments that foster learning and well-being.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As Dr. Salameh continues her academic pursuits, her legacy is marked by a dedication to pushing the boundaries of sustainable architecture and urban planning. Her multifaceted approach, encompassing research, teaching, and community engagement, sets a benchmark for future generations of architects and scholars. Looking ahead, she remains committed to addressing global challenges through her research, advocating for environmentally conscious design practices, and nurturing the next wave of architectural innovators.

In summary, Dr. Muna Salameh's journey from early academic pursuits to her current role as an esteemed Assistant Professor at Ajman University is a testament to her passion, dedication, and profound impact on the field of architecture and sustainable built environment. Her contributions, accolades, and future aspirations all reflect a commitment to excellence and a vision for a more sustainable and equitable built environment.


  • Citations   94
  • h-index       5
  • i10-index    3

Notable Publication



Erone Ghizoni Santos – Ecology – Best Researcher Award 

Mr. Erone Ghizoni Santos - Ecology - Best Researcher Award 

University of Helsinki  - Finland

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Mr. Erone Ghizoni dos Santos began his academic journey with a strong foundation in Forest Engineering, graduating from the University State of Santa Catarina in Brazil in 2014. During this time, he also pursued vocational and technical education in business, showcasing his early interest in interdisciplinary knowledge. This educational background laid the groundwork for his future endeavors in environmental sciences and forestry management.

Endeavors and Contributions

Following his graduation, Erone delved deeper into his field through various internships and short-term courses, gaining practical experience and expanding his skill set. Notably, his internship at Esteio Engenharia e Aerolevantamentos SA provided hands-on exposure to forestry consultancy, further shaping his understanding of the industry's practical aspects.

His pursuit of knowledge extended beyond traditional academics, as evidenced by his involvement in projects such as evaluating the growth and commercial production of Pinus taeda and using organic waste for composting techniques in building vegetable gardens. These experiences underscore his holistic approach to forestry, incorporating aspects of sustainability and environmental management into his skill set.

Research Focus and Accolades On Ecology

Mr. Erone's academic journey took a significant leap forward with his Master's in Remote Sensing from the National Institute for Space Research (INPE) in Brazil. His thesis on forest biomass estimation in the Amazon biome using multi-stage approaches demonstrated his proficiency in utilizing advanced technologies like LiDAR and orbital image data for ecological research.

His contributions to mapping and monitoring forest degradation using remote sensing data, supported by FAPESP, showcased his commitment to addressing pressing environmental issues. Additionally, his research on dendrochronology, climate variation, and historical use of Araucaria angustifolia highlighted his interdisciplinary approach, bridging forestry with climatology and historical ecology.

Impact and Influence

Mr. Erone's work has left a lasting impact on the field of geosciences, particularly in understanding the effects of selective logging on tropical forest microclimates. His publications in peer-reviewed journals and presentations at international conferences have contributed valuable insights into forest ecology, microclimate dynamics, and carbon estimation methodologies. By combining fieldwork, remote sensing techniques, and innovative research methodologies, he has advanced our understanding of tropical ecosystems' resilience and vulnerability to anthropogenic disturbances.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As Erone continues his PhD research at the University of Helsinki, his legacy is marked by a dedication to interdisciplinary research, technological innovation, and environmental stewardship. His future contributions hold promise for furthering our knowledge of forest ecosystems and their responses to global environmental changes. With his expertise in LiDAR, forest microclimate, and biomass estimation, Erone is poised to make significant strides in sustainable forest management, climate change mitigation, and biodiversity conservation, leaving a lasting legacy for generations to come.

Notable Publication